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  • There's should probably be something in that quote about "trying to scare the shit out of people with fancifully unlikely worst case scenarios" -- probably right after diagnosing it incorrectly.

    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • Happy birthday, Betty White. 99 years young today.
      “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


      • In my post this morning warning of the potential for a presumably "worst case" scenario - that of a civil war pitting American left and right extremist ideologues against each other - maybe the point wasn't clear. It is the lack of virtue across the entire spectrum of American society and governance that makes a civil war in America much more likely than it has been in any of our lifetimes and generations before us.

        As DSL notes, we may be tired of seeing footage of the riots in DC just as all of us were probably tired of seeing the footage of the massive destruction that took place in cities across the nation in May. But it's a good thing to keep looking at the citizens behind these chaotic events, the politicians that support and cheer them on and be reminded they have no virtue.

        Virtue ennobles individual character and lifts society as a whole. Virtuous principles eschew prejudice and discrimination, confirming that “all men are created equal.” Virtue encompasses characteristics of goodwill, patience, tolerance, kindness, respect, humility, gratitude, courage, honor, industry, honesty, chastity and fidelity. These precepts serve as the cornerstones for both individual happiness and societal governance.
        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


        • Relative likelihoods do nothing for me when the absolute likelihood is is exceedingly unlikely. I'm far, far, far, far more likely to die in car crash if I'm driving a car. So what. I stiil ride in cars.

          And I don't care about waxing on about virtue. What I care about is the creation of a problem (civil war!), the use of brazen dystopian scare tactics that would make the environmental lobby blush and the advocacy for fundamentally un-American policy in the name of "safety."

          I urge caution. I ask you to really fucking think about things you're advocating. Think about the potential risks of those policies especially in view of the likelihood of the risks they are intended to prevent. When it comes to PDJT (and the rioters), think about what it means for the term "incitement" or "insurrection" or future application of the same standards. PDJT is a bad actor, plain and simple, but the opposition desire to punish him is so strong that there's a real risk of overreach (in the broadest sense). I urge caution in that regard, too.

          **EDIT** -- to be clear, Jeff -- I know you give these things thought. I know you're intellectually honest in that you you don't start with a conclusion and try to backfill it. I know you sort of let your own borderline-senile mind mull things over and arrive at the spot you think is best. And it may be that this is where you end up. I don't think your position is indefensible at all. I just reached a different conclusion.
          Last edited by iam416; January 17, 2021, 11:26 AM.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • I should also note that the Rs in danger of drifting into prolonged irrelevance on the national stage. And what you have right now is Corporate America largely enforcing political "norms" -- i.e., woke dogma. People are fired; HS students losing their spot at University for a 3s Snapchat post when they were 14; cancel culture examples are rife; our paper of "record" pulls an OpEd piece from a R Senator b/c staffers feel "unsafe"; opposition leaders entirely deplatformed; 3 of the largest US companies colluding to obliterate an opposition service. If our government was doing this we'd be rightfully appalled. But, because it's Coprorate America, it's all good -- they're free to do as they please (except when it comes to baking cakes).

            It's quite possible that this dynamic will snap back to the middle. It's quite possible that the Ds will eventually splinter under the weight of their big tent. But, as of now -- and for at least the shorter to middle-ish term future, we have one party running Washington and a Corporate structure enforcing their political ideas. To be clear, I don't think it's necessarily a permanent state of things. But, I do very much think it's the state of things for awhile.

            That said, Rs will still control much of "Middle America" on a state and often local level. They will still have a strong voice in the laws that most directly affect them.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
              Relative likelihoods do nothing for me when the absolute likelihood is is exceedingly unlikely. I'm far, far, far, far more likely to die in car crash if I'm driving a car. So what. I stiil ride in cars.
              Agree. More than the rare likelihood of an American civil war erupting between political ideologies is the clear presence of a lack of virtue that inflames and creates the environment for violence.

