A coup implies organization, planning and centralized control of execution. To my knowledge that has not been identified.
I hold that there was planning by small groups of extremists and provocateurs with specific objectives but the goal was not the overthrow of the federal government it was to light the fuse that would ignite chaos. There's plenty of play-book material out there that dates back to various extremist organizations of the 60s like The Weathermen. Manipulating crowd mentality through staged actions and behaviors to promote a damaging scene is right there on page one. This isn't hard to comprehend as the fundamental aspect that seeded what followed. Yet we continue to get these wild-ass conspiracy theories and allegations that Trump was behind a coup and incited the crowd to act - allegedly behaving in criminal way. If I have the law correct and I took in what Talent had to say on this subject, prosecuting Trump for inciting violence isn't going to work mainly because he was tweeting shit. Those that reject these simple and rather obvious Occam's Razor conclusion are the ones to be correctly labeled as naive.
There are reliable reports that the Capitol police were warned that violence was possible. Apparently that wasn't acted upon if the few officers inside the Capital when the first protestors entered is an indication of that. Not to anticipate a crowd of thousand or millions might just require heavy duty police presence and crowd control to protect federal propertyis utter dubfuckery plain and simple. Even if the DC Mayor, and Sergeant of Arms who both have been reported as having rejected offers of National Guard help from the Governor of Maryland were under the influence either direct or implied of President Trump, they don't work for him, are not accountable to him and both have as their sworn duty the maintenance of law and order in the Capital. The both fucked that up - plain and simple. Again, this is not complicated. All the frenzied stories of coups and conspiracy and what have you are nonsense.
I hold that there was planning by small groups of extremists and provocateurs with specific objectives but the goal was not the overthrow of the federal government it was to light the fuse that would ignite chaos. There's plenty of play-book material out there that dates back to various extremist organizations of the 60s like The Weathermen. Manipulating crowd mentality through staged actions and behaviors to promote a damaging scene is right there on page one. This isn't hard to comprehend as the fundamental aspect that seeded what followed. Yet we continue to get these wild-ass conspiracy theories and allegations that Trump was behind a coup and incited the crowd to act - allegedly behaving in criminal way. If I have the law correct and I took in what Talent had to say on this subject, prosecuting Trump for inciting violence isn't going to work mainly because he was tweeting shit. Those that reject these simple and rather obvious Occam's Razor conclusion are the ones to be correctly labeled as naive.
There are reliable reports that the Capitol police were warned that violence was possible. Apparently that wasn't acted upon if the few officers inside the Capital when the first protestors entered is an indication of that. Not to anticipate a crowd of thousand or millions might just require heavy duty police presence and crowd control to protect federal propertyis utter dubfuckery plain and simple. Even if the DC Mayor, and Sergeant of Arms who both have been reported as having rejected offers of National Guard help from the Governor of Maryland were under the influence either direct or implied of President Trump, they don't work for him, are not accountable to him and both have as their sworn duty the maintenance of law and order in the Capital. The both fucked that up - plain and simple. Again, this is not complicated. All the frenzied stories of coups and conspiracy and what have you are nonsense.