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  • The Ivy league just cancelled its entire Spring sports schedule. Jeez. Cornell, Princeton, and Yale are all currently Top 5 in lacrosse.
    Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; March 11, 2020, 02:36 PM.


    • It was quite a run but all good things come to an end.

      Dow Bull Market
      March 9, 2009 - March 11, 2020


      • Per FoxNews: 2 Americans killed by 15 Katyusha rockets hitting Taji Base in Iraq. Military believes it was Iran or Iran-backed militias.


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
          E3, the country's biggest video game conference, just announced it's canceled too. That one doesn't even take place till June
          Pointless if you ask me. But whatever, nobody did.

          My wife and I might take the kids to Hawaii over Spring Break. Round trip tickets from DTW are down to about $600!


          • A. Trump is trying to conceal the fact that he is an complete and utter clusterfuck when dealing with a crisis.
            B. Trump wants to restrict the truth from leaking out because it might adversely effect his re-election chances.
            C. Trump is taking steps so that reality doesn't interfere with his hallucinatory fantasies he spews for his base.
            D. Trump has bought mortuary stocks and wants the "leetle people" to die off so he can make money.
            E. All of the above.

            “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


            • RE the Reuters piece linked to above ....... These kinds of reports coming out of Washington from unnamed or anonymous persons who were not authorized to speak to the press but did so on the condition of anonymity have been common during the Trump administration. I'm not saying allegations that the US Government, despite aversions to the contrary, are not controlling what information becomes public, they might be but, we should be skeptical.

              There was a rumor about a month ago that this version of the family of coronaviruses, now the novel COVID-19, came from a Chinese lab. The lab in question was also, in this rumor, alleged to be a bio-warfare operation. The rumor was dismissed because it started under equally suspicious circumstances and came from untrustworthy sources. Nevertheless, US security agencies have undoubtedly thought about this and, IMO, properly so. If the classified discussions were about this, fine.

              I also believe it is proper for the press to complain about federal agencies involved in public health potentially, or if they can find and vet it, actual instances of restricting access to information on COVID-19. I'm not sure, after reading the linked article above, that this purpose is being served here. It certainly raises the public anxiety levels.

              Right now, I don't trust the data or conclusions from them and that is on a global basis. That's not solely because of distrust of global leadership although in the case of China and Iran, that is a factor, it's more becasue data collectin and analysis is prone to errors and analysis is flawed. I think it's important to note that as time goes on the data will become more reliable and therefore the conclusions from it will also be more accurate. I think Jon is correct, though, in suggesting Trump isn't the best guy to handle this. He lacks the intellect, is more concerned about appearances, esp. his own image, and tends to be dismissive of experts surrounding and advising him that don't agree wit his takes. That's troublesome.

              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


              • Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • Comment

                    • The investors in the stock markets are over-reacting. The problem is that the reaction, unlike the sell-off in 2008, isn't related to a single underlying economic cause. int 2008, it was the collapse of the mortgage industry and the financial crisis it caused. Governments could take steps that, in retrospect, reliably prevented a complete collapse of economic activity and paved the way for a reasonable period of time for recovery.

                      The underlying cause here is the panic of uncertainty coupled with a panoply of real consequences from the impact of various containment measures involving COVID-19 on the global economic system. How to deal with the economic damage is varying between countries but I have some hope that a pathway for recovery will become clear once the spread of the virus starts declining ..... and it will. When that happens, reason and less volatility will return to the markets. At this point, it is uncertain when that will occur. As talent notes, if it's a long term down turn that is slow to recover, a lot of folks and the countries they reside in are going to be fucked.

                      On the bright side of things, I'm obsessed with my personal finances and investments and have been for years if not decades. On a micros basis, I know exactly where I stand moment to moment and what I need to do given just about any set of circumstances from drastic to not so drastic. Having said that, there are a shit-ton of folks a lot smarter than I am on both the macro and micro economic and financial level. We'll all be fine.
                      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                      • Also of note, Froot spoke of good public health info flow in Michigan if I read his posts on that correctly. Same in FL. The state has an excellent web site that came up on Monday with links to county agencies that can provide information on what to do if you are sick and/or think you've been exposed to COVID-19 and might be infected with it. You will get both information, testing where warranted, treatment if you need it, regardless of your ability to pay.

                        Just breaking today, a report emerged that the CDC has said NO ONE should board a cruise ship. You have to go to the CDC web site to read the complete advisory. It's fundamentally unchanged from pervious advisories that addressed the risks going on a cruise for persons over 70 with underlying medical conditions. What was added is more information on what to do if you are returning from a cruise and think you might have been exposed and/or are ill. For all persons returning from a cruise, you should limit social interaction for 14 days even if you are well.

                        The big rumor locally was that the cruise port in Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, is going to get closed. Of course I was interested in that rumor as we are returning there on Friday morning. Here's the truth: 3 employees of Maritime Services, a company that provides port services to cruise lines operating from Port Everglades, became ill with respiratory symptoms and tested positive for COVID-19. They are the first confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Broward County. They have been advised to not report to work and self quarantine for 14d. So far, these are otherwise people under 50, healthy and experiencing mild cold-like symptoms.

                        I probably don't need to tell anyone posting at this forum this but, you have to judge every report about COVID-19 skeptically and check out the facts locally. If MI and FL are examples, there are resources available at your county public health agencies to do that and to be informed about facilities where you can get evaluation and treatment if you need it. While last week and early this week there was the appearance that public health information flow was impaired, it also looks like that circumstance is getting addressed and improved at the state and local level where it should come from.

                        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                        • Ihink MI is giving good info, not sure though. We don't have many cases so we don't really have much skin in the game yet. Hopefully not ever. I know by the end of the week any tests in Michigan won't have to be tested directly by the state.

                          The St. Patrick's parade is cancelled in Detroit and my wife is on the rampage. My son's college classes got cancelled for the week while they try to get online classes ramped up. My daughter's team has designs on getting to the state finals, so we are praying they don't cancel the regional final tomorrow.

                          I told her that let's hope when we look back on all of this we can say it was a giant overreaction like people say about Y2K.


                          • Trump apparently had a screaming tirade against Mnuchin and told him to pressure Powell to lower Fed interest rates. This happened AFTER the 50 point cut that already took place.

                            Trump has been screaming and crying for zero percent, even negative rates, for at least a year now, saying we're letting our "competition" get away with murder somehow.

                            Apparently this jackass doesn't understand that 0% interest rates won't encourage grandma to hop on a plane to Italy.


                            • There are now simply too many patients for each one of them to receive adequate care.


                              • Good chance last night was the last night I saw my daughter play in person. We'll know tomorrow. We might have to watch it by live stream.
                                The MHSAA has updated its plans and will prohibit or limit fans at its postseason tournaments, which will continue.

