Also, the Ds are pretty much maxed out right now. They're winning everywhere and by margins that are almost impossible to improve. So, that's great news for the Ds (and why you wouldn't expect Biden to bounce up higher). So, you could see a "ding" and they'd still be plenty fine. That's why I still find it remarkably unlikely that PDJT gets re-elected. But, if goes beyond a ding then I dunno.
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Originally posted by Hannibal View PostWhy? What happened?
Good news for stocks overall though
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Airlines/ cruises stocks are doing well. Hmm, must be positive COVID news.
Originally posted by iam416 View PostAlso, the Ds are pretty much maxed out right now. They're winning everywhere and by margins that are almost impossible to improve. So, that's great news for the Ds (and why you wouldn't expect Biden to bounce up higher). So, you could see a "ding" and they'd still be plenty fine. That's why I still find it remarkably unlikely that PDJT gets re-elected. But, if goes beyond a ding then I dunno.
Right now, I'd give Biden a 60-40 edge. It's trending more in favor of Trump recently. FiveThirtyEight is at 70-30 Biden.
Originally posted by iam416 View PostI wonder if this go around with rioters will start to ding the Ds a bit. I mean, we all see what the Media and the Ds are doing with this and their nonsensical "peaceful" protestors. There's a willful refusal to condemn these people. At best you get a mealy-mouth half-assed, "I don't support riots" or some such thing without ever actually pointing to people and saying THAT is bullshit. They refuse to call it out. Ever. BUT, they will attack police at the fucking drop of a hat. And in so doing they are providing a window to their soul. I don't think it'll be enough to help PDJT avoid his own catastrophic campaigning, but it's a lifeline.
Joe Biden could actually probably lockdown the win if he was able to make a strong, moderate speech explicitly condemning shit on the left that most of us of reluctant Biden voters find abhorrent. Instead you get the fucktwat version of "if I offended you, then I'm sorry..." sort of thing..."if they're rioters, then I condem them, but I'll never say they're rioters..."
Unwillingness to condemn rioting.
Not looking forward to casting a vote because both sides have so many flaws.AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill
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Originally posted by iam416 View PostAlso, the Ds are pretty much maxed out right now. They're winning everywhere and by margins that are almost impossible to improve. So, that's great news for the Ds (and why you wouldn't expect Biden to bounce up higher). So, you could see a "ding" and they'd still be plenty fine. That's why I still find it remarkably unlikely that PDJT gets re-elected. But, if goes beyond a ding then I dunno.
The flip side that I've heard argued (Nate Silver maybe) is that Trump's approval tends to go down when the news cycle is very busy or chaotic. If it seems like the country is unraveling, the incumbent President is going to take his share of blame for that.
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It's the thing I find most unacceptable and frustrating about the left/ media as someone that is more independent.
Unwillingness to condemn rioting.
So Biden can condemn rioting w/o condemning the fucks who are actually rioting.Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
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Originally posted by iam416 View Post
They condemn rioting in the general sense. They just never point to anyone and say THAT is bullshit. It's all "mostly peaceful" protests.
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Originally posted by iam416 View Post
They condemn rioting in the general sense. They just never point to anyone and say THAT is bullshit. It's all "mostly peaceful" protests. It's easy to condemn something if you don't ever actually say someone is specifically doing it.
So Biden can condemn rioting w/o condemning the fucks who are actually rioting.
They're deathly afraid to do that. If they outright condemn the looters and rioters, they will be condemning 2/3 of their voting base. They want the votes of those jackwads that loot their local Target store and carry off 55" TV's as a sign of "showing their frustrations". They'll never criticize those who break in to Gucci or Nike stores, then loot and burn them because they are hoping those people will vote Democratic on election day. The people who are burning these cities are for the most part Democratic voters. They sure aren't Republicans.
The election may come down to a single question. Do you support or condemn rioting? If you support rioting, you vote for KamalaJoe. If you want a return to law and order, by force if necessary, you vote for Trump. It may get that bad."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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Originally posted by iam416 View PostI wonder if this go around with rioters will start to ding the Ds a bit. I mean, we all see what the Media and the Ds are doing with this and their nonsensical "peaceful" protestors. There's a willful refusal to condemn these people. At best you get a mealy-mouth half-assed, "I don't support riots" or some such thing without ever actually pointing to people and saying THAT is bullshit. They refuse to call it out. Ever. BUT, they will attack police at the fucking drop of a hat. And in so doing they are providing a window to their soul. I don't think it'll be enough to help PDJT avoid his own catastrophic campaigning, but it's a lifeline.
Joe Biden could actually probably lockdown the win if he was able to make a strong, moderate speech explicitly condemning shit on the left that most of us of reluctant Biden voters find abhorrent. Instead you get the fucktwat version of "if I offended you, then I'm sorry..." sort of thing..."if they're rioters, then I condem them, but I'll never say they're rioters..."
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Originally posted by foxhopper View Post....Ammo is damn scarce...
Ahhhh, supply and demand, rampant paranoia, and partisan hysterics.“Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx
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