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  • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
    There are a ton of non-peaceful “protesters” - this kid carried an AR to his. If he just took potshots at someone, it’s murder. If he was counter protesting and was attacked, it’s self defense. I have no idea which it is.
    That he was attacked and acts in self defense is 100% indisputable. Watch the videos that I posted of both sets of shootings. In both cases, the kid is running away from people and only shoots when he is down on the ground being beaten by a mob or is cornered by a guy that was trying to pick a fight with the militia earlier.

    And don't try to give me any cowardly horseshit about there being guilt on both sides. There's obvious provocation going on here by the rioters, and an immense amount of patience has been shown by people who want it to stop. When violent Communist goons are about to claim the life of yet another city, armed citizens who are fed up with it are damned well within their rights to do something about it.
    Last edited by Hannibal; August 26, 2020, 12:49 PM.


    • As you see those pictures above, try and contemplate how mentally diseased you have to be to sympathize with the people burning down the city and feel animosity towards those who step in to stop it.


      • Irony of ironies ...

        After two rioters were shot in Kenosha last night, extremists were heard shouting "call the police".

        "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


        • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
          Hurricane Laura is now a Cat 3 and expected to be a Cat 4 Hurricane before it makes landfall at the N Texas, Louisiana border early Thursday morning. Ground zero will likely be the Sabine Pass which is SE of Beaumont TX. The coastal area is a large wildlife reserve so, not much habitation but Beaumont, about 25 miles inland, is going to take a hit.
          Laura now a Cat 4 as expected. 140 mph winds. One of the strongest to ever hit the NW Gulf Coast. Lake Charles, LA could see one of its worst floods in history.


          • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
            Right now, the nation is ripe for these groups to get a foothold. They've already done so in Portland, Seattle, Chicago. I think it is a huge threat to domestic tranquility and is a federal matter, not a police matter. The worst part about that is doing what is necessary to contain and disrupt it, if that sort of thing is effective, is going to put Trump back in the WH for another 4 years.

            Yes, and one begins to wonder which side is controlling the presentation at this point.

            On one hand, the idiotic behavior from the left does present a legitimate threat to society. We can speculate with a reasonable confidence that their behavior is being backed, and may be directed by, forces that have little interest in achieving "social justice".

            However, it's arguable that riots and quasi-violent disruptions of domestic tranquility generally DON'T work. They just piss the general public off, and as Lines alluded to, would get absolutely crushed if they moved out to suburbia or, heaven forbid, those backwards rural areas. Plus they just don't achieve their goals. Sorry, but the riots in Detroit, and elsewhere, only drove people and businesses away and sent the city into the Third World. Likewise, Vietnam, unchecked pollution and segregation didn't end because Americans were bullied into doing so.

            But that was back in the late 1960s. Maybe the left is assuming that Americans have sufficiently softened since then. It's more likely that they are just so full of their worldview of Social Justice, Facebook Cults and saving the world from the evils of Capitalism to pay attention to what goes on in the wastelands.

            Regardless, it's still scary shit and selling the idea that the other side is even more berzerk represents Trump's best card at the moment.


            • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
              Irony of ironies ...

              After two rioters were shot in Kenosha last night, extremists were heard shouting "call the police".

              Marxist Revolutionary LARP-ers try to talk and act tough, and they can bully the innocent and defenseless all day long. They have a lot of pain tolerance and toughness when it comes to pulling motorists from their car and beating the shit out of them or throwing bricks from a distance. When the come up against the rare opponent who decides to fight back, they shift their tune really fast.


              • Hanni, you never answered my question ..... who are the goons your referring to ..... you're too busy beating up on DSL. I'm pretty sure you think much like I do that these goons are provocateurs with agendas. I think it a stretch to call them "communists" but I get your point.

                DSL has a point about the dangerous and lawless activity of taking up arms to deliver vigilante justice to looters and burners. You have a point, along with AA, that if the police won't intervene, militia groups could be considered in their right to protect property. But, committing a crime in that name isn't likely be let go by law enforcement authorities. That's the rule of law not liberalism gone wild.

