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  • Jeff- Ignore the provocative headline but it looks clear that Florida likely has a big backlog of testing results. They claim that only 1400 are "awaiting results" but admit those numbers only come from state-run labs. Private labs are responsible for around 90% of all Florida's testing. After calling just two smaller hospitals the reporter was able to find another 800 "awaiting results" right away.


    • Capture.JPG
      “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


      • This is kind of interesting. Using power usage as an economic health indicator of the economy....argued more accurate than unemployment claims. Before and during Covid stay at home orders.

        “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


        • Our county still has about 36 confirmed cases with no deaths from Covid. 8 of the cases are workers at a local convalescent home. They are all recovering at home, and none were hospitalized. Yesterday another healthcare worker tested positive, but again was not hospitalized, and is in quarantine at home. We've been very fortunate so far. All the counties around us have much worse numbers.

          I don't have today's numbers, but at last count, our county only had 4 people hospitalized. Our local hospital lab is now doing all of the testing in the county, and they get results in 4 hours. Much better than a couple weeks ago when we were waiting more than a week for results. My son was laid off by the hospital two weeks ago, but one of his last routes as a courier was to take a load of Covid test kits to Lansing to the state medical lab for testing. He drove very carefully, and was nervous all the way there. He was told this week that he may be laid off until the end of July.

          "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


          • Sorry to hear that liney. Hospital layoffs now sound very common which really is a head scratcher. The naval hospital ship with 1000 beds which originally was to take non-covid patients is now taking covid only because only 20 beds were filled before...they still only have 60 beds filled now. I'm really just wondering how this all adds up. It doesn't. Something is not right about the doom and panic we hear every day. Not saying it's not a concern because it is. But something really just does not add up here. That's why when I was hearing 2 million plus US deaths forecast I called BS. Thyen it was 240,000...then 100,000...then 60,000...

            Concern and precaution is one thing. Panic and doom are another. Seems both the government (at all levels) and the media prefer the latter.
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              Jeff- Ignore the provocative headline but it looks clear that Florida likely has a big backlog of testing results. They claim that only 1400 are "awaiting results" but admit those numbers only come from state-run labs. Private labs are responsible for around 90% of all Florida's testing. After calling just two smaller hospitals the reporter was able to find another 800 "awaiting results" right away.

              It's a hit piece from a decidedly anti-Desantis news paper. That having been said .......

              Every state has back-logs for a bunch of various and legitimate reasons. You need to do a deep dive to understand them. I've looked at it superficially. I get why there are back-logs

              The Herald implies some sort of cover-up by the Governor's office, right? Nothing new for the Herald. So, I tend to be a bit dismissive of this piece. Biased? Probably a bit.

              One question that is paramount in the testing crisis involves being able to quickly ID COVID-19 + people and deal with them appropriately. The lack of rapid testing and the back-log is clearly negatively affecting the capacity, nation wide, of being able to do this. It's a problem. It's being worked on. So, let's leave that important question alone as it's not involved in the Herald's hit piece.

              The real question here is whether or not the back-logs in testing negatively impact the formulation of public health policy and the FL public's need to know? FL, like most states, use hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths as proxy measures of COVID-19 progression in the state and use these proxy measures to develop policy or respond to problems. There's a good reason for that. Case counts are unreliable - big time. It's testing - the amount of it - that reveals case counts. If testing is delayed, flawed, whatever, it is going to affect case counts ..... testing is suffering from all of those issues.

              No state governor, including Ron Desantis, think it unimportant to test as many people within his or her state as possible. There are clear, no one's fault limits to doing that at a 100% level, including limits to test processing that, in part, contributes to delays.

              So, the author in the Herald piece implies, "ooooooh, Desantis is covering up this testing back log so he doesn't have to admit the true infection rate in Florida..... it's a disservice to the people of FL."

              I think we have had ample discussion on this forum about the lack of reliability of case numbers, world wide, country wide, state wide and county wide. Sure, it's a problem but, it's not one of Ron Desantis' making. Moroever, the Governor's office including Desantis' public health officials have adequate data, not involving state wide cases, to effectively inform the formulation of public health policy, respond to problems that arise or, maybe most importantly, keep the public informed.

              Fuck the Miami Herald.
              Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; April 11, 2020, 02:22 PM.
              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


              • While were on this subject, there was a piece in the NYTs today continuing the narrative that Desantis is responsible for the large number of cases of COIVD - 19 in FL. That's becasue he "didn't close the beaches", or Disney world or whatever place or event you want to name in FL.

                What a fucking tired, useless meme.

                There's epidemiological evidence that COVID-19 was present in FL in the last week of February and the first two weeks in March. People having attended events or gone to theme parks in Orlando and S. FL just before or in early March got sick when they got home and subsequently tested + for COVID. No US state officials had issued lock-down orders, restricted travel or cancelled events until sometime after March 13th or so. There are exceptions but these were local officials who recognized the problem earlier. I also think Dewine in ohio was an early lock-down enthusiast.

                Desantis implemented a strategy that allowed local/county officials to implement mitigation and containment measures that they saw necessary based on the presence of the virus in their communities and the availability of resources to implement them. I was fine with that then and remain fine with that. There are still counties in FL that have less than 5 confirmed cases and are holding at those levels with locally applied measures.The reality is that localities that warranted it were locked down in varying degrees. Others weren't. If you are black and white on the issue of lock-downs you'll have a position that FL should have been locked down earlier and probably around the second week of March. However and Like NYC, localities in FL with high population densities (e.g., Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Orlando and Miami), GR accompanied by high case numbers was baked in.

                What ever the steps that his critics think Desantis should have taken in early March might be, unless he acted like Chinese officials did in Wuhan, it would have made no difference whatsoever in FL.
                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                  Sorry to hear that liney. Hospital layoffs now sound very common which really is a head scratcher. The naval hospital ship with 1000 beds which originally was to take non-covid patients is now taking covid only because only 20 beds were filled before...they still only have 60 beds filled now. I'm really just wondering how this all adds up. It doesn't. Something is not right about the doom and panic we hear every day. Not saying it's not a concern because it is. But something really just does not add up here. That's why when I was hearing 2 million plus US deaths forecast I called BS. Thyen it was 240,000...then 100,000...then 60,000...

                  Concern and precaution is one thing. Panic and doom are another. Seems both the government (at all levels) and the media prefer the latter.

                  Modeling is totally dependent on inputs, garbage in and garbage out. Last Sunday, we couldn't predict within 40% what the expected number of deaths would be one week hence. How in the world can we predict anything 80 years in the future, as we are doing with "climate change". It is foolish and arrogant. Wiz, you were clearly a science denier if you didn't believe the 100k-240k projections of earlier this week.

                  I should think you progs would be delighted with how the lockdown has gone. You have the fossil fuel industries totally shut down. Airlines fly only sporadically. Big business is shuttered. The rich have lost trillions in wealth. Cars no longer crowd the streets. We have central planning in the economy, and single-payer health care is a fact as it pertains to corona-19.

                  It is damn near prog heaven. Just call it the Green New Deal "light".
                  Last edited by Da Geezer; April 11, 2020, 03:29 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

                    It's a hit piece from a decidedly anti-Desantis news paper. That having been said .......

                    Every state has back-logs for a bunch of various and legitimate reasons. You need to do a deep dive to understand them. I've looked at it superficially. I get why there are back-logs

                    The Herald implies some sort of cover-up by the Governor's office, right? Nothing new for the Herald. So, I tend to be a bit dismissive of this piece. Biased? Probably a bit.

                    One question that is paramount in the testing crisis involves being able to quickly ID COVID-19 + people and deal with them appropriately. The lack of rapid testing and the back-log is clearly negatively affecting the capacity, nation wide, of being able to do this. It's a problem. It's being worked on. So, let's leave that important question alone as it's not involved in the Herald's hit piece.

                    The real question here is whether or not the back-logs in testing negatively impact the formulation of public health policy and the FL public's need to know? FL, like most states, use hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths as proxy measures of COVID-19 progression in the state and use these proxy measures to develop policy or respond to problems. There's a good reason for that. Case counts are unreliable - big time. It's testing - the amount of it - that reveals case counts. If testing is delayed, flawed, whatever, it is going to affect case counts ..... testing is suffering from all of those issues.

                    No state governor, including Ron Desantis, think it unimportant to test as many people within his or her state as possible. There are clear, no one's fault limits to doing that at a 100% level, including limits to test processing that, in part, contributes to delays.

                    So, the author in the Herald piece implies, "ooooooh, Desantis is covering up this testing back log so he doesn't have to admit the true infection rate in Florida..... it's a disservice to the people of FL."

                    I think we have had ample discussion on this forum about the lack of reliability of case numbers, world wide, country wide, state wide and county wide. Sure, it's a problem but, it's not one of Ron Desantis' making. Moroever, the Governor's office including Desantis' public health officials have adequate data, not involving state wide cases, to effectively inform the formulation of public health policy, respond to problems that arise or, maybe most importantly, keep the public informed.

                    Fuck the Miami Herald.
                    The same reporter who wrote that piece is pretty much the only person who hadn't given up on bringing Jeffrey Epstein to justice. Just saying.


                    • Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • 4.JPG
                        “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                        • Gov. Abbott of Texas is expected to loosen social distancing next week.
                          2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


                          • Social distancing. Heh.

                            Fucking joke.
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Joe Biden begins hammering on what will be Donald Trump's greatest challenge to his re-election: how he has managed the US response to COIVD-19. It's an easy target for Joe.

                              There's nothing in this article we don't already know about that experts think needs to be done now and along the way to recovery.

                              I thought this piece does a good job of not attacking Trump but rather providing Biden's road map. The R's and their political leader, PDJT, are clearly behind the eight ball in this regard, choosing instead to limit talk of this (and I'm pretty sure it's going on behind the scenes) so as not to let the public think they can relax. It's a very tough road for the current administration while the D's and their presumptive presidential nominee, JB, can safely hammer away.

                              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                              • I said in January that the coronavirus doomed PDJT. He was going to run on record unemployment and a terrific economy and that was going to be pretty good selling point. Then he got black swanned. I'm just thankful it's not Bernie. I mean -- the Ds are still going to use this pandemic to push us into socialism, but I fucking can't stand Bernie.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

