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  • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
    FTR, JD .. I wear a mask everywhere I go in public. I also carry a small bottle of sanitizer with me to frequently cleanse my hands with. I do so of my own free will.

    That being said ...

    What do you propose that we do with people who choose to not wear masks? Fine them? Arrest them? Around here, a millage was just recently defeated that would have funded the building of a new jail, because our current jail is about to be declared unfit for human habitation by Whitmer's government. We aren't equipped to house everyone that chooses to not wear masks. Yet our local newspaper is filled with people complaining in the opinion column, about people who refuse to wear masks, and many suggesting "they should be locked up".

    My response was, "Where?" You just turned down a new jail. Where do you put them?

    Your suggestions?

    Even Dr Fauci goes back and forth on mask usage. One day he says we should always wear them, others, he does not. He refuses to weigh in on whether unmasked protesters could be spreading the virus, but readily weighs in on wearing a mask when we go to the grocery store. He was even shown not wearing a mask at a baseball game recently.

    A security guard at a Flint Dollar Store was shot and killed recently, because he told a customer that she could not enter without a mask. She went home and told her husband and son, who returned to the store and shot the security guard dead. Fortunately, they've been caught, and will never be free men again.

    What about attitudes like that?
    It's the anti-science, anti-anything that 45 doesn't like folks that get butt-hurt if they can't go in a store that this article is directed at. So, my suggestion is that they be refused service when trying to enter stores that require masks and that they accept the consequences like adults. I think a fine is also something to look into. Arrests? I don't think that is the solution, even though they may be threatening the health of those around them and the people those people end up being around, etc. Now, if they go coughing in somebodies face or spitting on them, yeah, arrest them.

    Indoors is certainly higher risk than outdoors. I think anyone protesting, that's in close-proximity to another should be wearing a mask. By and large, that's been the case in the marches against racism, abuse of power, and murder. Not so much in the marches against not being able to get a haircut. Do they need to be fined too? Maybe. Maybe issue a warning first so we're not handing out tickets like candy on Halloween.

    Obviously, it's impossible to ticket everyone but a few tickets here and there will deter a lot more people.

    Fauci was with his wife and a friend and says he had been tested earlier that day. Nobody else is around him. He says he pulled down his mask to drink his water. As you can see from the photo, there's a water bottle in his lap.

    Please show me where he said no reason to masks after saying we should wear masks. I haven't seen that. I know early on, we were in a mask shortage. Maybe that's what you're thinking about?

    I'm not sure what you're saying about the psycho gunman. Are you saying businesses shouldn't require masks because some people can't handle being told what is good for them?

    I'm sure we are both on the same page for wanting people to be as healthy as possible. To get there, we may have to do some unfamiliar and maybe uncomfortable things. All of this is a work in progress.


    • Originally posted by Ghengis Jon View Post

      Start a national registry for people that do not want to wear masks (choosing 'personal freedom'). Anyone on the registry cannot be ticketed, fined, or arrested for failing to wear a mask in public. However, anyone on the registry releases all insurance companies from covering any covid expenses for themselves or their families. If a person on the registry contracts covid, any person who has been in contact with said person in the past 14 days may initiate property forfeiture proceedings and wage garnishment to cover all their medical and personal expenses. Similarly to the concealed weapons law here in Michigan, any person feeling that their life is threatened by the close proximity of the registered maskless person, may use lethal force to end the threat.

      Survivors can continue to parade around the governor's mansion with their AR-15s, making the virus shake in it's boots.


      • I may be late to this news but apparently Larry Johnson Jr. is a fullblown Farrakhan-style antisemite now?


        • Originally posted by Ghengis Jon View Post

          Start a national registry for people that do not want to wear masks (choosing 'personal freedom'). Anyone on the registry cannot be ticketed, fined, or arrested for failing to wear a mask in public. However, anyone on the registry releases all insurance companies from covering any covid expenses for themselves or their families. If a person on the registry contracts covid, any person who has been in contact with said person in the past 14 days may initiate property forfeiture proceedings and wage garnishment to cover all their medical and personal expenses. Similarly to the concealed weapons law here in Michigan, any person feeling that their life is threatened by the close proximity of the registered maskless person, may use lethal force to end the threat.

          Survivors can continue to parade around the governor's mansion with their AR-15s, making the virus shake in it's boots.

          More government in our lives.

          Soon there will be a requirement that everyone wears a government mandated tattoo, with a RFID chip, that shows you are in total compliance with all government rules. Those without, cannot buy or sell, or basically do anything.

          You guys may get what you want after all.
          "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


          • It has nothing to do with more gov't. It has everything to do with being a responsible human being.

            Show me where common sense, decent people, reason, and sound healthy living has made any difference to these anti-mask dipshits. What do you think should be done to curb their willful, reckless and harmful-to-others behavior?
            “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


            • Current 538 Polling Averages for "Swing" States. Some of these might not really be considered up for grabs anymore

              CO: Biden +13.2
              VA: Biden +10.7
              NH: Biden +9.2
              MI: Biden +8.1
              MN: Biden +7.6
              WI: Biden +7.0
              PA: Biden +6.6
              NV: Biden +6.5
              FL: Biden +5.9
              AZ: Biden +3.9
              NC: Biden +2.2
              TX: Biden +0.6
              OH: Trump +0.5
              GA: Trump +0.7
              IA: Trump +1.1
              MO: Trump +5.5


              • Despite a withdrawn nomination, widespread bipartisan opposition and canceled Senate hearings, America’s Shitstain® has dropped Anthony Tata into the Pentagon role. Not even in an "Acting" position...."the official Performing the Duties of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy reporting to the Acting Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Dr. James Anderson."

