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  • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
    If you have anything with a webcam, unplug it when you shut down for the day. You should turn your smart phone completely off when not in use. Don't just plug it in the charger. Also, be careful if you own an Alexa. Its constantly listening to everything you say.
    So, you're not OK with the proliferation of devices that allow our private lives to be surveilled? I see you have a plan to deal with that. Should government be involved with regulating the proliferations of such surveillance devices and capabilities? Don't such things used properly prevent crime? Promote public safety?
    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


    • What happened at the White Supremacist Coup D'etat today? Did our Army successfully defend our capital from the Trump Army? I hope that we had enough troops there.


      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

        Cruz says Biden doesn't care what Pittsburgh thinks.

        One, Biden got nearly 60% of the vote in Allegheny County. Significantly higher than that if you only count Pittsburgh city proper.

        Two, Ted Cruz voted to disenfranchise the entire state of Pennsylvania. So when he pretends to care what they think, I say "go fuck yourself, Ted".

        Three, when Trump withdrew from the Accords, the Mayor of Pittsburgh (who is still the Mayor) said the city would abide by them anyways.
        The citizens of suburban Pittsburgh likely weren't taking into account the long term economic effects of the Green New Deal and the destruction of the fracking industry there when they elected Joe Biden. Joe Biden's sole election platform was "I'm not Donald Trump".. Just because two thirds of the metropolitan area don't know or don't care that an economic policy will devastate that area doesn't make them right. The dipshit mayor can virtue signal all that he wants about complying with the agreement. He's probably not planning on still being the mayor when the real consequences of a nationwide halt on the consumption of fossil fuels hits home. But of course, when that happens, all of the people who lose their livelihods, jobs, and homes will just be part of the Angry White deplorables who don't have a legitimate grievance -- even though their industry was actively shut down by government.

        Good on Cruz for at least trying to stay afloat. And he's right BTW. Close to 100% of Democrats and maybe 50% of Republicans are globalists now. The question "but is this actually good for America?" never even enters their mind. It certainly hasn't entered into Joe's.
        Last edited by Hannibal; January 20, 2021, 11:58 PM.


        • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

          So, you're not OK with the proliferation of devices that allow our private lives to be surveilled? I see you have a plan to deal with that. Should government be involved with regulating the proliferations of such surveillance devices and capabilities? Don't such things used properly prevent crime? Promote public safety?
          I use my webcam once per week to have a video chat with my brothers, one of whom lives out of state. I'm fine with companies making these devices, selling them, and consumers buying them, to use for whatever peaceful and legal purposes they choose. I don't think the government has the right to randomly use those devices to peek into my life, or the lives of my neighbors, just because they want to know what is "going on in there". Its none of their business.

          If I mount a video camera on my double wide, to watch my yard for me, and that camera picks up someone committing a crime, I have no problem with sharing that video with the authorities. I don't think that my purchasing a video camera to use for that purpose, gives the authorities the right to look thru it any time they choose, or an automatic right to demand it from me.
          Last edited by lineygoblue; January 21, 2021, 12:23 AM.
          "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


          • God I've never been happier about a career change than the one that I made a little over a year ago. I moved into Renewable Fuels from fossil fuels. Between that and my investments in Covid-19 profiteers in my 401K portfolio and I've got a pretty good hedge against Democrat rule. At least for a while. I take great delight in knowing that the voters of California will be helping fund my 401K by paying a couple of bucks extra (minimum) for transportation fuels..


            • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
              God I've never been happier about a career change than the one that I made a little over a year ago. I moved into Renewable Fuels from fossil fuels. Between that and my investments in Covid-19 profiteers in my 401K portfolio and I've got a pretty good hedge against Democrat rule. At least for a while. I take great delight in knowing that the voters of California will be helping fund my 401K by paying a couple of bucks extra (minimum) for transportation fuels..
              We're going the way of California here in Michigan too, Hanni. Gretch still wants that 170% increase in gasoline taxes, and she will likely get it. The RINO's in our legislature will be buying extra Chapstick so they can lube their lips properly, as they kiss her prominent patoot, and give her pretty much everything she wants or demands. She's likely to expand her demand to include home heating oil and propane, just to cover all her bases.

