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  • I can't see Pence doing anything. He has the personality of oatmeal. Actually, he probably considers oatmeal "a little spicy" for his tastes.

    I would get on board with Sasse or Rubio (if he ups his game from 2016, which I think he definitely would).


    • This has officially become ridiculous. Everyone on the planet knows it's over. 100%.


      • I don't sense that Mike Pence would be interested. I don't know a lot about Sasse. (I know plenty about sass though from years of posting with Talent and Wizard)

        Rubio is an empty suit and he speaks with no conviction. He could win a general election but he wouldn't do anything. IMHO he would be another George W.

        What I really want is a fervent nationalist/anti-Communist who can generate buzz and excitement and unleash a long overdue backlash against Political Correctness and Cultural Marxism. I want someone who will move the damn football. I don't know who that would be.

        The Rs have more momentum than I would have expected after losing the Presidency and still not controlling the House. I guess this Tuesday wasn't a disaster.

        Edit: The Rs need to look across the aisle and see the success that the Dems have had running extremists in solid blue districts, where the only real election is the primary.
        Last edited by Hannibal; November 6, 2020, 02:33 PM.


        • Originally posted by Mike View Post
          This has officially become ridiculous. Everyone on the planet knows it's over. 100%.
          The first count is over. Recounts would at least eliminate clerical errors or whatever. Probably not change any results. Lawsuits to get ballots thrown out will happen. So I guess that part ain't going to be over for a while.


          • True about Pence, but to old Rs big money establishment donors, maybe they like oatmeal.

            Problem with Sasse is the hardcore Trump supporters hate him. I'm just saying who would likely run in 2024 for the Rs ticket.


            Perhaps this is rhetorical (goes without saying), it's likely Harris will be the Ds POTUS candidate in 2024 anyways. It will SHOCK me if Biden can do another presidential campaign at his age/ given where his mind is heading.
            Especially considering it will be hard to run most of a campaign in a basement in 2024.
            AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


            • Harris will be running for reelection in 2024. 100% guaranteed.


              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                Harris will be running for reelection in 2024. 100% guaranteed.
                No doubt. Which means the GOP is running against the political candidate version of the 2020 Michigan State football team. Don't fuck it up!!

                Actually, I'm certain she'll run, not certain she'll win the nomination. Although it could be one of those situations where they clear the field for her like they did Hillary.
                Last edited by Mike; November 6, 2020, 02:50 PM.


                • U.S.—Late-night hosts, who have spent the last four years coming up with new ways to say "Orange Man Bad," are starting to worry that they'll have to come up with a new joke next year, as it looks increasingly likely that Trump will be out of office in January 2021.

                  Late Night Hosts Starting To Worry They'll Have To Come Up With A New Joke Next Year

                  U.S.—Late-night hosts, who have spent the last four years coming up with new ways to say "Orange Man Bad," are starting to worry that they'll have to come up with a new joke next year, as it looks increasingly likely that Trump will be out of office in January 2021.

                  Writers for Jimmy Kimmel, Trevor Noah, Seth Meyers, John Oliver, and the rest of the wealthy men in business suits who tell you what to think about the day's events every evening frantically tried to come up with a new joke.

                  "Oh man -- this isn't good," said Seth Meyers as news broke that Biden would probably win the election. "We put all our eggs in one basket: orange man bad jokes! And now that's all gone! What if I go out there and slip on a banana peel? Has that been done before?"

                  John Oliver's writers say they are working on a unique, innovative bit where he comes out in a unicycle and has a pie thrown in his face. Rumors suggest Stephen Colbert will be trying out a neat gag with a novelty device that shocks guests when he shakes their hands, while sources close to Trevor Noah suggest he might drive around the stage in a comically small car.


                  • I'm passing by the kitchen where the ABC political anal-ists drone on about a post Trump America and how Biden is going to heal the nation and other such non-sense, I remembered, at the start of the year when I was succumbing to the reality that I was going to vote for a D presidential candidate the first time in my life, how skeptical I was that anything good was going to come out of a Biden presidency. Then, about 2 months ago, Hanni and Talent started ranting about the danger of the lib's socialist agenda and how, if we stood up and said fuck the lib's agenda, if we said the on-going culture canceling is a gross affront to the nation's core values and fabric, if we identified BLM as being infiltrated by bad people with agenda's that have nothing to do with seeking racial justice, we'd be labeled racists and silenced. The optimist in me listened but said, nahhh. Welp, no more. They're both right. The shit going down in the country that the left is behind is a threat.

                    Underlying the reality of the implications of the racial divide and political polarization, radical leftists and anarchists backed by America's enemies, are infiltrating BLM, among others, with goals of their own. They've pursued an agenda of spreading distrust in government, creating discord between emerging political tribes and fomenting violence ........ right from the communist play-book. Meanwhile Libs in city government stood aside and let it happen supporting, for example, the bull-shit of letting cities burn and defunding the police. Libs in Congress muttered such things as this is justified. This is what centuries of white privilege has wrought turning upside down what educated whites, both civilian and uniformed, have actually accomplished. Total, unadulterated bull-shit.

                    Well, here we are. Biden isn't going to heal shit. He's going to face a civil war of his own party's making and one that is flamed by America's internal and external enemies. For sure, Trump's dog whistle and his post election day antics haven't helped narrow the political and racial divides, they've inflamed them further. The sooner his administration comes to grips with this reality and plays hard ball with his own party's idiots in Congress and D state governments, identifies what unsavory, anti-American folks these people are hanging out with, the better. Biden has to recognize the threat and this isn't tin-foil hat stuff. It's real. He has to identify and ferret out the destabilizing elements in the US, bring them to US courts and prosecute them very publicly. Let's start by dusting off 18 US Code Chapter 115 that deals with, in part, subversive activities - like launching Molotov cocktails into Walmart. He has to insist the stupid talk coming from the leftists, socialist, radical folks in his own party has to stop. Clean that up forcefully and then let sensibility in Congress and a conservative USC suppress any legislative agenda that even hints of being a part of a leftist agenda. It goes without saying that some of the shit coming from the radical right needs suppressing as well. I'll leave that to the Turtle.

                    Biden is going to need a shit-ton of courage because there will be organized resistance to any hint the Feds are doing this and all kinds of disinformation, claims of McCarthyism and 1A abridgement from leftists. Admittedly, its a tough path because there is potential for going overboard and the left, possibly the right as well, will absolutely scream bloody murder over most of this dismissing off hand the valid need for it. What is going on now, what is collectively and euphemistically defined by most Ds as a legitimate democratic movement isn't at all that. There are well-meaning and justifiable elements of that, but there is also an existential threat within it masquerading as a democratic movement that is seeking racial justice and all kinds of equality in this county. Strip away the parts that are just and good and what is left, is a fucking threat, people.
                    Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; November 6, 2020, 03:00 PM.
                    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                    • I'm not a huge fan of Andrew Sullivan, but I will read him. Here, I think he gets a lot right --

                      The only issue I really take with the piece is that he says no one is happy with the outcome. Well, assuming the Georgia senate races don't go off the rails and the Rs win the Senate, I am quite pleased with the results. I could have scarcely drawn it up better.

                      He takes special pains to point how the Left outspent the Rs on races and issues by huge amounts and still got railed. Citizens United that, bitches.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Trump trying to get SC to throw out ballots that were received in PA after November 3
                        won’t matter either way. Too few to move the needle in any significant way
                        I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                          I'm not a huge fan of Andrew Sullivan, but I will read him. Here, I think he gets a lot right --
                          That made me feel good in two ways:

                          (1) My most recent post casts what Sullivan reports - the left has just been slammed to the mat by a core of Americans who aren't buying their shit one bit - in a different light. I feel strongly there's a serious threat from the left to our national security that has been infiltrated by communists and anarchists, both of the external and internal variety. I'd like that core to not only recognize they're not buying the shit coming from America's institutional left but also to recognize the existential threat of combining this stupidity with the likelihood that our enemies, foreign and domestic, are leveraging it to their political advantage. A Fourth Turning awakening may already be underway. Seize it.

                          (2) Sullivan points out that there is a ton of smarts in Americans who are fully capable of collectively demonstrating the functionality and vitality of America's version of democracy. This despite the political and racial divide that a fully leftist press has foisted on the American public. This is the crowd that is going to reject the Trump manufactured election conspiracies, the efforts of the leftist press to augment that into further evidence of America's political and racial discord and wave a less than fond farewell to him.
                          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                          • The House wasn't a win for the Rs. It was a close loss/moral victory.


                            • The House results can and are binary, but I think it makes more sense to view them on a scale. 212 is way better than 188. Both are losses, but one is actually better. And, again, this puts them closer to taking back the House in 2022.

                              It was good night for Rs everywhere, even PDJT. He turned out an amazing number of voters. He was beaten because more people hate him than love him, but he wins almost any other election with that type of support.

                              So, I'm taking away more positives from this than negatives.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • STFU
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

