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  • It's extremely difficult for Ds to acknowledge the PDJT was right about anything. Yet, here we are with 8M doses administered when virtually every single D said it was impossible.
    I remember Democrats lining up to cameras and microphones to say that they'd NEVER take a vaccine that was distributed during the Trump administration. They said it couldn't be trusted. Yet, their smiling faces were shown on the 6:00 news, rolling up their sleeves, and getting the "trump" vaccine.

    Labeling it the "trump" vaccine takes away from the real heroes who developed it. It minimizes those who set up the distribution process, and are making that process work today. Trump may have removed some political barriers, but this is not "his" vaccine. This is the country, and its resources at its best. Its not really a political issue. Well, its not political except for those who want it to be political.
    "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


    • President-elect Joe Biden and his Covid-19 task force are treating the pandemic as a national security-level crisis, but with just days to go before inauguration, some major details of how they will ramp up vaccine distribution to the level promised are still being sorted out, multiple sources tell CNN.


      • I feel so much better now
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • My point remains, even if you think 8 million in 4 weeks is great, we need 6 million a week to get 300 million vaccinated by this time next year. It will have to be ramped up.
          And, again, it would be cosmically fucking stupid to assume distribution remains flat. Again, it would be cosmically fucking stupid to think distriubtion won't hit the sharp upcurve. Again, my bet re your vaccination schedule is on the table. Name the amount.

          Joe Biden isn't going to change much on this. The distribution was always going to difficult at the outset with priority distribution required and storage requirements. The distribution was always going to improve as we move out of a priorty-based distribution system to general public. It was always going to improve as production increased and availability increased.

          What remains absolutely fucking shocking (to some) is that we have 8M shots in arms as of January 10, 2021. I mean, christ, that is AWESOME.

          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Pics of the Capitol steps where "patriots" beat and stomped a Capitol police officer while singing the Star Spangled Banner. Criminal with the MAGA hat and tactical gear labeled SHERIFF was filmed stomping the cop and beating him with an American flag. Guy in the white hat and backpack actually pulled the cop (face down) down the steps. FBI is looking for these guys.


            “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


            • The US is 5th in terms of vaccines administered per capita trailing Israel, UAE, Bahrain and UK.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • I recently read two articles. One from the NYT one from the WSJ. Both reviewed the case for incitement against PDJT. Both cited the Brandenburg case. Which media outlet got it right? The WSJ, obviously. Trump wasn't inciting he was advocating and like Klu-klux clansman, Brandenburg, Trump's advocacy is protected speech under 1A.

                Not a Coup, not inciting one or the violent overthrow of the government, it was a protest. It was also marred by the presence of some 120 criminals out of some estimated 1 million protesters per the AP that were there to do criminal things. Much like last summer.

                There's a stark difference in response to both protests and if you don't see it, I don't know what to say. Understanding the difference, exposing it and being passed off about it is to think and react critically. Advancing other notions, theories or attaching importance and meaning to singular events that occurred within the larger protest and the response to it simply obscures the most important one - the hypocrisy of the left - and encourages running down useless rabbit holes.
                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                • Three words makes it different: United States Capitol. And one more: Congress

                  Understanding the difference, exposing it and being pissed off about it is to think and react critically.
                  I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                  • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
                    I recently read two articles. One from the NYT one from the WSJ. Both reviewed the case for incitement against PDJT. Both cited the Brandenburg case. Which media outlet got it right? The WSJ, obviously. Trump wasn't inciting he was advocating and like Klu-klux clansman, Brandenburg, Trump's advocacy is protected speech under 1A.

                    Not a Coup, not inciting one or the violent overthrow of the government, it was a protest. It was also marred by the presence of some 120 criminals out of some estimated 1 million protesters per the AP that were there to do criminal things. Much like last summer.

                    There's a stark difference in response to both protests and if you don't see it, I don't know what to say. Understanding the difference, exposing it and being passed off about it is to think and react critically. Advancing other notions, theories or attaching importance and meaning to singular events that occurred within the larger protest and the response to it simply obscures the most important one - the hypocrisy of the left - and encourages running down useless rabbit holes.
                    Yeah, it's not criminal. It may be impeachable, but not criminal.

                    And, really, the contrast in how folks view violent protest is remarkable. No protest, really, is going to be the same. But violent protests involving rampant law-breaking were treated very, very differently. I mean, they attacked a Federal Courthouse this summer. And, yet, it was an understandable outcry.

                    What it does is show The Left and The Media for what they are. It's useful. The same thing happened last May when their was outrage over protests re masks/shutdowns (OMG! it's so dangerous! Superspreaders!) and then a week later with how they handled millions of people pouring into the streets. People will see what they will, but even my wife -- a true party D -- gets it.

                    So, meh. It's never going to change. The Left and The Media are what they are.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • I do, btw, find it amusing that The Left is now concerned with the well-being of the police.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • It is worth noting for the thousandth time, the whole protest was based on a lie created to humor Trump so he didn't have to admit he did lose. He should have conceded by the end of the week in November.There was no election fraud or they would have presented evidence in the courts, the only big time fraud was the one he was pursuing.

                        It is interesting that Jeff has worked himself into a pretzel to try and find the real culprit, the Left! And the media!


                        • We all understand that you applaud violent protest when it suits you and go high horse when it doesn't. It's what you and The Left does.

                          It's a shame Buchanan had the audacity to, you know, rely on the law. I know that's a foreign concept to The Left.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Yeah, you won't find a post where I applauded the violence. I am pretty consistent on non-violent protest being the way to go in any situation.
                            Last edited by froot loops; January 11, 2021, 01:35 PM.


                            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                              I do, btw, find it amusing that The Left is now concerned with the well-being of the police.
                              The turnaround is amazing.

                              Not a peep lately about defunding police, or eliminating police departments. In fact, local police departments may find this an advantageous time to ask for more money.

                              Keep those trumpers in line, .. and all that.

                              Regarding impeachment... its my understanding that the Senate is in recess under some sort of "unanimous consent" order, and they cannot reconvene until January 19th to conduct new business, unless all 100 senators agree to do so. So, if they can charge, try and convict Trump in less than 24 hours, .. they're good to go.
                              "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                              • I certainly don't want impeachment cutting into Biden's first 100 days. There should be sweeping investigations into all of the nonsense and the perpetrators need to be brought to bear in this.