              Because fossil fuels are bad... and stuff.

              She says she wants to use the dough to "fix the dam roads", but that ain't happening. If she gets her hands on that money, its going to her pals that got her elected. Detroit must be saved, .. and all that.
              "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


              • Did I read that Joe Xiden appointed a guy named A. Blinken to be the new Ambassador to Israel?

                Mel Brooks must be directing this movie ...
                "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
                  I really didn't get the response I was looking for in my post on Ring. The potential for abuse is not insignificant...... Jon I expected a rant. Sorely disappointed.

                  Heh. With the orange anti-Christ gone, Truth, Justice and the American way is once again safe. Far less reason to rant, now that the source of all things inhumanly evil has returned to Florida.

                  My opinion is that if an individual wishes such a device for their own property, have at it. It's reassuring to some to have the video records of their property. Its the integration with a third party that troubles me. "We'll never do anything without YOUR permission". R-r-r-r-r-r-i-g-h-t.

                  I'm sure Ring has some compelling stories to justify their business experience. To me, its just marketing fluff. Ring is a database of doorbell cams (and vid devices). A crime is committed and Ring sends out an email asking who wants to supply video. BFD. A cop canvassing the block will knock on the same doors and ask did you see anything.

                  How are you going to like it when the court orders come down? We see from the Ring records you're a member and we demand your video.

                  How will you like it when its abused? Look, Jeff left home at 8am, which fits perfectly into the crime's timeframe. Don't have any other proof, but we got video of Jeff. Focus on him.

                  Despite our 'world class cyber security', we have just experienced (probably still experiencing) a massive cyber ass rape. You don't think some pimple faced teen hasn't already hacked Ring?

                  This product is not worth a rant. If it gives people a sense of security and maintains their blood pressure, great. Its a product trying to fill a "need" that doesn't exist. That's the point of marketing. You're better off with a stand alone system.
                  “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                  • God bless Kevin Williamson. I think DSL posted his farewell to PDJT yesterday. Well, here is a nice start to the Biden era -- more or less, "unity" can go fuck itself --

                    He is, of course, 100% correct. The clarion call should have been "respect" and variants thereof. That, at least, gets at a central issue that grew exponentionally under PDJT (in both directions). The opposition folks, e.g., don't need to be the #Resistance. They can simply go about disagreeing with Chairmain Joe.

                    Unity, though. Unity? Unity is the stuff of totalitarian states. Unity is the stuff of homogenous people. Unity is not the stuff of freedom. Unity is not the stuff of advancement in any area. Unity? LMMFAO.
                    Last edited by iam416; January 21, 2021, 07:59 AM.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • Worth reiterating:

                      The Portland antifa protestors were actually anti-Biden and we’re going after D HQ there.

                      Now, I ask anyone ... if this had been a ragtag group of “QAnon” right wing folks — would we be learning this from a small Fox article or would we learn of it from basically every other news channel doing live reports and covering it endlessly?

                      The answer is obvious—DSL would concede as much. Now, whether it matters or not—probably some dispute. But there really can’t be dispute over obvious disparate coverage.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • And finally, again, remember -- Chairman Biden choose 1619 over 1776. And environmental virtue signaling over 1000s of union jobs. In his first 6 hours.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                          And finally, again, remember -- Chairman Biden choose 1619 over 1776. And environmental virtue signaling over 1000s of union jobs. In his first 6 hours.
                          Looking like you should have voted Trump!


                          • Just reporting the facts on Chairman Joe.

                            Do you think Chairman Joe will celebrate Indpendence Day this year, or will he opt for Slaves Brought to America Day?
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • As a hate filled divider I would imagine it'll be reimagined as some sort of White Penitence day, where he'll go wash some illegal's feet or something and show humility.


                              • Certainly possible.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