                “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                • What do you think should be done to curb their willful, reckless and harmful-to-others behavior?
                  Are we going to ask the same question of looters and rioters, or is it just the Wal-Mart rednecks that we're going after here? John Lewis' funeral was more like the DNC Convention this week, and not a word about attendees failure to wear masks. But, DeBlasio, Newsome and Whitmer still claim that church-going (white?) folks are a 'danger to spreading the virus'.

                  I guess my attempt to answer the question would be if mask laws are going to be enforced, then they should be enforced equally. If you're going to nail the Wal Mart redneck, or the Owosso barber, then be willing to go after the "peaceful demonstrators" and other lawless thugs who are not wearing them either. But, we can't do that either, because the left wants to defund law enforcement.

                  Not sure who's left to do the enforcing.
                  "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                  • Maybe not of interest to many of you here but there are some interesting developments in the cruise line industry re COVID. First, there are a handful of EU and Asian based cruise lines that have started cruising in Asian and Mediterranean/Baltic waters on a limited basis. What is noteworthy about this is that cruise ships are perfect examples of large indoor venues where the people inside of them are mobile - a witches brew for spread of COVID. I'm following this closely first becasue I am a cruise fan and second because the lessons learned from the early success or failure of this reopen and mange outcomes strategy can be applied in all sorts of ways to sporting events.

                    Make no mistake that cruise lines have developed and had approved by EU and Asian PH authorities detailed mitigation measures. I've seen and read them. Staggered embarkation, detailed health screening measures for crew and passengers, movement and spacing control while aboard, controlled access at ports of call are all present. Most of these, not all, could be applied, for example, to stadium seating for sporting events as a means of mitigating the likelihood of infection.

                    What may be the most important outcome for the cruise industry will be how an isolated infection aboard ship is handled, how the infected persons are debarked from the ship and how local HC personnel receiving the infected persons are handle them. This has been one of the most controversial aspects of cruising for PH officials to deal with. Cruise lines operating in the EU and Asia have had to develop and submit detailed plans for just this outcome. Who pays for the handling and transport of these infected people who arrive at a debarkation port? What if there are hundreds of them aboard a ship? Will that overwhelm local ports and hospitals that receive them? It's complicated but, it is also MANAGEABLE!
                    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                    • There's been a number of articles in the past month suggesting many state Republicans are frustrated by Trump's attempts to delegitimize mail-in voting, particularly because they think R's could otherwise take advantage of it.

                      This morning he denounces new legislation in Nevada which would send ballots to registered voters as an "illegal coup" and says "See you in court!!"

                      It's unclear on what grounds Trump could sue. At least five states already do this (including Utah) and several others plan to adopt it by November.


                      • He’ll use it as an excuse for losing the election.
                        "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                        • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                          He’ll use it as an excuse for losing the election.
                          Yeah, I'm 100% certain of that. He was already making up stories of massive in-person voting fraud back in 2016 when even he thought he was going to lose. Trump campaign lawyers from back then have admitted that they were prepared to go to court and challenge the results in several close states had he lost. I don't know if that'll actually happen in 2020 if it turns out to be a rout, but if just one state could swing things, then yeah he'll prob insist upon some sort of court fight.


                          • Trump now slams Dr. Birx, saying she took Crazy Nancy Pelosi's bait and admitted mistakes in the Administration's covid response. "Pathetic!" sneers our beloved leader, before going on to boast about tv ratings and the crowds of fans he saw in Florida.


                            • Boy, Pelosi just accused Birx of spreading disinformation yesterday. Poor Birx can't win. Pelosi thinks she's a propagandist; PDJT thinks she's Pelosi's puppet.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                                Yeah, I'm 100% certain of that. He was already making up stories of massive in-person voting fraud back in 2016 when even he thought he was going to lose. Trump campaign lawyers from back then have admitted that they were prepared to go to court and challenge the results in several close states had he lost. I don't know if that'll actually happen in 2020 if it turns out to be a rout, but if just one state could swing things, then yeah he'll prob insist upon some sort of court fight.
                                AlGore kicked open the door and wrote the book on contesting elections in 2000. Anyone wanting to contest an election since then is just following his footsteps.

                                Personally, I hope that if PDJT loses, and starts refusing to leave office, that the US Marshalls and Secret Service escort him off the WH property and back onto his plane, so he can fly back to NYC or Florida, or where-ever he decides to live. I took great comfort on PDJT's inauguration day when I saw Marine One flying off into the distance with Barack Obama on board. I never thought he'd go quietly. If Trump refuses to leave, he should be forcibly removed and I don't think they'd have a problem finding volunteers to make that happen.

                                That being said, if Trump somehow manages to pull this election out of his arse, I'm wondering if the country will survive the violence that the left will wage on Trump supporters.
                                Last edited by lineygoblue; August 3, 2020, 09:45 AM.
                                "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"

