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What we all now know is that the MSM is a left-wing mouthpiece.Last edited by lineygoblue; December 21, 2020, 10:06 AM."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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2 days before he's supposed to resign, Barr is holding a press conference and saying a number of things Trump won't like.
Says there's no need for a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden OR claims of election fraud. Says there's no basis for the federal government to "seize" voting machines. Says all signs point to Russia being behind the widespread hack of the government's networks.
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Here's the latest frivolous lawsuit filed by Lin Wood on Friday. The sign-off .... is it a typo or just being unintentionally honest?
“Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx
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When you've lost the Cryptkeeper…
"You had your day, now it's time to move on"
Televangelist Pat Robertson says Biden won, won't be president long, urges 'erratic' Trump to retireTelevangelist Pat Robertson acknowledged on Monday's 700 Club that President-elect Joe Biden won, predicted "we'll be seeing a President Kamala Harris not too long after the inauguration of President Biden," and said it's time for President Trump to concede and retire from politics. Robertson, a leading voice of the religious right since the 1980s, has generally — though not always — backed Trump, along with most other prominent evangelical Christian leaders.Trump is ramping up an increasingly fringy last-ditch effort to stay in office, but he's losing allies fast.> Bill Barr, Pat Robertson, Mitch McConnell, and Vladimir Putin have all bailed on Trump in the past week.> > — Windsor Mann (@WindsorMann) December 22, 2020After conceding that Biden will take office and predicting he will either die or resign before too long, Robertson said "it would be a mistake" for Trump to run again in 2024. "My money would be on Nikki Haley," he added. "I think she'd make a tremendous candidate for the Republican Party." Robertson then offered a sober assessment of Trump."You know, with all his talent and the ability to be able to raise money and grow large crowds, the president still lives in an alternate reality," Robertson said. "He really does. People say, 'Well, he lies about this, that, and the other.' But no, he isn't lying; to him, that's the truth." He said Trump has "done a marvelous job for the economy, but at the same time he is very erratic, and he's fired people and he's fought people and he's insulted people and he keeps going down the line." With Trump, "it's a mixed bag," Robertson said, "and I think it would be well to say, 'You've had your day and it's time to move on.'"> Televangelist Pat Robertson declares that Biden will be president and that Trump "lives in an alternate reality," "is very erratic," and should not run again in 2024: "You've had your day and it's time to move on."> > — Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) December 21, 2020"Pat Robertson just proved that evolution exists, even in people who don't believe in evolution," comedian John Fugelsang quipped. But Trump can take a shred of comfort in the fact that Robertson's predictions haven't always — or even usually — borne out. In October, for example, he said God told him Trump would be re-elected, then an asteroid would hit the Earth.More stories from What would actually happen if Trump tried the 'martial law' idea? Trump shows up too late to his presidency A Lincoln Project ad reportedly turned Trump against Mike Pence. Pence is now bending.
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Originally posted by iam416 View PostMartial law is coming.
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I thought this chart was interesting. It's contained in an article discussing the stock market's volatility. What it shows is this typical wave pattern that is consistent with every known global pandemic and at smaller levels, regional epidemics. They rise, peak and then fall. While implementation of mitigation measures and officials messaging the need for people to act responsibly together impacts declines, some of the virus' predictable behavior is due to its biology and the typical trajectory of the viruses mutations - the neutral and negative ones typically outnumbering positive mutations or those that make the virus more infectious or more deadly.
Note that the chart suggests the current wave may have peaked and is entering a declining phase yet, in a rush to contain what is thought to be a more aggressive spread of the virus due to this G164 variant, the EU is going to starve the UK if it continues to block transport and travel across the English Channel from France. Believing that common sense and science will revers the dipshittery going on across the pond, as vaccines become more widespread, the peaks are going to plateau faster and decline more abruptly.
In case you haven't noticed, official policy and messaging at least at the federal level and in some states is shifting to how to carry on economic and social activity while still reducing the spread of the virus from lock everything down ...... except in CA where there is a proper recall ongoing of Governor Newsom for doing otherwise and ordering the shut down of the entire state.
Virus.JPGMission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
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