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  • STFU
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Energy stocks are up about 15-20% this AM. Wow.


      • Here's the official Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine announcement. It's worth noting that this vaccine is an mRNA vaccine. The technology behind these vaccines is new and has never been used to develop a vaccine. The classic vaccine introduces an inactive version of the target virus to stimulate both an innate and adaptive (both T cells and antibodies) immune system response. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, BNT162b2, injects a constructed version of the virus' RNA that the immune system sees and then produces an immune response.

        Importantly, BNT162b2, requires two injections, 28d apart, to confer immunity. If I recall, the similar Moderna mRNA vaccine requires just one. Both of these are the lead mRNA vaccines and one of them is going to hit the market first. No telling which one. My guess is Pfizer's. Bigger, more experienced pharmaceutical company. Moderna is the new guy on the block. There are at least another dozen vaccine manufacturers out there that are part of Operation Warps speed that will be in the mix but those are farther down the line in terms of FDA approval and introduction to the general population in the US.

        Vaccine candidate was found to be more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 in participants without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection in the first interim efficacy analysis Analysis evaluated 94 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in trial participants Study enrolled 43,538 participants, with 42% having diverse backgrounds, and no serious safety concerns have been observed; Safety and additional efficacy data continue to be collected Submission for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) planned for soon after the required safety milestone is achieved, which is currently expected to occur in the third week of November Clinical trial to continue through to final analysis at 164 confirmed cases in order to collect further data and characterize the vaccine candidate’s performance against other study endpoints Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) and BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX) today announced their mRNA-based vaccine candidate, BNT162b2, against SARS-CoV-2
        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


        • How much is Pfizer up today?
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • How much pressure was there on Pfizer to delay this news until now...
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
              How much pressure was there on Pfizer to delay this news until now...
              Pfizer is up about 6% ...... it was up about 10% when news hit the markets but has settled back down.

              Pressure? The Biden Camp ..... naaahhh
              Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; November 9, 2020, 11:04 AM.
              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


              • Trump is down by 17K in Arizona with 90-100K votes remaining to count (I'm estimating -- no offiical number from the state that I have seen though). If the votes go 60-40 for Trump, then Fox's decision desk officially has a gallon of egg on their dumbass faces. (fingers crossed).

                If the speculation that Trump might create his own news network and pick off Tucker and Hannity are true, then kiss Fox News goodbye.
                Last edited by Hannibal; November 9, 2020, 11:11 AM.


                • Pfizer denies trump helped them get the vaccine this quick

                  gee operation warp speed

                  Having all the drug companies to the whitelhouse for a very public get your ass in gear and I'll cut the red tape for you

                  pressuring the drug companies day after day and week after week to move things forward

                  and biden is why the markets are up --funny

                  90% effective vaccine results released 6 days after election day--salt in wound

                  trumps charactar lost this election but he did get things done while he was in


                  • The government's role in the vaccine is logistics and distribution. There's zero way Pfizer can make the vaccine widely available so quickly w/o massive help from the military's logistical experts.

                    The vaccine itself is the result of Pfizer's research and efforts. Effectively inoculating large parts of the population is a joint effort.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • People can politicize the Pfizer announcement all they want. In fact I would have expected this coming from the Trumpsters.

                      Trump should get credit for Operation Warp Speed, a Trump administration imitative but that is as far as it should go. Pfizer's Phase III initial results were expected in early November. Today's announcement meets that expectation.

                      Do not conflate the expectation for a vaccine to be available before the election, a distortion of the available facts and perpetrated by Trump, with the expectation for an announcement by one of the dung companies, Pfizer or Moderna, of the initial results of Phase III testing.
                      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                      • Esper has been 'terminated', per Trump. It begins


                        • gsaMRlpkFH.jpg


                          • The heirs to the Murdoch were huge Biden donors. Fox News's election night bias for Biden makes a lot more sense now. If getting rid of Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity wouldn't completely blast the network into Oblivion, I'm sure that they would have done it by now.

                            Kathryn Murdoch, 47, tweeted Saturday shortly after Biden's win was confirmed. She also shared posts that referenced 'Trump's authoritarian antics'.

                            James Murdoch's wife Kathryn tweets 'we did it!!!!' and shares anti-Trump posts after Biden's win - days after agreeing with CNN's Jake Tapper that Fox News should disavow Trump's election fraud claims

                            James Murdoch's wife Kathryn tweeted 'we did it!!!!' and shared anti-Trump posts after Joe Biden's historic win Saturday.

                            On Election Day she had written: 'What will you tell your children or your future self about the part you played in history?'

                            By Saturday she had also shared posts that referenced 'Trump's authoritarian antics' and 'surviving the gravest threat to our system of government since the Civil War'.

                            Kathryn, 47, had also voiced her agreement that her family, which owns Fox News, must 'put their country above their profits' and disavow President Donald Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud.

                            Her husband James stepped down from the board of Fox News parent News Corp in July, citing disagreements with some of the company's editorial content.

                            Kathryn expressed the sentiment in a tweet on Friday, saying she agreed with CNN host Jake Tapper, who had stated: 'The Murdochs and the people at Fox have an obligation to put their country above their profits. It is very important that people make it very clear -- that there is no credible evidence of widespread fraud.'

