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  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
    Interest rates cut to zero. $700 Billion in QE announced.
    Dow Futures down 800 points. Not sure the Fed action has baked in yet....... or maybe they would have been down 2K points without it.Wild.
    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


    • There's two ways the market will read it. I'll guess #2 for at least a day

      1) YAY!! Fed to the rescue!!!

      2) Holy shit jesus fuck they wouldn't do this unless things are way worse than we realize fuck fuck fuck

      Oh wait, they ALREADY hit the 5% limit dropping there's your answer, ha


      • For a glimmer of good's very early yet and we can't say for sure how our healthcare system will respond when the flood starts...but as of right now our mortality rate is looking more on par with South Korea than Italy even in spite of the total number of cases chugging along the Italian track..


        • The fed is doing all it can but it is limited in this case, heavy fiscal policy is needed. This first bill is a start, but they might need to deploy the helicopter to drop money from the sky. With social distancing it might need to be a literal helicopter drop.


          • Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • That's true, but if you are doing mass shutdowns and trying to convince people to stay home bankruptcies are sure to come.


              • This is a good conversation of the options fiscally and monetarily, it was 5 days ago so it is somewhat dated as the Fed cuts they speak of were the rate cuts last week and not today.
                Full transcript of a conversation between Alan Blinder, Jay Shambaugh, and David Wessel on possible macroeconomic response to the coronavirus (COVID-19).


                • That's true, but if you are doing mass shutdowns and trying to convince people to stay home bankruptcies are sure to come.
                  Right. We need sensible temporary measures to make sure people aren't financially decimated. Anyone living month-to-month -- whether indiviudal or a small business -- is in rough shape. Targeted relief is definitely appropriate.

                  But, as noted, it doesn't change the big picture. There is no rescuing this situation until the outbreak is under control. So, the measures they're taking now are silly.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • Here's former Sheriff David Clarke, once a star of Trumpworld and who very nearly got an Administration job, calling for civil unrest and defiance of orders to close schools, restaurants, etc. In another post he blames George Soros. (because, naturally).

                    Wish I could say he's just one guy posting shit like this but you should see some of the replies to Mike DeWine's announcements.With all the shit we've got going on right now we don't need assholes like this urgiing on dupes to take up arms against doctors or cops trying to enforce quarantines.


                    • Yeah in that conversation they mentioned that getting control of the medical situation will have the biggest economic multiplier.


                      • Comment

                        • Sure, I'm an optimist but I feel pretty confident that most Americans are taking this seriously and doing what they can to comply with public health directives. There are going to be spot exceptions of crazies. Of course the media will report this and we'll think there are millions buying arms to confront the US government's liberalism.

                          Public health authorities in Broward County, the home of Port Everglades where cruise ships port, announced via an email letter from Congressmen Ted Deutch that because 3 service employees working at the port had tested + for COVID-19 (that was announced on Saturday), anyone who has traveled through the Port since Friday is asked to self quarantine for 14d. That's us, so, here we are.

                          We had already made the decision to lay low after our cruise for a week just in case we picked something up and didn't want to spread it. No gym time and outdoor dining only where we can maintain distance. I'll just tighten that up a bit more and go out only for essential needs and extend that until the 27th. Hate it that I can't cycle .....gonna get fat!

                          Bought groceries Saturday afternoon at Publix. Place was busy, not mobbed, I got everything I needed. No TP, bleach, other disinfectant sprays or bottled water. Otherwise plenty of dry goods and produce.

                          Streets in Fort Lauderdale are much quieter than normal as far as I can tell. There were young people in town on Friday for spring break. That's going to come to a halt as Miami and Fort Lauderdale authorities have already told them to go home, won't be any partying. Suspect we'll see restaurants and bars shuttering up by mid-week if not before; drive through meal service available.
                          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                          • This is a tip for a disinfecting solution that I learned when I was taking a food safety course a few years back when I had my ice cream business. This formula is approved for use by all the local health departments in Michigan:

                            1/3 cup bleach per 1 gallon of water OR 2 tablespoons bleach per 1 quart water. This will give you a 1000+ ppm disinfecting solution. After cleaning the area with detergent, spray or wipe with surfaces with the disinfectant. Make sure to allow surfaces to fully air dry.

                            Department of Health - The Use of Bleach. Bleach is a strong and effective disinfectant. Its active ingredient, sodium hypochlorite, denatures protein in micro-organisms and is therefore effective in killing bacteria, fungus and viruses. ... Diluted household bleach is thus recommended for the disinfection of facilities.
                            "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                            • The bleach in the grocery stores is pretty much gone. Go to a Mart store and buy pool chlorine. Its at 10% instead of the standard 3-6%, but at least its available.

                              Dow futures down more than a thousand, effectively pooh-poohing the impending rate cut of Wednesday as valueless. (We won't see any effect of the QE for another month or two either.) Powell should be fired for caving in to the Orange Menace's counter productive economic meddling. Until the medical aspect of this crisis is contained and controlled, fiddle-pharting with the economic aspect is little more than pissing in the wind. But hey, re-election is far more important than human life in Trump World.
                              Last edited by Ghengis Jon; March 16, 2020, 04:34 AM.
                              “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                              • I'm going to stop looking at my MarketWatch news feed. What ever happens is going to happen. I have no control over it. When the dust settles I'll see how much damage has been done and how many cruises and M football games I won't be able to take part in.

                                BTW, I'm wishing everyone here that has loved ones at risk the best possible outcomes in this ...... and AA, as old as shit as you are, stay home and drink plenty of liquids. Preferably that punch you talked about using the left over disinfectant - Everclear.

                                But, yeah, the steps the Fed took are the right ones for monetary stimulus but that's not going to get people back to work and spending. Hopefully, when the medical crisis is stabilized, people go back to work, jobs lost start to get re-filled and shops open back up, the Fed move will definatley help.

                                But, man, if there was ever a time for the implementation of fiscal policy involving Helicopter cash, or something like it, this is it.

                                I'm optimistic even though this is our generation's Pearl Harbor. The American psyche is tremendously resilient and it seems by all accounts there are people in government and business - the public/private collaboration thing that's being talked up - that will get us through this ...... probably a lot better than the Chinese. Triumph of free markets and democracy over Chinese Communism or more importantly, the thought of Sander's socialism.
                                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.

