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  • Who’s Tump?


    • He's a typo for the orange jackass who was President for the past four years and was supported by morons.

      But you knew that...
      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


      • Yeah- he’s gone now, BTW..


        • All the self awareness of a dog licking its ass in public.

          You can't make this shit up.

          GOP senator applauds restaurant stimulus money after voting against relief bill

          Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) on Wednesday applauded a portion of the American Rescue Plan that provides relief for restaurants after he voted against the COVID-19 relief bill as a whole.

          Wicker in a tweet celebrated that Congress approved a $28.6 billion grant program for the restaurant and bar industry as part of the $1.9 trillion relief bill. He and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) proposed an amendment including the funding.

          In a tweet, the senator said that “independent restaurant operators have won $28.6 billion worth of targeted relief” through the passage of the American Rescue Plan.

          “This funding will ensure small businesses can survive the pandemic by helping to adapt their operations and keep their employees on the payroll,” Wicker added.

          The amendment from Wicker and Sinema intends to establish the Restaurant Revitalization Fund that gives debt-free support to businesses in the industry and covers eligible expenses such as payroll, mortgage, rent and utilities.

          But Wicker received widespread criticism for his tweet, with people accusing him of taking credit when he was one of the 49 Republican senators who voted against the COVID-19 relief package, which passed the House on Wednesday and the Senate on Saturday.

          The senator told reporters when asked about his vote against the bill, “One good provision in a $1.9. trillion bill doesn't mean I have to vote for the whole thing.”

          When asked whether he was taking credit for something he opposed, he answered, “I was for that bill, introduced that bill, long, long before this legislation.”

          “I think it’s an entirely consistent position,” he added.

          An aide to Wicker told The Hill that the Mississippi senator has previously backed targeted relief for restaurants but that he “was not able to support $2 trillion in poorly targeted spending as was proposed by congressional Democrats.”

          “He will continue working to advance targeted relief for restaurants and other groups that have been hit hard by the pandemic,” the aide said.

          Leaders of the Independent Restaurant Coalition and the National Restaurant Association praised the Mississippi senator, along with Sinema, for proposing the amendment in statements released after the relief package passed the House.

          Among those condemning Wicker for his tweet was Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison, who said the senator had “no damn shame.”

          “Seriously?” Harrison wrote. “Seriously?! Y’all have no damn shame! Senator, YOU voted against the bill! Sorry, but that dog won’t hunt!”

          The American Rescue Plan will head to President Biden’s desk after passing the Senate and House with no Republican support.
          Earlier this week, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) predicted that Republican lawmakers would vote against the COVID-19 relief bill and then take credit for it.

          “I might say for our Republican colleagues who — they say no to the vote, and they show up at the ribbon-cuttings or the presentations,” she said.

          "That's unfortunate," she added. "As I said, they'll take some credit for it in their districts."
          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


          • He is the head of the GOP, if he wants the GOP nomination in 2024 it is his. Nobody can stop him.


            • I don't blame the socialists for focusing on PDJT. Their obsession will never die and, TBH, it's their winning card.

              PDJT's re the vaccine is about as silly as Kamala or Chairman Joe saying they had to start from scratch. Of course, the latter is a total fucking lie being made by current office-holders, but, you know, them progs going to prog.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Meanwhile, it looks like I'll get ANOTHER check (fingers crossed -- right on the edge) because both my wife and I were able to keep our jobs, transition to work from home and, of course, save lots of money working from home.

                I figure Covid has made me over 5 grand just in terms of free, untargeted government handouts. And they're tax free!
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • You bastard. We just missed out on this one. YOU'RE WELCOME, TAKER!


                  • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                    them progs going to prog.

                    Out of those 276, guess which was the only one where an unarmed rioter (who wasn't a direct threat to anyone) was shot and killed.


                    • It absolutely makes sense for Dems to bring up Trump as much as they can. And quite helpfully, Trump continues to push Republicans to remain in thrall to him.


                      • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                        You bastard. We just missed out on this one. YOU'RE WELCOME, TAKER!
                        I believe I got $29 from Trump's first payment, and that was the more generous round.

                        Govt handouts always target married couples and their miserable hellspawn. Us hard-working single folks that only have ourselves to rely on get screwed. SAD!!!!


                        • Well, if you were more palatable to the opposite sex maybe you wouldn't have that problem.


                          • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                            Well, if you were more palatable to the opposite sex maybe you wouldn't have that problem.

                            Rewarding all you deadbeats for getting a sham marriage in Vegas and popping out babies. I repeat: SAD!!! Meanwhile it's us single folks keeping the economy afloat and buying the damn candy bars, popcorn, or cheese spreads when your kids need to raise $5,000 for their softball team. I'm a damn hero.


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              It absolutely makes sense for Dems to bring up Trump as much as they can. And quite helpfully, Trump continues to push Republicans to remain in thrall to him.
                              I guess if that's what the Dems want to do, then have at it. They followed up on the ridiculous idea of shoving Hillary down our throats with the aging dim bulb of Biden, so continued obsession with Trump is just confirmation of their cluelessness. The "orange beast" played you guys for the last 4 years and you still think that everyone else are the fools. Good luck if you think that you can ride that out to 2024.


                              • Originally posted by Tom W View Post

                                I guess if that's what the Dems want to do, then have at it. They followed up on the ridiculous idea of shoving Hillary down our throats with the aging dim bulb of Biden, so continued obsession with Trump is just confirmation of their cluelessness. The "orange beast" played you guys for the last 4 years and you still think that everyone else are the fools. Good luck if you think that you can ride that out to 2024.
                                Running against Trump (so popular!) seems to have worked out for the Dems in 2018 and 2020. Can we make it three in a row??! Time will tell.

                                It would be great if there's plenty of tension between Dear Leader and the old school Republicans trying to drag the Party back to loving austerity. Maybe he'll pull a Georgia and send out hints that his acolytes shouldn't bother voting.

                                Good luck trying to turn the page from the "orange breast". You've already failed.

