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  • Justin Bieber has canceled his summer tour due to corona. Brace yourselves for an afternoon of rage posting from Strangelove.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
      I don't give a fuck about China. They are who we thought they were. And we'll probably let 'em off the hook. Placing blame on China is correct, but Chy-na! is not an excuse for the total failure of the Trump and his administration in dealing with this. It is nothing more than deflection.

      Hopefully we'll have full churches on Easter, because, you know, Easter is an important day to me.
      Say hi to the Easter Bunny for me!
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

        On a personal level, I do find my existence a bit more enjoyable when I read a good science article about vaccine development, millions of test kits and sets of PPE being manufactured and delivered (by, in part, defense department logistics), how state's have mobilized their NGs in effective way to include medical support and policing roles. There are collaborative efforts ongoing between medical researches and practitioners world wide paying huge dividends in how to manage critically ill COVID-19 patents, ventilator production, innovative way to use multiple devices to provide breathing support ...... shit, I could go on. You get the point.
        The innovation aspect is being completely undervalued- probably because it doesn't serve the agenda- but that's besides the point.

        The charts, graphs and projections? Well, they're not particularly useful, in real time, if you don't know all of the facts- or the initial conditions..

        I've been in the automotive field for the last 20 years, and work for a company that designs and builds automatic transmissions- where you have hundreds of parts that need to work together, at high speeds for mileage that would get you to the moon. I can assure you that we have the means to design, build and deliver the necessary equipment - maybe not overnight, but certainly within an amazingly short period of time. This is especially true if the logistics system takes into account support of the military and commercial transportation industries.

        If there are issues getting ventilators and other equipment to the field by Easter, then there is something corrupt going on.


        • Hopefully we'll have full churches on Easter, because, you know, Easter is an important day to me.
          Easter 2021. There's zero way this thing gets any better before Memorial Day.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Yeah, and I'd volunteer to fly what ever aircraft they want me to strap into to do that.

            Back when all this started, you'll recall the press getting all pissy because an apparently top secret meeting went down in Washington inside a SCIF. COVER-UP. NO TRANSPARENCY!!!!

            I can pretty much guarantee that there were concerns this was a biological attack launched by the Chicoms that got fucked up. Of course we never heard what intel might have supported that scenario.

            After the reference here to the Koontz book and the conspiracy theories mounted (and not just here - I saw it in a lot of places) my gut feeling was to do just what Wiz suggests. Then, reason took over.

            I would not doubt that after that SKIF meeting there was some ugly messaging going on between Washington and Beijing - you could sense it in some of the dumb-shit utterances that Trump made then, I suspect someone told him to be very careful with that approach.

            TBH, I share the sentiments of anyone who wants to take the steps necessary to hold China accountable - and there are plenty of ways to do that ...... later.
            Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; April 1, 2020, 11:12 AM.
            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

              Easter 2021. There's zero way this thing gets any better before Memorial Day.
              But that's not what the stable genius told us.
              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                Justin Bieber has canceled his summer tour due to corona. Brace yourselves for an afternoon of rage posting from Strangelove.
                One Direction 4 Lyfe muthafucka


                • I go to get gas on my lunch break and I figure, what the heck, I feel like a Coke too. Go inside and there's this nastyass mean-looking old man helping himself to a hot dog and a coffee. Whatever. Head back to the cooler and I start hearing somebody hacking up a lung. Of course it's that dirty motherfucker back up front. He didn't spend two tours in 'Nam just to have some pussy tell him he can't cough on the gas station burritos. I grab the coke, hurry back to the register before Joe Camel's done, and beat it out of there. Noticed the clerk was watching him a lot more than me, lol

                  WTF, Amurica? Get your shit together!


                  • Stop being a wuss.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • ESAD


                      • GFY


                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • I have score that round for Strangelove.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Also, I have to score it Reynoldsburg Gas n' Go 12, Strangelove -5
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • So I looked at the numbers from John Hopkins (as of her 6pm update last night)

                              Right now the Mortality rate among confirmed cases is 2.15%. So ran the numbers assuming that 70-150 million Americans get the virus and there is 20% cases are confirmed. That would get you to 14-30 million Americans AND assuming the mortality rate stays the same (and it won't if hospitals get overwhelmed). That gets you to 301-645k American deaths . Spanish Flu had 675k dead.

                              As for blame being assessed. I see it like this so far (in no particular order)

                              Trump Adiministation

                              1) Getting rid of CDC positions to keep abreast of epidemics, especially a position in China to monitor such things.

                              2) Not replenishing the strategic stockpile once a part of that went over to China. It is a fine and good thing to help the Chinese people, but damn it is an easy thing to replenish them just pick up the phone and do it.

                              3) Playing down the virus severity and initial claiming it was a hoax brought on by the Democrats to bring down Trump.

                              4) Not invoking the Stafford act soon enough.

                              5) When it became obvious that there was not enough anything, then social distancing had to be the play in order to slow things down and buy some time. It is not a cure but you want everyone home as much as possible (and as many of them). Buying more and more time is of great importance here. So what the federal government could have done is say all right we are going to put a pause button on the following bills: Utilities, Rent/House payments, Student loans. And those payments are not going to be piled up on the back end of this waiting for you (this still could happen). You would have had


                              1) A pox on both sides for trying to fit in their pet projects into the coronavirus bill that just past. There is no need for that right now.

                              2) There should have been clean on the checks/unemployment and the Small Business loans. Corporations could have waited a couple weeks. And there should have been strings attached.

                              3) For both to be on vacation right now. No.

                              4) Why can't you have remote voting?


                              1) This virus happened in your country.
                              2) Lying about the numbers and silencing doctors that tried to reveal the truth.

                              As far as holding China responsible for this, I don't see how the US can. We don't have much (if any) leverage with them. Incompetent FP has allowed them to fill in roles with allies while we have pissed them off. Would love to hold them to the wall for this, but I don't see how. So much of our stuff comes from them or components do.
                              2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


                              • there is 20% cases are confirmed.
                                I really hope you're right about this. Because I'm with you about 2% (probably closer to 3 in confirmed cases) and I'm with you 75-150M (I think it'll be way closer to 150M). Your numbers are huge in pure numbers, but even at 600,000 that's "only" 0.2% of the US population. However, if you're confirmed number goes from 20% to, say, 60% then you're looking at 1.8M. And it's 3% instead of 2% then it's 2.7M.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

