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  • The news this morning is filled with these headlines (or something like it): 3000 NEW DEATHS PER DAY IN JUNE!!!..... or...... NEW CASES KEEP RISING IN THE US.

    Fine, I get this. Deaths are going to lag so the increases are, in part, explainable. The new cases still rising narrative can't be easily explained away. Is it controversial re-openings? I don't think it is but I'm biased so TIFIW.

    One article I read this morning suggests it is because of the differences in local responses to the virus going back to January. Circumstances in New York and NYC are very different from those in bum-fuck Montana or whatever very different set of circumstances you want to apply to any given region. Or, it could be because Americans in general and compared to European counterparts are flouting social distancing and masking guidelines (I really doubt this when I think of the Italians, French and Spaniards, Germans? Swiss? Maybe).

    Pundits wonder and worry about why European nation's case #s have peaked and are declining while, outside of NYC (which has peaked and is declining) the US numbers seem to keep slowly rising creating this elongated peak instead of the steep drop seen, for example, in Spain.

    I don't think it is rocket science to understand why the US is having this uneven plateau of new case #s compared to other countries. I do think that widely varying early responses to SARS-COV-2 and the post case # rise re-openings is contributing. But,I also think the hugely diverse circumstances in the geography, space and population densities in the US compared to the more homogeneous and more compact nations of Europe is a major player in these comparisons. So, stop comparing. It is what it is in the US. It's going to be different and for good reason.

    OK, so, what about China, a huge geographically and demographically diverse country, you ask? What about those fucks? Their government brutally restricted movement early on and if there is a local flare, they repeat that activity. That isn't going to play in the US. Australia and New Zealand? Probably outliers in terms of R(0) and a unified response on recognition of the virus and post case # decrease re-openings. A recognizable fault, IMO, of the US's initial response and now on-going re-openings is the divergent nature of them state by state and even county by county. Fine. We can worry about that latter in lessons learned and a better response to the next pandemic. For now, it is what it is and that ain't gonna change.

    TBH, I think in the grand scheme of things, the differences we see today derived from the comparisons the media wants to make and, of course, turn that into a narrative of doom and gloom, the differences are not that big of a deal when you contrast that with the social and economic costs of saying, holly shit, we are in trouble, shutter back up. I say, keep on truck'in. Manage case #s and deaths in the US and state/county wide by continuing to ID new infections, isolate them and and trace their contacts. Overall, states are in much better positions to do that than they were at the start of the US outbreak in January - another reason for generally increasing numbers in the US that will certainly decline as testing capacity expands and it is getting better everywhere I look.

    The IHME model has been updated and changed significantly. You can view death projections for the US and compare these to other countries. The state projections graphs are really good - my take on them is they demonstrate there are no drastic changes occurring with how things are going. This is in contrast to the Trump proclamation yesterday (3000 deaths per day by June) and the doom and gloom media narrative born of it. I do see a range of deaths in the US that at the top are higher than the Fauci 60K number (the bottom is in the 94K the top 150K+ range) so, yeah, more deaths and that is unfortunate but we're not talking about huge increases in the deaths per 100K population. You can see the IHME graphs here:

    Explore forecasts of COVID-19 cases, deaths, and hospital resource use.

    You can see the data presented in different ways here. They basically say the same thing: there is an elongated plateau in various measures of deaths and case #s in the US, it has reasonable explanations beyond, holy shit we all gonna die in this crazy reopening shit. The bottom line: relax, things are going ok, keep on truck'in.

    An interactive, data-forward visualization of COVID-19 data by Prof. Wade at The University of Illinois. Updated daily.

    ..... and heh, I found it funny the forum went for basically 24h without a COVID-19 comment in this thread. Tired of talking about COVID-19? Me too ...... I blame this whole fucking mess on osu and ryan, fucking day!

    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


    • Yes, trying to avoid the 24 hour COVID news cycle. Its banned from the TV in my house. Watching old Carol Burnett reruns, Groucho's You Bet Your Life, old Bogie flicks (Casablanca, The Roaring Twenties, Passage to Marseilles) and some Charlie Chaplin silent shorts. Nice to escape to some family entertainment without the schlock.

      Besides Jeff, we can always count on your brevity in your daily reports....
      “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


      • We stopped watching the national news late in March, and haven't watched since. I tried watching our local news outlets for a bit, but they got as bad as the national outlets, so I stopped watching them too. Now, I'm restricting myself to an occasional look at the Detroit News online, and our local newspaper, along with my employee email from our local hospital. That's about it for news.

        Speaking of our local hospital, the CEO sent out an e-mail yesterday saying that they are hoping to resume somewhat 'normal' operations by the end of June. That is pending how this thing goes, of course. They are committed to following Whitmer's orders to the letter, and won't take a breath without her permission.

        I found out yesterday that a good friend from my teenage years died from Covid. Haven't seen him in about 30 years, but it was still hard to hear about it.
        "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


        • Local news report about my barber re-opening yesterday.

          Karl is a fine man, and a great barber.

          UPDATE: People gather outside of Karl Manke's barbershop in support of his decision to reopen against Governor Whitmer's orders. Click below to watch. Previous Story: OWOSSO, Mich - A Shiawassee County barber shop is back open despite state orders for salons and barber shops to remain closed. RELATED LINK:Gov. Whitmer orders restaurants, bars, fitness centers and more closed until May 28th.
          "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


          • 1700 nursing home deaths previously undisclosed now being reported in New York. Most died before they could be tested or before their results came. These numbers still don't include anyone who was transferred from a nursing home to hospital before dying.