              I urge caution. I ask you to really fucking think about things you're advocating. Think about the potential risks of those policies especially in view of the likelihood of the risks they are intended to prevent. When it comes to PDJT (and the rioters), think about what it means for the term "incitement" or "insurrection" or future application of the same standards. PDJT is a bad actor, plain and simple, but the opposition desire to punish him is so strong that there's a real risk of overreach (in the broadest sense). I urge caution in that regard, too.
              I'd conclude you exhibit virtue from that statement. There's not enough of this among the American citizenry or politicians. That's what I'm calling for using the, albeit rare, potential for a civil war.

              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


              • JB -- in case you missed, I added an edit to that post.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • Correct, Talent. And the issue to me is that it is bad enough that we have only two viable parties now, but we are in danger of becoming a one party system in the near future - which will be disastrous. The unchecked influx of illegals given the vote will continue to tilt the scale (btw, saw on the news there is another huge mob heading for the border now).

                  It’s all depressing. You can blame the complicit media, the relentless attacks and investigations from the democrats, and Trump himself -a childish tantrum thrower with zero politesse and zero ability to use classical rhetoric and wordcraft to get his point across.
                  "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                  • I blame all those things and many more. But regardless of what I perceive as the cause, it's a depressing time for me. Hopefully the Constitutional structure continues to limit damage -- and it will. But, the Administrative state is going to be fully unleashed.

                    However, until the rubber hits the road in term of progressive policies, it's probably best to express mere concern. Which is where I am.
                    Last edited by iam416; January 17, 2021, 11:58 AM.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • 139828485_3655441327836828_8371210210416476974_o.jpg?_nc_cat=1&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=l0G51IF91roAX8xTUfg&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=649e4d601dc9b39407cdda961a0bbb7f&oe=602B81B8.jpg
                      Just in case
                      "What you're doing, speaks so loudly, that I can't hear what you are saying"


                      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                        JB -- in case you missed, I added an edit to that post.
                        Thanks for that, read it .....

                        I share the concerns you voiced re the impending irrelevancy of the Republican Party as it gets pushed from the national scene by the "big tent" of liberalism that the D's embrace and will affect policy the way Hannibal and Linesman often articulate - in varying degree - that it will. I am however, increasingly concerned with the polarization of the American political framework and it's citizens in that circumstance. I believe there is real danger in that and it's coming mostly from an aggrieved right that otherwise would not but is now embracing extremism. You put it this way:

                        It's quite possible that this dynamic will snap back to the middle. It's quite possible that the Ds will eventually splinter under the weight of their big tent. But, as of now -- and for at least the shorter to middle-ish term future, we have one party running Washington and a Corporate structure enforcing their political ideas. To be clear, I don't think it's necessarily a permanent state of things. But, I do very much think it's the state of things for awhile.

                        That said, Rs will still control much of "Middle America" on a state and often local level. They will still have a strong voice in the laws that most directly affect them.

                        ...... and with their armed militias intensify the dynamic instead of it snapping it back to the middle.

                        Pushback is going to continue from the right and as AlabamAlum points out the unchecked influx of illegals given the vote is going to intensify it. There's a real opportunity for political leadership here for someone that wants to take up the leadership banner to defuse an emerging, dangerous dynamic. Trump is a risk of inflaming it; better that a Senate trial and conviction neuters him. OTH, Biden and his supporters talk about unity ...... but he's not likely the guy to defuse it. An opportunity to do that is right in front of him and his supporters though. I'm not optimistic
                        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                        • ..... I should add, a return to COVID free 2021 CFB season will do a lot to change both of our outlooks.
                          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                          • Unfortunately, Ohio State is in for a lean year and HARBAUGH!!!! is not.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • OSU will be right back in Indy for the B1G Championship game, as usual. There are no teams in a position to challenge them, even if they are "lean".

                              Michigan is in for its worst season in decades, and its fine with the school's leadership. As evidenced by the contract 'extension'.
                              "What you're doing, speaks so loudly, that I can't hear what you are saying"


                              • THE ARMED PROTESTERS HAVE STARTED SHOWING UP IN LANSING!!!!!!!!

                                I AM SO INTIMIDATED!!!!


                                OPEN FIRE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                Last edited by lineygoblue; January 17, 2021, 12:58 PM.
                                "What you're doing, speaks so loudly, that I can't hear what you are saying"