                I do agree that there's a risk here with a D president and D Congress that whacko's in positions to legislate that you and lIney seem to fear could "abolish police" and give "free shit" away and take what you earned and give it to someone else who didn't. Trump and Pence want you to think that. But, I think it was talent that said, he sees the risks but is counting on organ's of government to function as the US Constitution fashioned them to keep that sort of crap in check.
                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                • Hanni, you never answered my question ..... who are the goons your referring to ..... you're too busy beating up on DSL. I'm pretty sure you think much like I do that these goons are provocateurs with agendas. I think it a stretch to call them "communists" but I get your point.
                  I think that it's a combination of career criminals with a predilection to violence and young people who have been so heavily brainwashed by their college Professors that they can't wait to be the vanguard of the Revolution.

                  Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

                  DSL has a point about the dangerous and lawless activity of taking up arms to deliver vigilante justice to looters and burners. You have a point, along with AA, that if the police won't intervene, militia groups could be considered in their right to protect property. But, committing a crime in that name isn't likely be let go by law enforcement authorities. That's the rule of law not liberalism gone wild.
                  If you are anti-vigilante from the strict "law and order" standpoint, then fine, but we all know that's not the angle that DSL takes. He is simply pro-riot, as evidenced by the fact that he has literally not once ever expressed any distaste for rioters and looters, but thinks that the militia who try and stop them are "right wing scum". He also has no problem with the rioters themselves acting as vigilantes -- he has actually defended he mob attacking the guy on the ground in Kenosha even though they were meting out their own form of vigilante justice. Do not be fooled. There is not a shred of intellectual honesty in DSL's anti-"vigilante" arguments.

                  Anyhow, I don't buy the "rule of law" argument here. Rule of law is only rule of law if it is enforced for both sides. Letting rioters run rampant and then only enforcing the law against the militia is an example of the concept of Anarcho Tyranny. This is precisely what you see everywhere that Democrats are in charge. Vigilantes only show up when law enforcement fails and people have finally run out of patience, and I don't consider militia to be vigilantes. When armed citizens show up after a couple of nights of masked lunatics setting fires all over the city, I don't call that vigilantism.
                  Last edited by Hannibal; August 26, 2020, 02:27 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                    .........Rule of law is only rule of law if it is enforced for both sides. Letting rioters run rampant and then only enforcing the law against the militia is an example of the concept of Anarcho Tyranny.
                    Well, this isn't the first time police have stood down in the face of looters and burners. I'd say liberalism is partly to blame for that in LA in Detroit, wherever. There is probably a drift to more of that shit in the last decade. I think it was Tom who said maybe these domestic terrorists/anarchists think now is the time to make a move after a decade of "softening up" law and order conservatives distracted by they're own wealth.

                    You and I agree these guys are domestic terrorists that definition widely applied but I think we both know where we are each coming from. There's a risk right now that the appropriate arm of available law and order enforcement, the protection of of public and private property from terrorists, is Federal Law Enforcement in the name of US Marshalls. A lot of folks within the Department of Homeland Security can be deputized ..... in Portland they were categorized as "Federal Troops." We saw the public outrage reported by the liberal press when Trump deployed them. You also saw a lot of Portland residents and business owners cheering them. Same in Chicago.

                    Support for that kind of armed intervention in the face of domestic terrorism is completely appropriate and if fucking Trump could articulate what is going on here and make the case for Federal Law Enforcement to engage these pieces of shit - violently - it would end, just as you point out. I don't give a fuck anymore about the political BS debate about local police. Using them to enforce the law and protect the peace isn't going to happen also because of what you point out is the absolutely destructive nature of liberal D management of many US cities. That cat is out of the bag. Police in many cities have been rendered useless for the purpose of establishing order in the face of determined anarchists.