            • How on earth do you NOT make this article's headline: "Where's the beef???"


              • The news this morning is filled with these headlines (or something like it): 3000 NEW DEATHS PER DAY IN JUNE!!!..... or...... NEW CASES KEEP RISING IN THE US.
                The goalposts have moved. Hell, I'm not even sure we're still playing football. Remember, the goal was to avoid hospitals being overrun. We accomplished that. We endured hysterical prognostications of doctors deciding who gets a ventillator and who gets told to go die in a closet. Now we're drifting into no more death territory. And while that's noble, it's preposterously untethered to reality. But, "BLOOD ON YOU HANDS" has political currency, so here we are.

                I've been saying it for awhile -- make sure we have hospital capacity and then make peace with the numbers. Take precautions to help with the most at risk, but make peace with the numbers. Those aren't going away.

                Yes, trying to avoid the 24 hour COVID news cycle. Its banned from the TV in my house. Watching old Carol Burnett reruns, Groucho's You Bet Your Life, old Bogie flicks (Casablanca, The Roaring Twenties, Passage to Marseilles) and some Charlie Chaplin silent shorts. Nice to escape to some family entertainment without the schlock.

                Besides Jeff, we can always count on your brevity in your daily reports
                Unfortunately, Buchanan's daily reports often take more than 24 hours to get through. They're definitely less abrasive than the 24-hour news cycle, though, but, somehow, longer.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                  ...............I've been saying it for awhile -- make sure we have hospital capacity and then make peace with the numbers. Take precautions to help with the most at risk, but make peace with the numbers. Those aren't going away.
                  Noooooo!!! Can't justify that kind of position. Never mind that everyone would be better off if they did. Then we could just get to the new normal that we can live with, as inconvenient as it seems to be. Then, we just deal and wait for this shit to end - and it will if for nothing but it's natural course..... and it's natural course is going to be shortened by a shit ton if I've got it right. Admit it. You know I do.

                  The next thing I can start wondering about is the question, did we learn anything from this pandemic? Will we be better prepared for the next one that will surely come at us.

                  Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                  • Yes.

                    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                    • On a political note, meet your next Republican, no shit, viable, presidential candidate, Ron Desantis:


                      The guy has done just about everything right as FL's governor with the COVID-19 pandemic. He never lost his shit when he took it over the FL beaches images. Combative reporters were handled with aplomb then and he has continued to handle them over the last 2 months. His messaging has been clear and unambiguous. He's seen as a messiah among FL business men, listening to their input and acting upon it to create as much business activity as possible. He's handled a mess with FL's UIB that he had nothing to do with and has slowly but surely brought the UIB system up to speed. He clearly understands that the moral and ethical considerations involved in the social and economic consequences of continued shuttering are as important as those involving the potential for increasing deaths with re-opening. He's managed to walk the space created between the political divide on that issue adroitly.

                      Talk about a guy who has mastered running a huge state bureaucracy, making decentralized agencies run smoothly together to achieve results on the ground, this guy is it.
                      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                      • Originally posted by Ghengis Jon View Post

                        Excellent takes on both counts.

                        Very early on in this shit-storm, I read an article written by an author and in a publication I can't remember - might have been Lancet - that every one in an advisory capacity to the leadership of Western and Asian democracies warned of the economic and social costs that the next pandemic that was sure to come would be. This was around the time of SARS, MERS and Ebola - terrifying viruses that luckily, and I mean by complete luck when you get right down to it, were, for the most part, contained.

                        The gist of the article was that after these events, there was all sorts of scurrying about to assure preparedness. Within a three year period after Ebola, the article asserts, nobody gave a shit anymore. Lost in the shuffle. There are exceptions. SK, Singapore and Honk Kong among them and their preparedness has shown. Most of Europe, the UK and US? Ill-prepared for SARS-COV-2. No question about that.

                        The reason the author offered for this is mainly that beyond the reality that politicians are generally idiots - there are exceptions - leadership tends to think science and technology are more important than history and in thinking about the future, they don't consider it.

                        I have to admit, Jon, you are probably correct in your second assertion of, "no." But that is not going to stop me from wringing my hands about it.
                        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                        • My concern on future preparedness is that we will once again let politics / ideology dictate the reaction to future medical emergencies. What happened after the scope of the COVID problem was recognized? After initially ignoring it, it became a hoax masterminded by political opponents, then something inconsequential the will 'go away like magic'. If anyone other than Putin's Gleeful Cock Holster was in the WH, would that President have instead acted rationally? Who knows. Once the reality became undeniable, our federal gov't let "the market" determine where medical equipment and PPE would be distributed. With the gov't encouragement, private industry adopted the position of fuck the old, covet the gold. Cancel orders if someone offers more! more!! MORE!!!! So the feds cower behind 'states rights' yet the Traitor In Chief encourages armed protesters that occupy capital buildings to defy their governors with the intent of causing fear.

                          One lesson of the pandemic is that a hands off approach results in chaos. To allow life saving equipment to go to the highest bidder rather than where its needed most is both reprehensible and inexcusable. Another badge of dishonor for for failing to lead.
                          “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                          • Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • would that President have instead acted rationally?
                              I'm not sure that either of the nimrods vying for the presidency would qualify as rational.

                              Is being rational a requirement?
                              "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


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