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  • This wasn't an election. It was a coup.
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
      This wasn't an election. It was a coup.
      Brady Bunch K GIF


      • Where's Hunter?


        • Biden got 8,000,000 more votes than Hillary did in 2016 blowing by Obama's high water mark in 2008 by some 4,000,000 votes. I've said it for 4 years, if he had ran in 2016, he would have won. People just wanted a reasonable alternative to Trump AND Hillary.


          • For the next two weeks, prominent Republicans will tweet a couple times a day about how "The fight goes on!" and "We're not giving up!" while not actually doing anything and privately being quite pleased with how this all played out.


            • Any early lines on who the GOP challenger will be in 2024?


              • THE WIZARD
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                  It would also be nice if people didn't discover unreported - and easily explained/debunked - nuggets of information on Twitter and spread it like it's gospel.
                  People aren't allowed to spread information that Twitter considers "misleading". People who retweeted the original tweet about vote totals in Michigan and Wisconsin had their accounts locked. If you want to have meaningful dialog, it helps if you let both sides actually talk. When one side is censored, that side has reasonable cause to believe that they are censored because something is being hidden or covered up. Nobody interested in finding truths finds value in outright silencing people. And the people doing all of the "debunking" right now are the same people who lied repeatedly about George Floyd getting "murdered" (he died of a fentanyl overdose), Kyle Rittenhouse being a white supremacist, Ahmaud Arbury being a "jogger", Breonna Taylor sleeping in her bed, Michael Brown saying "hands up, don't shoot", Hunter Biden's laptop being a Russian election interference op, and three years of bullshit Russia collusion stories. You'll have to forgive people like me for not immediately accepting their explanations as fact. How come Tweets that repeat the multitudes of Liberal fake news stories never get flagged?

                  I don't blame people for angrily jumping to conclusions. When the WHO would rather suck China's dick than deliver truthful information about the Coronavirus,k and when the FBI can't be trusted to not collude with one side to illegally spy on the other side, then people rightfully don't trust previously nonpartisan institutions and processes to provide fair outcomes. So ultimately, I don't blame people for extrapolating the last four years of fake news and outright lies to conclude that the election was stolen, even if I don't think that it was.
                  Last edited by Hannibal; November 6, 2020, 01:21 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                    Biden got 8,000,000 more votes than Hillary did in 2016 blowing by Obama's high water mark in 2008 by some 4,000,000 votes. I've said it for 4 years, if he had ran in 2016, he would have won. People just wanted a reasonable alternative to Trump AND Hillary.
                    True, but I doubt that the Republicans would have been as inept in their nomination process it they weren't essentially conceding the election to Hillary from the get go.


                    • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                      Any early lines on who the GOP challenger will be in 2024?
                      Obvious ones (IMHO):
                      Cruz (his heart is in the right place -- but just no charisma)
                      Rubio (blech)

                      50% or so chance:
                      Haley (blech)
                      Trump again (seriouspost -- if not, he runs as an independent)
                      Rand Paul

                      Other possibilities:
                      Ron DeSantis
                      Kristi Noem (SD governor - rising star)
                      Kim Reynolds (Iowa governor -- Rs seem to love her)
                      Lindsey Graham (barf)
                      At least one or two really shitty NeverTrump Republicans that the media will love
                      Devin Nunes (won some brownie points during the Russia collusion nonsense)

                      Nutso darkhorse candidate:
                      Tucker Carlson
                      Last edited by Hannibal; November 6, 2020, 01:25 PM.


                      • Rand Paul would be the best option IMHO. He actually seems to understand important stuff like the Constitution and how the federal government works - and he's actually got at least a sense of how to relate to other people.


                        • I don't think that Rand Paul's ideology makes him electable on a national scale. Economic Libertarianism is not a political winner anymore (was it ever?). If the Rs want to win, I think that their best chance is a "rising star" type governor, if they can find one.
                          Last edited by Hannibal; November 6, 2020, 01:59 PM.


                          • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                   a new wall...
                            That might be the best outcome at this point. Coexistence is getting harder.


                            • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                              People aren't allowed to spread information that Twitter considers "misleading". People who retweeted the original tweet about vote totals in Michigan and Wisconsin had their accounts locked. If you want to have meaningful dialog, it helps if you let both sides actually talk. When one side is censored, that side has reasonable cause to believe that they are censored because something is being hidden or covered up. Nobody interested in finding truths finds value in outright silencing people. And the people doing all of the "debunking" right now are the same people who lied repeatedly about George Floyd getting "murdered" (he died of a fentanyl overdose), Kyle Rittenhouse being a white supremacist, Ahmaud Arbury being a "jogger", Breonna Taylor sleeping in her bed, Michael Brown saying "hands up, don't shoot", Hunter Biden's laptop being a Russian election interference op, and three years of bullshit Russia collusion stories. You'll have to forgive people like me for not immediately accepting their explanations as fact. How come Tweets that repeat the multitudes of Liberal fake news stories never get flagged?

                              I don't blame people for angrily jumping to conclusions. When the WHO would rather suck China's dick than deliver truthful information about the Coronavirus,k and when the FBI can't be trusted to not collude with one side to illegally spy on the other side, then people rightfully don't trust previously nonpartisan institutions and processes to provide fair outcomes. So ultimately, I don't blame people for extrapolating the last four years of fake news and outright lies to conclude that the election was stolen, even if I don't think that it was.
                              Fair points. Can't argue much of this. I'm not in favor of censorship but if Twitter wants to enforce their "glorifying violence" rule, they should enforce it evenly. There'd be a lot less "Burn this motherfucker down" posts from the Antifa/BLM comrades.


                              • - Ben Sasse and Mike Pence too.
                                They will be the Rs establishment 2016 version of Walker and Jeb.

                                - Don Jr. Of course. Maybe a Don Jr. + Gaetz ticket.

                                It will probably be a field of 20 Rs again. Just picture 2024 as 2016.
                                AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill

