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  • ^^^^^^^
    Serious Post


    • Flavor Town doesn't want him here. I vote Casper, Wyoming. Low covid cases. Good MAGA crowd.


      • I'll bet that Flavor Town wouldn't mind having full hotel rooms and a week's worth of pay for all of the hookers though.


        • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
          I'll bet that Flavor Town wouldn't mind having full hotel rooms and a week's worth of pay for all of the hookers though.
          Just like a home game weekend?
          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on



            Jason Whitlock nails it again.

            I'm voting for the Tucker Carlson/Jason Whitlock ticket in 2024.


            In his defense of Hitler-quoting NFL receiver DeSean Jackson, former NBA player-turned-podcaster Stephen Jackson proclaimed that “racism is at an all-time high.”

            He misspoke. What he meant is “the teaching of racism is at an all-time high.”

            The COVID-19 lockdown combined with the heinous murder of George Floyd enrolled a higher percentage of Americans in social media’s Bigotry Homeschooling Program.

            Trapped at home for months, jobless and stripped of common signs of affection and respect such as handshakes, hugs and smiles, we’ve been forced to interpret our fellow man through smartphones, laptops, cable news and print publications all rigged to serve social media apps.

            For years, I have argued that Twitter is not a reflection of reality. That argument is no longer true. COVID has made Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok our reality, our primary means of engagement with humans outside our immediate tribe.

            We’re being homeschooled. What’s the most common criticism of homeschooling? Kids don’t learn how to socialize with their peers. We can’t get along because self-appointed teachers at home schools are teaching bigotry to fight bigotry.

            Conflict and demagoguery are the lifeblood of Twitter, the graduate school of Bigotry Homeschooling. Inside Jack Dorsey’s app, Black Twitter and LGBTQ+ algorithms amplify and reward voices that fuel cancel culture, denigrate America as systemically racist and promote political and sexual identity above faith-based identity.

            DeSean and Stephen Jackson did exactly what social media homeschooling dictates. They’ve seen Shaun King, Jemele Hill and others build powerful Twitter brands with racial demagoguery. They’ve witnessed LeBron James and Colin Kaepernick enhance their Nike brands with racial demagoguery. They’ve watched Shannon Sharpe, Max Kellerman, Bomani Jones and other sports TV personalities grow their media brands with racial demagoguery.

            And they have surely taken note of social media’s negative reaction when anyone with a platform and following tries to offer a moderate, fact-based, unifying message related to race.

            I’m not here to defend DeSean and Stephen Jackson, but I’m not going to pretend they’re the problem. They’re athletes doing what they’ve been taught. They’re mimicking the behavior that the mainstream and social media are rewarding.

            Since the murder of George Floyd, the media have foolishly and dishonestly celebrated Stephen Jackson as a poignant and thoughtful voice on racial justice. Jackson and Floyd grew up together in Houston.

            In the aftermath of his friend’s death, Jackson has justifiably been an angry and emotional voice on racial justice. He has not been remotely thoughtful. He can’t be. The emotional trauma is too severe.

            In 2012, two Indianapolis sheriffs tasered my 28-year-old cousin Anton Butler to death. It took two years before I was ready emotionally to speak publicly about Anton. I’m still haunted by his death. I helped raise him.

            When he was a teenager, I offered him the chance to come live with me in Kansas City with his other cousin, Josh, who was the same age. Anton loved his mother and his little brother too much to leave Indianapolis. He eventually got involved with drug trafficking. I blame myself. Did I do enough?

            It’s difficult to imagine the pain and turmoil going on in the heart and mind of Stephen Jackson. I couldn’t imagine how I would feel if there was a video of the last 8 minutes of Anton’s life and I could hear him pleading for mercy.

            Again, I’m not trying to excuse Stephen Jackson’s defense of DeSean. I’m just offering context. Stephen Jackson is an emotional wreck right now. He’s not an eloquent or thoughtful racial justice leader. He’s a human being in obvious pain who is lashing out.

            Twitter and the mainstream media love nothing more than to exploit, celebrate and capitalize on the pain and trauma of black people. That’s why the media delight in showcasing tragic incidents involving black people and police and ignore those incidents when the victim is white, Hispanic or Asian, despite these races representing 74% of all people killed by police in 2019. That’s why Twitter and the mainstream media racialized George Floyd’s death rather than explain it as an abuse of power by disgraced officer Derek Chauvin.

            There is not a shred of evidence that Chauvin acted out of racial animus. None. Chauvin abused the power the city of Minneapolis gave him.

            In 2020, unchecked power is the drug at the core of police brutality, not race. A responsible, well-intentioned media would explain this to the public. The Twitter Homeschool of Bigotry won’t tolerate this explanation though.

            The social media professors of bigotry — Shaun King, Colin Kaepernick, Jemele Hill — won’t show the examples of police officers tragically killing white men. The videos are readily available. Watch this 4-minute video of the execution of 26-year-old Daniel Shaver (below). A jury acquitted the police officer, Phillip Brailsford. Or take a look at the killing of Tony Timpa in Dallas. His death was similar to George Floyd’s. There were no charges brought in the Timpa case and the officers kept their jobs.

            Police kill approximately twice as many unarmed white men as black men each year. Do black men get killed at a higher percentage than our 7% representation in the U.S. population? Yes. But that is because we commit a far higher percentage of violent crimes in America. Violent crime in poor black communities is so high that it guarantees that we interact with police more often than white people.

            This type of context isn’t hard to understand or find. They just don’t teach it at the Homeschool of Bigotry. What is taught there is represented by the actions of DeSean and Stephen Jackson.
            Last edited by Hannibal; July 9, 2020, 01:52 PM.


            • Follow-up note -- on a per arrest basis, unarmed whites are killed more often than unarmed blacks.

              Everything underpinning the current hysteria is a complete lie.


              • In more good news and sitting smack dab in the middle of the hysteria over hospital beds and increasing new case #s is a degree of proof that the current upswing in case #s is entirely manageable as probably is a return to school this fall for kids. Caveat: the study is not yet peer reviewed.

                The link will take you to a .pdf version of the study. The charts are revealing. IMO, this is a solid study. On a scale of 1-10 wrt to sample size, it's a 7+. The 5K people studied is sufficient to draw broader conclusions. As well, the study group did a fine job of improving the confidence interval and power of the study. You can draw your own conclusions on that if you want to read the study design. Summary:

                We quantified the probability of developing symptoms (respiratory or fever ≥37.5 °C) and critical disease (requiring intensive care or resulting in death) of SARS-CoV-2 positive subjects. 5,484 contacts of SARS-CoV-2 index cases detected in Lombardy, Italy were analyzed, and positive subjects were ascertained via nasal swabs and serological assays. 73.9% of all infected individuals aged less than 60 years did not develop symptoms (95% confidence interval: 71.8-75.9%). The risk of symptoms increased with age. 6.6% of infected subjects older than 60 years had critical disease, with males at significantly higher risk.

                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                  Buckeye Stadium
                  Well, it does resemble a toilet seat, so maybe the symbolism is appropriate ...
                  "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                    “We have a totally corrupt previous Administration, including a President and Vice President who spied on my campaign, AND GOT CAIGHT [sic] and nothing happens to them,” Trump raged in a series of tweets.

                    “This crime was taking place even before my election, everyone knows it, and yet all are frozen stiff with fear. No Republican Senate Judiciary response, NO ‘JUSTICE’, NO FBI, NO NOTHING. Major horror show REPORTS on Comey & McCabe, guilty as hell, nothing happens. Catch Obama & Biden cold, nothing. A 3 year, $45,000,000 Mueller HOAX, failed - investigated everything. Won all against the Federal Government and the Democrats send everything to politically corrupt New York, which is falling apart with everyone leaving, to give it a second, third and fourth try,” he said.

                    “Now the Supreme Court gives a delay ruling that they would never have given for another President. This is about PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT. We catch the other side SPYING on my campaign, the biggest political crime and scandal in U.S. history, and NOTHING HAPPENS. But despite this, I have done more than any President in history in first 3 1/2 years!” Trump tweeted

                    tenor (1).gif

                    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                    • Is PPP considered a reliable polling outfit? They have Trump up in Alaska by 3.


                      • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                        Is PPP considered a reliable polling outfit? They have Trump up in Alaska by 3.
                        I saw that poll. They're mid-range. Not top tier. But not junk like an internet poll either.

                        The one who should be more worried is Don Young. Dude is 87, a notorious curmudgeon, and has been in Congress forever. Same pollster showed him slightly behind the Democrat. Alaska may be ready for someone new. It's a weird state and hard to poll. And the party differences have less meaning up there.


                        • I thought it was huge R because of oil?

                          Trump pulling the US out of the Paris GHG reduction agreement should be enough to win the state by 50 points.


                          • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                            I thought it was huge R because of oil?

                            Trump pulling the US out of the Paris GHG reduction agreement should be enough to win the state by 50 points.
                            To some extent yeah but oil production has been declining for years. Ironically fracking has made Alaskan oil way less important and I believe it has a relatively high cost of production considering the remoteness, the constant maintenance required on their big pipeline, and then shipping the crude to the lower 48 for refining. So the importance and clout of the oil industry is waning up there.

                            I believe BP bailed on Prudhoe Bay in the past couple years after decades of being Alaska's top driller and the company who really developed the oil play.

                            They've had Dem Governors and a Dem Senator fairly recently. Lisa Murkowski basically got disowned by the Republican Party after a tea party candidate beat her, then won the general election in a freaking write-in campaign.


                            • I checked and Trump only got 51% of the vote in 2016. There was a big 3rd party vote because Hillary got under 40% herself.


                              • 149 covid deaths in California reported today. 105 in Texas. Both are single-day records for each state. There is still some hope or reason to think this could be delayed reporting from a holiday weekend but we'll see. They may have begun to spike.

