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  • I've no problem admitting I think black people, based on historical mistreatment, are entitled to more leeway to bitch about their situation. And I can admit it's probably got as much or more to do with feelings than facts.
    And this is true, IMO. And I think you can still make a case, if you're so inclined, based on the facts.

    Another thing that I didn't mention, but that also bothers me, is the this transition to "White Supremacy" language. I look around and in almost any system you want to define, Asian-Americans do better than Whites. Jews also do better than non-Jewish white folks. What we're really talking about his AAs. Even when you try to gin up a controversy to buttress White Supremacy like "Asian-American hate crimes" -- when you actually look at the facts, the numbers are (a) incredibly small (which is why it's always reported as a percent increase); and (b) the perpetrators are more likely to be BLACK than white.

    So, there's a ton of nuance and analysis that ought to go into this discussion, and it just doesn't. And it never will. We are not moving in the direction of rational discussion. We are in a giant big bang of irrationality where we are moving at light speed to an utter inability to discuss any substantive policy issue in susbstantive policy terms. There is plenty of blame to go around on that. We probably differ in how we portion it out, but it's happening.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • Geezer posted ...."everyone should read this (the anonymous UCB History professor's letter that Talent linked to." I can tell some did. Not everyone and "everyone" should read it. Posts on both sides of this today nibble at a lot of what the UCB prof offers up.

      Subject change: One of the messages in the UCB prof's letter was this:

      As the PRC, an ethnonationalist and aggressively racially chauvinist national polity with null immigration and no concept of jus solis increasingly presents itself as the global political alternative to the US, I ask you: Is this wise? Are we really doing the right thing?

      I tend not to be as doomsday as Hanni and now, I think, Talent a bit to, regarding the demise of rational discourse ...... the lack of it evolving to a breakdown of civil order and the collapse of what Ronald Reagan is famously known for describing America as the "shining city on the hill"

      I have quoted John Winthrop’s words more than once on the campaign trail this year — for I believe that Americans in 1980 are every bit as committed to that vision of a shining ‘city on a hill’, as were those long ago settlers …

      These visitors to that city on the Potomac do not come as white or black, red or yellow; they are not Jews or Christians; conservatives or liberals; or Democrats or Republicans. They are Americans awed by what has gone before, proud of what for them is still… a shining city on a hill.

      It still is despite obvious trends that suggest it isn't

      But like Talent beats his drum repeating the important point he wants repeated, repeatedly, I'm beating the drum regarding the likelihood that our worst enemies are largely behind the formulation of the many false narratives that those that question them are struggling with. It may not be just enemies outside our boarders; it is just as likely dupes of the PRC's agents, some of them in high political places or with substantial wealth as to become opinion shapers that the UCB prof bemoans.

      The solution is to reject them. Push back in our own seemingly small ways that we can do that rather than becoming entrenched in a pity party of anger, such anger derived from well evolved ideologies we hold from either side of the political spectrum we might reside.
      Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; April 21, 2021, 11:24 AM.
      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


      • To channel more George Carlin, I don't have pet-peeves, I have psychotic fucking hatreds. One of the biggest is dishonest reporting from Leftist activists masquerading as journalists. Case in point: This trash from Vice. You see, the big revelation about the Ma'Khia Bryant shooting isn't that she was readying to plunge a knife into another girl, it's that an officer responded to the scene with a Blue Lives Matter mask.

        Here's the opening paragraph:

        Ma’Khia Bryant was shot dead by Columbus police Tuesday after, according to her family, calling them for help. And before the 16-year-old’s body was even cold, a Columbus cop showed up to the crime scene wearing a “Blue Lives Matter” mask.

        "Before the body was even cold" JFC!

        Here's more:

        Incomplete and edited body camera footage released by Columbus police within hours of the incident shows the officer arriving at the scene and asking “What’s going on?” as multiple people, including Bryant, are fighting.

        "Incomplete and edited body camera footage"? Hmm, trying to cast doubt on VIDEO EVIDENCE of Bryant trying to stab another person.

        As Bryant pushes another girl up against a car, the cop yells, “Get down” and then fires four shots at Bryant, who falls to the ground. The officer, who has not been named, then tells a group of people, “She just went at her.” A man responds: “She’s a fucking kid, man.” A knife is shown on the ground next to Bryant, and the video ends as Bryant begins receiving medical attention. She later died at a local hospital.

        Bryant’s mother told Columbus station WBNS that her daughter was a “very loving, peaceful little girl” and said she had a “motherly nature about her.”

        She promoted peace, and that’s something I want to always be remembered,” she added.