                            'I agree with this,' Kathryn tweeted. Her remark came as little surprise given her history of public criticism of Fox News coverage, particularly on the topic of climate change, and her work with groups such as Unite America on bridging partisan divides.

                            Kathryn's latest comments came at a time when Fox News and other media outlets faced divisive questions over how to cover the Trump's explosive claim, without proof, that the election was being 'stolen' though rampant fraud.

                            Kathryn Murdoch, 47, tweeted Saturday shortly after Biden's win was confirmed. She is pictured with her husband James in 2013

                            Kathryn, 47, tweeted 'we did it!!!!'. She had also voiced her agreement that her family, which owns Fox News, must 'put their country above their profits' and disavow President Donald Trump 's claims of widespread voter fraud

                            On Election Day she had written: 'What will you tell your children or your future self about the part you played in history?' By Saturday she had also shared posts that referenced 'Trump's authoritarian antics' and 'surviving the gravest threat to our system of government since the Civil War'

                            Biden used his first national address as president-elect to vow to heal a deeply divided nation, declaring it was time to 'let this grim era of demonization in America begin to end' and reaching out to the millions of people who voted against him to say, 'Let’s give each other a chance.'

                            His calls for reconciliation at a Saturday evening victory celebration came even as President Donald Trump continued to argue that the election had been stolen from him, an indication that the divisive politics that have gripped the U.S. over the past four years are far from over.

                            On Friday CNN had reported that Fox News employees had been instructed to avoid calling Biden the 'president elect' on air even if the network projects Biden will win the presidency.

                            'If you're a Fox News report, and you're going to abide by this crazy instruction, you might as well hand in your press credentials at the same time,' commented CNN's Tapper.

                            A Fox News spokesperson told then that there have been no network wide memos or editorial guidance from Fox News regarding the type of instructions that CNN claimed.

                            Trump is said to have called RRupert Murdoch in a fury on Tuesday night after Fox News became the first to call Arizona for Biden.

                            A source told Vanity Fair that Trump phoned Murdoch, who owns Fox 'to scream about the call and demand a retraction.' The 89-year-old media mogul refused to order his staff to retract the Arizona call.

                            Kathryn's husband James stepped down from the board of Fox News parent News Corp in July, citing disagreements with some of the company's editorial content. The couple are pictured

                            Biden was on track to win the national popular vote by more than 4 million, a margin that could grow as ballots continue to be counted.

                            He made Trump the first incumbent president to be denied a second term since Republican George H.W. Bush lost to Bill Clinton in 1992.

                            Fox News, along with CNN, was one of only two major news networks to carry Trump's angry White House address in its entirety on Thursday evening, without cutting away.

                            In his 17-minute tirade Trump claimed he was the victim of 'big media, big money and big tech' coming together to commit 'historic election interference' to give Biden the presidency.

                            Fox News contributors Bill Bennett and Byron York said that just because Trump did not allege specific instances of irregularities doesn't mean there haven't been any. But the president and his lawyers need to present evidence, they said.

                            'What we saw tonight is a president who believes that at the end of the day, when all the votes are counted, the election is not going to to go his way, so he's trying to plan an alternate route to retain the White House,' said Fox White House correspondent John Roberts.

                            Fox News, along with CNN, was one of only two major news networks to carry Trump's angry White House address in its entirety on Thursday evening

                            Kathryn Murdoch, 47, expressed the sentiment in a tweet on Friday, saying she agreed with CNN host Jake Tapper (above)
                            "The Murdochs are ultimately responsible," @BrianStelter notes. "Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch are responsible for what is on this network in the coming hours."@JakeTapper says if you're a Fox reporter who obeys the instruction, "You might as well hand in your press credential."

                            — Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) November 6, 2020

                            Other members of the network's news staff have also remained skeptical, demanding proof of Trump's claims.

                            'We haven't seen that level of fraud. He's saying it's there, but we haven't seen it,' said Bret Baier, Fox News' chief political correspondent, while pushing back on former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in an interview on Friday.

                            Fox News host Tucker Carlson, one of the network's top opinion commentators, took a more sympathetic line, saying broadcasters are duty-bound to cover Trump's accusations and not airbrush them from the election.

                            'Our system works. It has worked before. If people air concerns, resolve the concerns,' Carlson said in his monologue on Thursday night.

                            'Don't call them names, don't sweep those concerns under the rug, don't shut it down artificially with unelected news anchors.'

                            Earlier this year, Kathryn Murdoch spoke out about her 'radical centrist' politics in an interview with Politico's Women Rule podcast.


                            • Interesting math anomalies being documented in vote bunch counts.

                              Also being censored by Twitter. If you share this your account will be locked or outright banned.


                              Not proof by a long shot, obviously.

                              Really gets the noggin' joggin' though.
                              Last edited by Hannibal; November 9, 2020, 01:40 PM.


                              • AOC wants Trump supporters on a blacklist so that they can be identified for reeducation and retribution. I wonder what she has in mind for being held responsible for being a Trump supporter.


                                Do not ever be deceived about what low IQ narcissistic control freaks like AOC have in mind for this country.
                                Last edited by Hannibal; November 9, 2020, 01:59 PM.

