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  • Hoss... Listing shows on fox doesn't help your argument. It's all you have... And really proves my point


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    Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


    • Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects

      And if you think I'm wrong, start listing shows. Way more shows lean left than right.

      Radio... Different story

      Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
      Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


      • Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
        Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


        • Look hard at the stats you cite. From 0-100 (100 being liberal), the Wall Street Journal rates an 85?!? That by itself shoots its credibility in the foot. (I do like that partisan phrases breakdown though)

          Plus, 1000 shows that nobody watches has less influence than the 10 that people do watch.
          “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


          • Originally posted by entropy View Post
            Hoss... Listing shows on fox doesn't help your argument. It's all you have... And really proves my point


            Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
            Maybe it just means there isn't an expansive market for perpetual-anger shows like Hannity and O'Reilly. Its not it hasn't been tried; uberliberal MSNBC had Don Imus and Michael Savage on contract, and now has Joe Scarborough. Glenn Beck made his bones on CNN. Odd choices for liberal networks....


            • Originally posted by entropy View Post
              And if you think I'm wrong, start listing shows. Way more shows lean left than right.

              Radio... Different story

              Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
              The 700 Club is one.

              Opposed to that we have...what? 4 poli-comedies on pay cable, all originating from one model? I think you're point is self-defeating.


              • Originally posted by Ghengis Jon View Post

                Plus, 1000 shows that nobody watches has less influence than the 10 that people do watch.
                ....and this.

                The point wasn't about whole numbers anyway; it was about coverage. Conservatives cannot argue that they do not have adequate "fair" coverage to get their beliefs out to the public while crowing about having the top-rated news network, the top 2-3 rated cable shows, and owning political radio. Its laughable.


                • shaddup
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Bite it, thou shalt.


                    • My mother's half of the family is very racist. I have a half brother who is mixed race and only several members of that side of the entire family is aware my father had a mixed race child before my parents met. My mother's side of the family is very close, when we lived within driving distance we gathered for every Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and a lot of Fourth of July's...

                      Anyway, my facebook feed from a number of members of this side of the family (with some exceptions) is filled with non-stop Donald Trump propaganda. Yes, many of these family members are also in the group of Trump supporting not having attended college.


                      • And they're Michigan fans...

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                        Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                        • The WSJ news section is indeed liberal. The editorial page is more conservative.

                          We live under the most racist President in US history, and it is not even close. Off the top of my head, I think of (1) W.H. Gates and the "stupid" white police officer (2) "Trayvon could have been my son" said during a criminal case. (3) Openly supporting the myth that the 300 lb criminal in Furgeson, MO had his hands up before being shot (4) Investigating the "abuse" of BLM protesters on Missouri's campus.

                          That's why I find the theory that Trump's ascendance is a reaction to political correctness so interesting. White working class voters are voting for a hard-core liberal billionaire. What is wrong with this picture?

                          Well, maybe these horrible, uneducated, white working folks resent the even more poorly educated black folks who do not work. Maybe the Trump voters resent the non-working college students who want Bernie and the forgiveness of the $ 100,000 debt for education in Transgendered Studies. I think the difference between the Trump voters and the Sanders voters is that the Trump voters are part of the productive sectors of society and Bernie's are from the non-productive sectors of the economy. One group is sick of providing benefits to the other.

                          And that is why I found the 30 for 30 so interesting. Here we have a black woman accusing at least 3 Duke men of rape in March of 2006, and not being interviewed at all until December of 2006. No one even dared to take her statement while the prosecution went forward. This was a DA seeking re-election in a majority-black community who wouldn't take the accuser's statement because the men were so obviously guilty because they were so obviously white. One father said, "these kids are looking at 30 years in an NC State Prison. They will either be dead within a week, or wish they were."
                          Last edited by Da Geezer; March 17, 2016, 07:12 PM.


                          • The most racist President in US history...LMAO


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              The most racist President in US history...LMAO
                              Including the ones who owned slaves? Impressive!

                              This kind of foolishness is why my local library has an entire "Hate Obama" section...they'll probably have to build an annex to house Hillary's.
                              Last edited by Wild Hoss; March 17, 2016, 08:24 PM.


                              • Over 40% of welfare and food stamp recipients are white.

                                I work in the Ohio Valley/Appalachia region. I've met plenty of poor whites that were good, decent people. I've also met racist assholes who collect welfare or SSDI and still despise the govt for giving handouts to inner city blacks. The government is to blame for them being out of work and turning to meth. That or New York City Jews. I've met plenty of your Trump voters who are like that.

                                But yeah, sure, one of the worst acts of racism ever perpetuated in America was Obama declaring a cop stupid for arresting a Harvard Professor for trying to get in his home.