        "A knife is shown on the ground next to Bryant". It was also shown in her HAND as she attempted to stab someone. And, of course, no good media article excludes the tried and true "__________ was a such a good boy/girl" line from mom. Then there's the usual hand-wringing from local officials followed by this:

        But as anger spread about Bryant’s killing, a Columbus cop at the scene antagonized Black residents by wearing a Blue Lives Matter mask, according to a Facebook video and an eyewitness account to the Washington Post. “It’s an insult,” a man says in the video.

        It's an insult. Not the grown man who kicked a woman while she was on the ground. Not the fact that a teenager was trying to stab someone. No, no. The real problem is that a police officer wore a mask that shows his support for police officers.

        Then get this doozy of a tweet that for some reason Vice felt necessary to include in the article.

        Makiyah Bryant was calling the police for help when the police shot her. Protests are happening near the street where the shooting occurred.

        Really? She was in the act of calling the police or trying to stab a teenage girl?

        This is why people are tired of this race-baiting bullshit.
        Last edited by Mike; April 21, 2021, 11:36 AM.


        • It's hard to keep your sanity with all of this dishonest gaslighting bullshit, isn't it? I said in a previous comment, now I know why Russians suffering under the yoke of Communism drank so fucking much.


          • Mayor Ginther actually got it right when he the police were protecting a member of the community.

            And Sherrod Brown can go fuck himself.

            This is the time when we need sensible fucking Ds to stand up and say, "wait just a damn minute!" We had a number of sensible Rs saying "good" when Chauvin was convicted. I think this particular case is basically as obvious.

            I'm not holding my breath.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

              This is the time when we need sensible fucking Ds to stand up and say, "wait just a damn minute!"


              • This is the time when we need sensible fucking Ds to stand up and say, "wait just a damn minute!"
                Sorry, but Hubert Humphrey and Walter Mondale are no longer with us. Sad.
                "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
                  The solution is to reject them. Push back in our own seemingly small ways that we can do that rather than becoming entrenched in a pity party of anger, such anger derived from well evolved ideologies we hold from either side of the political spectrum we might reside.
                  Pay attention and take good notes. Always look for the root cause. As the evidence keeps coming it, it'll become clearer that it's NOT racist cops.


                  • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post

                    Sorry, but Hubert Humphrey and Walter Mondale are no longer with us. Sad.
                    Say it with me now: Barack. Hussein. Obama


                    • Talent -- did you see my challenge/questions to you about the Georgia Redneck Three? If so, please respond. Have a nice day.


                      • Just went to the Columbus Dispatch site to check out the latest. Here's an article about celebrities spreading the false narrative to their followers that Bryant was calling the police when she was shot.


                        "ABOLISH THE (expletive) POLICE. the same day we 'celebrate' a verdict for another loss that shoul've (sic) never happened, a Black child is murdered. ABOLISHMENT IS THE ONLY ANSWER," Kehlani wrote. The singer continued, adding that Bryant was "calling the police for help."

                        More celebrities reacted to the shooting, with George Takei calling to "end police terror."

                        "We cannot even have a moment of justice before another Black life is taken by the police, this time a teen named Ma'khia Bryant in Columbs, Ohio who called them for help. Instead, they shot her four times," he wrote.

                        But Kathy Griffin takes the cake by acknowledging Bryant had a knife but, hey fuck it, who's never tried to stab someone?

                        "How in the hell does this police officer think it's a good idea to fire shots blindly into a group of teenagers having a fight? Yes one of them has a knife," Griffin said. "Oh, that never happened in your school or neighborhood? She didn't deserve to die. 16 years old."

                        That last comment perfectly sums up the frustration among those of us who legitimately try to figure out the facts first and base our opinions on those facts. You have an adult person saying that a police officer should stand by and watch someone get stabbed, possibly to death, because using force to stop a murder is too mean. There is never.... NEVER any honest discussion of the culpability of the person on the receiving end of police force by The Media. And I'm not arguing that the police get it right every time. A) They are human and mistakes will be made. B) Some of them are shitbags. There are around 700,000 LE officers in the United States. If one half of one percent of them are hot-heads with behavioral problems who shouldn't be policing, that's still 3,500 people out there to cause problems. Whatever the number of cops that are shitbags is, there is still only a relative handful of sketchy shootings each year and they happen to people of all races. C) The police end up being in the right in the overwhelming majority of these types of incidents.

                        Last edited by Mike; April 21, 2021, 01:42 PM.


                        • Marxism is a nihilistic death cult of hate. Expecting to meet these people in the middle or to convince them to see reason is hopeless.


                          • eqPMWvLMjY.jpg


                            • In a sane world the headline for the Columbus story could be: Hero Cop Saves Life of Black Teenage Girl. A sizable number of people in our society would rather watch that black girl get stabbed than see a white police officer shoot the one doing the stabbing based on the color of everyone's skin. It's utterly insane. And sick.


                              • Yeah, the woman shot in the Capital was certainly shot for way less.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

