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  • Here is a truthful treatment of "Social Justice"

    A few months ago I needed a haircut. Around the same time, I recorded a little talk on the question, “What is Social Justice?” for my friends at Prager University. It came out last week while I was…

    Whether you agree or not it is worth watching.


    • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
      Trump has won 46% of the delegates awarded so far. An absolute majority is needed to get the nomination. The problem is that there is a lot of talk about the winner-take-all states, but no mention is made that there are only a few of them, and the proportional representation comes back into play in April.
      He'll get above 50. He'll sweep the WTA states and it will be a Cruz/Trump race by the end of March.


      • I'll say this; somebody better get going in Illinois, Missouri, and Florida to stop him if that is possible. Romney speaks at 1:30 tomorrow.


        • Reagan and Bush speaking about illegals in 1980. Compare this with Trump today.



          • The last three national polls taken by FoxNews, CNN, and Rasmussen all showed Clinton beating Trump by 5 to 8 points. If that's a national average, she might be ahead by 6-9 in the swing states.

            It can't reasonably be argued that voters don't know enough about Donald Trump by now.

            I do think it will be interesting to see what % of the Bernie vote a) Stays home in November and b) Switches to Trump. And will "establishment conservatives", the National Review types, the Beltway guys, and the neocons, stay home? A number of prominent ones like Max Boot and Robert Kagan have already said they would support Hillary over Trump.


            • I'm all for eliminating shitty loopholes but let me use this as an opportunity to remind everyone that these loopholes almost always trace their roots to either some form of social "justice" or the government attempting to engineer the economy. Everyy tax deduction has some good intentions associated with it at some point.
              I don't think that's accurate at all. I'm sure some are.


              • I think its all moot regarding Hillary v Trump. Its on.

                If Trump goes on being "trumpish" Hillary will, as I stated before, be able to basically campaign from her living room. She'll probably make a couple routine campaign stops each week, just so she can spend some of that money she's raised, but we may as well get ready for another President Clinton.

                Book it now. She's in.

                Eight years of Hillary. Yeehaa ..
                "What you're doing, speaks so loudly, that I can't hear what you are saying"


                • WAPO is reporting tonight that the Clinton staffer who set up her email system (his name is something like Pagliano) has been granted testimonial immunity by DOJ. He is the fellow who took the fifth during his testimony to Congress. A total of 2,080 classified emails have now been turned over. 22 contained the names of covert operatives in foreign countries.


                  • The 5 states Obama won by the smallest margin in 2012. Which of these are the most likely to vote Trump over Hillary?

                    Florida: 0.87%
                    Ohio: 2.98%
                    Virginia: 3.88%
                    Colorado: 5.36%
                    Pennsylvania: 5.38%

                    BTW if Trump carries every state Romney won AND wins Florida + Ohio + Virginia, he'll still lose. He needs one of the other two as well.


                    • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                      WAPO is reporting tonight that the Clinton staffer who set up her email system (his name is something like Pagliano) has been granted testimonial immunity by DOJ. He is the fellow who took the fifth during his testimony to Congress. A total of 2,080 classified emails have now been turned over. 22 contained the names of covert operatives in foreign countries.
                      Saw that. Anyone know how serious it is? Obviously it's never good when the DOJ grants immunity when you're under investigation, but....


                      • I believe they're looking at "intent to circumvent" the law by setting up the alternative server. HillTron 4000 will not suffer any sanctions for classified material as all the emails designated as 'classified' were given that designation after the server was seized and long after the email was sent/received. As far as 'covert operatives' go, thats laughable. "Hey Geez, I heard you're going to Fuckedupastan next month. While you're there, could you talk to Smoozie on the side for me...?"

                        What we have is a typical political game being played by both sides simply to create negative press about the other. I think the next story about the email server will be how HillTron conspired with North Korea on Bengazi to provide cover for IRS audits of Tea Party groups which hide the documentation of Obama's Kenya birth, underlying his true identity as a Muslim terrorist agent. Special four day programming on Fox coming soon.

                        This kind of crap makes me believe that we should go to a jury duty style method of selecting our politicians. Random selection seems to be the best way to go since directed selection is, and has been, failing spectacularly.
                        “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                        • Go to a parliamentary style of elections for the House. No more small radically partisan voting districts. If Ohio votes Republican 53%, Democrat 40%, Tea Party 7% for Congress they would send 9 Republicans, 6 Democrats, and 1 Tea Party guy to Congress.


                          • Maybe Ds could try winning something on a State level in Ohio. OR maybe when Husted offered a real solution to partisan districts, maybe your boys in the Black caucus should have agreed -- but that would have meant putting their all AA seats in serious risk.

                            In any event, the Rs will continue to dominate most of America. They'll lose in November, and likely lose the Senate. And then, after two more years of the Ds in the WH, they'll make big gains and increase their stranglehold. And that works great for me!
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                              Go to a parliamentary style of elections for the House. No more small radically partisan voting districts. If Ohio votes Republican 53%, Democrat 40%, Tea Party 7% for Congress they would send 9 Republicans, 6 Democrats, and 1 Tea Party guy to Congress.
                              That's not a bad idea since it would also eliminate the phenomenon of Congressmen fighting for pet projects in their district.


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                                Reagan and Bush speaking about illegals in 1980.

                                Illegal immigration is one of the issues that Republicans almost universally see Reagan as having been horribly wrong about. The 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli bill was supposed to end the problem permanently but instead it just rolled out the red carpet for more of them. And back then, we were talking about much smaller numbers, our national debt was in the low single digit trillions, and we weren't even talking about Universal Health Care.

                                Speaking of Reagan, I posted this upthread...

                                No Republican will ever win a landslide like that again but it just goes to show you that the polls in February for the general election are largely meaningless. Especially when you are trying to select candidates in the primary. I saw one yesterday that had Romney beating Obama by four points in February. He lost by three. Rubio does best in head-to-head mathcups with Hillary right now because he has been treated with kid gloves by all the media. That would change starting in about May or June and he would get shredded in the general. Cruz is totally unelectable because he is an uncharismatic, small government, religious right Conservative. It would take a guy with Reagan/Obama level charisma to get 51% of the vote with his platform and he is more like Michael Dukakis. That basically means it's Trump or nobody.
                                Last edited by Hannibal; March 3, 2016, 08:52 AM.

