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  • Originally posted by Tom W View Post

    Well, the state of Michigan does allow you to automatically receive ballots for future elections by simply checking a box. That's pretty stupid idea if you ask me, but so is relying on the out of date voting rolls to commit fraud.

    Weird. Is Michigan the only state that does this?

    I guess that the Rs have only themselves to blame if they didn't close that loophole.


    • Wouldn't it be really nice if we had credible news organizations that we could rely on to sort through the truth and find legitimate fact nuggets? Even if the vote totals are perfect, there's nobody that I trust to tell me that information, because everyone whose job it is to inform me has filled the airwaves with smears and lies the past few years.


      • It would also be nice if people didn't discover unreported - and easily explained/debunked - nuggets of information on Twitter and spread it like it's gospel.


        • In retrospect, it's just for the Application for a ballot. You can pretty much apply for a ballot from your smartphone while you are taking a crap, so it's just another way to make it easier- probably TOO easy- to vote.

          There are a few things that you really should still do in person, if at all possible. Voting is one of them. Sure, it sucks to stand in line for up to a couple of hours on Tuesday in November, so open up more polling places and/or expand the expand the hours or day- to say, include evenings or the weekend before. If you can't physically make to the polls, then make/allow for other means, beforehand. Is it too difficult to have nursing homes notarize ballots?

          Oh, and bring your fucking IDs with you. when you go to the polls.
          Last edited by Tom W; November 6, 2020, 11:10 AM.


          • The Demoncrat Party...proud supporters of voter fraud since the Al Capone days...
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • a new wall...
              Attached Files
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • ...
                Attached Files
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Heard it before the election and hearing it again...some spite firings could be coming, as soon as today. It IS a Friday after all.


                  • Here is who will be running policy for the next two years minimum folks. Nice work.
                    Attached Files
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Wrong.


                      • If the R's keep the Senate...yeah you are probably right. But if not...then the above along with Kumalot Harris and Witch Pelosi will be running the show...
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • As a registered independent voter in FL, I requested a mail-in ballot when they were made available. I had the option to get the primary and general ballot or just the general. I got both. I received the primary ballot about 2 weeks after requesting it, filled it out and when the polls opened for the primary, I walked in and was directed by poll workers to put it in a ballot box inside the polling place. It looked like a safe.

                          I've already told the story about my general ballot. I didn't get it in the mail (not the first time mail hasn't been properly delivered so, I'm not suspicious at all). I just downloaded a sample ballot fro my precinct, studied it and marked all my votes on the sample. I carried this to the polling place when the general election polls opened, filled out the official ballot and scanned it. Once it's scanned, it goes into a locked ballot box under the scanning device. These are routinely changed out periodically as they fill up. So, in FL, if you vote in person, you have instantaneous ballot counting with paper ballot back-up.

                          Mail-in and absentee ballots are received by poll workers in secure spaces designed for that purpose. Observers authorized with party affiliations to perform that function are present whenever these votes are being counted. Security personnel are also present. Ostensibly, it's impossible in FL to stuff a ballot box, well, nearly so and if someone is going to do it, it would be hard. The ballots are opened, scanned and deposited in locked boxes under the scanning devices just like would be done if the person casting the ballot had done so in person.
                          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                          • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                   a new wall...
                            This isn't as far fetched as one might think. In Howe's the Fourth Turning world I spoke of above, a secession is one of the darker outcomes he envisions during the current "crisis." When he was asked if that means a Civil War like Lincoln experienced in 1865, he answered, no. But state governments saying, "I'm not going to support or enforce that law, EO or federal mandate coming from a federal government full of socialists," isn't impossible.

                            What are you going to do if I don't enforce it? Send in my National Guard? Send US Army tanks into the streets?
                            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                            • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

                              This isn't as far fetched as one might think. In Howe's the Fourth Turning world I spoke of above, a secession is one of the darker outcomes he envisions during the current "crisis." When he was asked if that means a Civil War like Lincoln experienced in 1865, he answered, no. But state governments saying, "I'm not going to support or enforce that law, EO or federal mandate coming from a federal government full of socialists," isn't impossible.

                              What are you going to do if I don't enforce it? Send in my National Guard? Send US Army tanks into the streets?
                              I believe it's already begun JB. It's happening here on a much smaller scale locally...when our liberal dumbass city council gave full control over the covid issue to the local health department they began shutting shit down and setting ridiculous policies...which weren't at all constitutional and I don't believe were actually our dumbass Governor Ricketts began doing the same with statewide health "directives"...which in Lincoln they were actually having the local police department enforcing this ridiculous shit...look it up...Madsens Pool Hall was shut down because they refused to enforce the bullshit. It's going to go to court I'm sure...but Lincoln and Omaha are liberal as fuck in their governments...we aren't here for the most part...and both the County Sheriff and Police Chief stopped in my establishment to eat during the bs lockdowns and restrictions...and I was not complying because it was bullshit...they both talked to me and told me they were not enforcing shit they don't believe in. This is a small example of what is's going to grow...throughout the me. It's already begun.
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Might as well call Nevada at this point. it ovah

                                Trump didn't make up the kind of ground he probably needed in Arizona either with the latest batch (around 60,000)