                    Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                    .......Vigilantes only show up when law enforcement fails and people have finally run out of patience.......If you are anti-vigilante from the strict "law and order" standpoint, then fine, but we all know that's not the angle that people like DSL take.
                    I can't speak for DSL but I've found him to be pretty reasonable if not too woke for my taste but that's where I come from. IMO, it's time to deploy Federal law enforcement (not the fucking Army like Trump tried to do) ..... US Marshals ....on a large scale where this stupid rioting shit is going on right under the noses of local law enforcement. Weed out the leadership and throw them the fuck behind bars right away using domestic terrorism as the charge (lot's of lee way to avoid all the red tape of an arrest - I learned this by watching NCIS!!). The FBI knows who these POSs are. Round them up and after that, where their minions - goons if you will - commit crimes at their direction, arrest them, try and convict. You know, the rule of law.

                    Time to get tough ..... even if it means Trump scores a huge lift in the polls for doing it.
                    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                      2 people killed, other shot by a suspect with a 'long gun' overnight in Kenosha. Very little explanation as to what happened but at first glance it appears to be protesters/rioters shot by a self-appointed 'militia' person.

                      There's extremely gruesome video circulating of the person with the arm wound. Would discourage people from watching it. I regret having seen it.

                      This is my original post that immediately got Hannibal screaming at me that I loved rioting and that I was cheering the rioters for trying to attack junior militia man.

                      I guess I regret using the term "rightwing scum" but when others here make zero effort to moderate their language, I feel no inclination to do so myself.

                      And for the record, there IS a rightwing movement with the goal of provoking fights and conflicts at demonstrations, protests, etc. etc. They are enough of a threat that even Trump's government has posted warnings about them. This kid does not appear to be one of those.


                      • Comity. Goddamn it, comity!
                        "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                          I guess I regret using the term "rightwing scum" but when others here make zero effort to moderate their language, I feel no inclination to do so myself.
                          You need not regret anything. It's honestly how you feel. Three nights of rioting clearly does not bother you. Armed citizens trying to stop the rioting does. You view Right Wing militia with more disdain than angry Left Wing mobs throwing Molotov cocktails everywhere.

                          Just own it.
                          Last edited by Hannibal; August 26, 2020, 03:06 PM.


                          • People getting killed by self-appointed avengers bothers me more than broken windows and cars set on fire, yeah. I'll own that. Even if they were rioters who "had it coming", in your view. And there is still as of yet no explanation if he provoked people into chasing him or not. Just like in the video of the guy who shot people in Albuquerque, your video picks up at a convenient spot to portray the shooter as 100% a victim. In that last case, the dude wasn't bothered by the crowd until he slammed a woman half his size to the ground and whipped out a gun. But if someone knew only what they saw in your video, they would assume he was minding his own business when leftist goons decided it was time to murder a white man for no good reason.

                            So I will wait more and see if this kid was harassed and attacked first or if he was goading rioters into a confrontation. If they have zero evidence then that murder charge will be dropped fast but quietly.


                            • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                              Comity. Goddamn it, comity!
                              At all times, at all times


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                                People getting killed by self-appointed avengers bothers me more than broken windows and cars set on fire, yeah. I'll own that. Even if they were rioters who "had it coming", in your view. And there is still as of yet no explanation if he provoked people into chasing him or not. Just like in the video of the guy who shot people in Albuquerque, your video picks up at a convenient spot to portray the shooter as 100% a victim. In that last case, the dude wasn't bothered by the crowd until he slammed a woman half his size to the ground and whipped out a gun. But if someone knew only what they saw in your video, they would assume he was minding his own business when leftist goons decided it was time to murder a white man for no good reason.

                                So I will wait more and see if this kid was harassed and attacked first or if he was goading rioters into a confrontation. If they have zero evidence then that murder charge will be dropped fast but quietly.
                                If he provoked and the rioters decided to chase him down to “bring him to justice” wouldn’t the rioters be vigilantes, too?
                                "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln

