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  • Originally posted by entropy View Post
    there will be very different behaviors when the opportunity is $1M vs $100K.
    I agree completely; the $100K is at far greater risk.


    • GE CEO lambastes Sanders idiocy:
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • (1) the flipping of California from solidly Republican to solidly Democratic in my lifetime was almost as significant as Goldwater (and Johnson) flipping the South.
        Yeah, and as a reward for their enlightening, they have Jerry Brown as Governor-For-Life.
        "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
          The Post sure does hate Bernie. They hopped on the NY Daily News interview, but the thing is, Bernie wasn't wrong. The NY Daily News asked shitty questions, so Sanders stuck with his pat answers. If you want to force a politician to actually move beyond sound bites you have to understand the material and ask very good questions. Otherwise that pol is just gonna stick with what he believes is sound-bite friendly. Bernie isn't very good at explaining himself, so the two sides both contributed to a shit discussion easily misunderstood by other media also just starting in their own learning curves on the financial sector.

          As for Immelt, I have a neat little story about how a promise to invest $1bn in a Nigerian fabrication facility is indeed a coverup of some rather serious moral turpitude. Of course I heard it from a guy at Siemens, but...


          • Sanders getting pilloried for his answers on guns and Sandy Hook is nonsense. Sanders getting pilloried for his stated positions on, more or less, the evils of capitalism is fair game.

            I'll be so happy when he's finally off center stage and back to being just a Marxist senator from Vermont who's never had a non-political job of any consequence.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • Yeah, and as a reward for their enlightening, they have Jerry Brown as Governor-For-Life
              $15 an hour! That'll be a fun little experiment to watch. In other news, San Francisco just passed law requiring employers to give employees 6 weeks of paid leave for family time.

              I wonder what people think will happen when you drastically increase costs associated with running a business. I mean, I know Governor Brown conceded the non-incremental minimum wage raise will cause significant job losses, so I gather they're not entirely clueless.

              In other news, Paypal will not build a new operations facility in North Carolina because the State requires men to use men's rooms and women to use women's rooms. The scourge of banning men from women's restrooms is a too much a social outrage for Paypal to bear. Fortunately, they'll continue operations in Turkey, the UAE and several other countries that are either openly hostile to gay folks or actually criminalize gay behavior. Huzzah, Paypal...BRAVE STAND!
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • In other social justice news: .... Honestly.... just SMH

                Finally...a good summary of what's at stake with Supreme Court:

                Chemerinsky, an unapologetic liberal, lays it out clearly. The Rs better retain the Senate or they're proper fucked.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • I think Sanders' moment in the sun will fade soon enough, but I don't think that's the case for his platform. In four more years, with the natural replacement of older voters with younger, there will be significantly more support. And America will have had four more years to get used to what he's talking about. This stuff is so new in the American political discussion. As is often said, ideas are first ridiculed, then violently opposed, and then widely accepted.
                  Last edited by hack; April 7, 2016, 01:18 PM.


                  • In other news, Paypal will not build a new operations facility in North Carolina because the State requires men to use men's rooms and women to use women's rooms. The scourge of banning men from women's restrooms is a too much a social outrage for Paypal to bear. Fortunately, they'll continue operations in Turkey, the UAE and several other countries that are either openly hostile to gay folks or actually criminalize gay behavior. Huzzah, Paypal...BRAVE STAND!

                    I wonder if that's really what it's about, or if it's an excuse. There is no corporate income tax in the UAE. Singapore is their Asia HQ, and a tax haven/secrecy jurisdiction.


                    • This is the result of higher minimum wages...lmao...bravo to all idiot pols who think they are making life better for the "downtrodden"...lmao...

                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • Chemerinsky nails it in the article from the Atlantic. That is exactly what is at stake. But counting heads according to which party held the Presidency is not an accurate standard. Republican appointees wrote both Roe and Obergefell (gay marriage). For the last 15 years or so the Court has been split 4-3-2 with the Liberals having the 4, the Conservatives the 3, and the toss-ups the 2. Roberts gave us Obamacare's individual mandate.

                        So we end up with Hulk Hogan being awarded $ 115 million because his Right to Privacy (Roe) and his Right to Intimacy (Obergefell) were violated. These rights are clearly found in the second and third emanations of the fourth penumbra to the Constitution. Bubba the Love Sponge is lucky to have the Court as now constituted.


                        • Originally posted by hack View Post
                          I think Sanders' moment in the sun will fade soon enough, but I don't think that's the case for his platform. In four more years, with the natural replacement of older voters with younger, there will be significantly more support. And America will have had four more years to get used to what he's talking about. This stuff is so new in the American political discussion. As is often said, ideas are first ridiculed, then violently opposed, and then widely accepted.
                          Sanders' ideas aren't necessarily new...they just haven't been expressed much since the Reagan Revolution.


                          • There were dire predictions for Seattle when 15/HR was enacted. We seem to be doing ok.

                            And geezer, you may want to delete your constitutional analysis. It's wrong and ignorant. I'd hate to have that on your permanent record.
                            To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              Sanders' ideas aren't necessarily new...they just haven't been expressed much since the Russian Revolution.
                              FIFY. A friend was telling a story about how he explained socialism to his kid. His kid said, treating everyone the same sounds great, what's wrong with that? Then he asked her about a group project she was working hard on and no one else was. Then she got it.
                              To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                              • Seattle has lost jobs and seen increased unemployment at at time when most of the country is going in the opposite direction.

                                As for the Rt of Privacy and other SCt decisions, it's perfectly fine to criticize the process while being fine with the result. I happen to support gay marriage, but I think the SCt's decision was god-fucking-awful as a matter of legal reasoning -- fantastic as a matter of philosophy, but utterly unmoored to anything other than the feelings of the Court.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

