Originally posted by Tom W
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One of the more concerning things I've seen thru this pandemic is how easily willing people are to say goodbye to their personal freedoms and liberty. These are issues that people used to fight for. Today, we can't seem to give them up fast enough.
And I know. That statement makes me a "anti-vaxer" and a conspiracy theorist. And actually I'm not. Everyone in my immediate family, including myself, are now immunized, and I encouraged all of them to do so. I have an older brother who is to the left of Jon and Strangelove who was actually an anti-vaxer for several weeks, but went and got the J&J last Thursday. I've been working on him for weeks to get it done. I'd like to think my encouragement to him helped get him into the office and roll up his sleeve."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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In terms of real policy, welp, we have immigration, jobs and inflation directly related to Chairman Joe policies: https://www.nationalreview.com/corne...ens-arguments/
It still astounds me that The Media has actually self-sensored "crisis" from describing the border crisis (AP and Politico). I mean, every day of the PDJT administration was a "crisis" including, well, you know, unaccompanied minors -- KIDS IN CAGES! Welp, KIDS IN CAGES!!!! is not a crisis any more. Not only is it not a crisis, it's not even worth reporting on and, if you do, it's teens in jail-like facilities. Meanwhile, Border State DEMOCRATS are calling it a fucking crisis and asking that Chairman Joe act.
The jobs numbers were staggeringly off. The answer for the Progs and Chairman Joe, of course, is that WE MUST DO MORE!!!!! The brazenly stupid and ignorant understanding of human behavior and incentives is staggering. The reason the jobs are so blindingly off is you're paying people to not work thanks to your grotesquely unnecessary $1.9T "Covid Relief" bill. https://www.nationalreview.com/the-m...-hiring-slump/
Finally, we'll see where we stand on inflation. As Hannibal (I think) noted, the one positive thing with The Media's efforts to promote The Party is that they are doing their damndest to keep inflation off the radar. But, at some point, profligate spending is going to have its predictable effect. Chairman Joe still has to deal with reality (well, heh, who knows) -- but reality is still out there and the fundamental reaction to pumping an unnecessary $1.9T into the economy is inflation (let alone his proposed $6T). Hopefully it won't be too bad.
I know I said finally -- but one quick observation -- the Progs and Chairman Joe apprently now think that daycare is "infrastructure" but appartuses used to provide energy on a regional scale are not. That is where the Ds are.Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
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Originally posted by lineygoblue View PostOne of the more concerning things I've seen thru this pandemic is how easily willing people are to say goodbye to their personal freedoms and liberty. These are issues that people used to fight for. Today, we can't seem to give them up fast enough.
And I know. That statement makes me a "anti-vaxer" and a conspiracy theorist. And actually I'm not. Everyone in my immediate family, including myself, are now immunized, and I encouraged all of them to do so. I have an older brother who is to the left of Jon and Strangelove who was actually an anti-vaxer for several weeks, but went and got the J&J last Thursday. I've been working on him for weeks to get it done. I'd like to think my encouragement to him helped get him into the office and roll up his sleeve.
The DeSantis/Cuomo/Newsome comps are going to give right-minded folks the confidence to question whether or not the Progressive Technocracy knows what the fuck they're talking about. They will, to be sure, go to far -- (IMO, if you're over 35, get your damn vaccine). But, I'd rather have that brand of crazy than the giant fucking brain-dead pussies who simply drop to their knees and swallow what ever Progressive Technocracy gives them.Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
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At this point, mask mandates are hard to justify. I don't think I've ever taken a hard-over you have to wear a mask position here. I have argued the proof is there that they help reduce transmission of SARS2. I don' t need to be reminded of the graphs of states mandating masks v. those who didn't. Too many uncontrolled variables in most of them to make conclusions about causation. Moreover, wearing or not wearing a mask going forward isn't high-ground I'm willing to defend.
In actuality, there aren't a lot of true mask mandates coming from state and local governments anyway so getting worked up about this is sort of a waste of time. Businesses can mandate masks and I'm fine with that. I have a choice to wear one to go inside that business or go somewhere else. I feel a bit differently about vaccines, SARS2 and all the rest.
I'll concede SARS2 vaccines should be available and optional. Not the approach I'd like even though in another 6 months or so SARS2 WILL be very much like Influenza. That shot is optional and should be a my body, my choice sort of thing. However, to get there SARS2 vaccination rates have to rise here in the US and globally. As that happens, PH messaging should change wrt to mitigation measures and even the SRAS2 vaccine.
Meanwhile, we could be doing our part to get there in the US. Does anyone want to deny that high SARS2 vaccination rates by locale, state and country produce control of the virus and reduced transmission rates? That's a greater good, no? Still, in the current cultural circumstance where doing something for the greater good doesn't enter into the decision making process, I get it. Well, maybe for some it does but in the final decision - do I get one or not - it's weighting isn't significant enough to decide to get one and overcome the irrational fear of the vaccines or preservation of one's freedom of choice.
I assume you're fine with sending your kids to schools with other parents that won't have their kids vaccinated for polio, MMR and meningitis, right? Meningitis vaccine is optional.... and only becasue it is fairly recent and born in the same cultural circumstance as the SARS2 vaccines. The other shots aren't optional. Should they be?Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
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Originally posted by Tom W View PostI managed movie theaters for 10 years. I saw (and DID) all kinds of crazy shit. But never once did anyone ever even come close to yelling "Fire".
Truly gone fishing, they have.
That’s right. Because there is a limit to “Mah Freedumbs” when it comes to the common good.
If you snowflakes want to get back to normal, get the damn shot.I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on
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"We must be brave enough to defend the basic principles that underpin and protect our freedom and our democratic process. Trump is seeking to unravel critical elements of our constitutional structure that make democracy work -- confidence in the result of elections and the rule of law. No other American president has ever done this. The Republican Party is at a turning point, and Republicans must decide whether we are going to choose truth and fidelity to the Constitution." - US Rep Liz Cheney - R.
That's the issue that's coming to a head this week. The House GOP votes on Cheney's #3 leadership position in the House. Staunch conservative, voted 92% alignment with Trump. Yet when she puts country over cult, she's castigated and excoriated for patriotic duty. I may disagree with several of her stances politically, but I have a boatload of respect for her. This vote will tell us what the GOP wants to be - Heaven's Gate with DJT as Marshal Applewhite or a viable party anchored in conservative political thought. Its a choice between fully immersing in a cult or defending the Constitution.
Keep Liz Cheney.
“Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx
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Re: masks. I think they obviously reduce aerosol mist. Any mist trapped in the mask is mist I am not breathing in a tight space in doors. It’s why we wear them in hospitals and have for 150 years. Is it foolproof? Nah. Will it make a huge difference? Short of a properly fitted N-95, probably not. Will it help some? Probably. To me, it’s one more defense to keep those in charge from enacting more shut-downs. But I’m with Talent. Let businesses and school districts decide.
Re: FDA approval for Covid vaccines. They were given emergency approval by the FDA because we could not wait 3-10 years for testing. This was something pushed by the WarpSpeed folks and makes absolute sense.
Re: Immunity from lawsuits. Sure. It was necessary. You get a vaccine pushed through without longterm studies and full approval and research, there would be lawsuits with any untoward side effect. There are always side effects. There is always a portion of any population large enough who dies from vaccines, antibiotics, anesthesia, and just about any drug we dispense. This got the shots on the streets earlier.
Thank you for your time. I will not be taking questions at this time.
"The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln
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Right now we’re basically at a point where if you want a shot you can get a shot like today. That’s it. It’s time to move on.
Some states will. Others will not. The Technocracy will continue to declare it dire and, e.g., caution against associating outdoors w/o a double mask.
Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
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Yeah. Double masks and outdoor mask wearing is a reach. As such, I kinda appreciate the no mask folks as it offers a bit of a check for draconian and ridiculous frog-in-a-pot incrementalism.
But protesting businesses and schools requiring them isn’t something I’m inclined to engage in."The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln
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Originally posted by AlabamAlum View PostYeah. Double masks and outdoor mask wearing is a reach. As such, I kinda appreciate the no mask folks as it offers a bit of a check for draconian and ridiculous frog-in-a-pot incrementalism.
But protesting businesses and schools requiring them isn’t something I’m inclined to engage in.
I think Ohio State will full capacity, too. I’m certain M will not. Heh.Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
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