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  • ok. I think the definition is further blurred when you factor in those tax loopholes, bailouts, etc.


    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
      It'll be interesting to see how Hillary and the Ds tackle Trump. His most outlandish shit is still viable if he walks it back a bit and settles into the the sweet middle of rationality.

      WRT to muslims, look, anyone with a fucking head on their shoulder knows there are significant differences amongst the religions in this world. It doesn't take much analysis to conclude that Islam is, to put it kindly, not consistent with liberal Western values. Yet, when it comes to the Ds, there is a gross equivocation most starkly illustrated by Obama's preposterous speech where he reminded us of the crusades (a fair point...6-fucking-hundred years ago). When it comes to "hate crimes" against Muslims in this country, they lag way, way behind "hate crimes" against Jews, though no one would know it.

      So you have this liberal dogma that literally prevents any sort of honest discussion. Trump taps into that with grossly overgeneralized statements -- ban all Muslims! It's fucking stupid, but there a tons of people who want someone to say, yeah, Islam is way different than Christianity or Judaism. It's not honest, either, but it's the other side.

      Meanwhile, there is an honest discussion to be had that acknowledges that unique attributes of Islam that may justify a higher scrutiny for admittance into this country. Hillary will NEVER go there. Trump may. If he gets there then he can, IMO, win that debate point.

      With illegal aliens, Trump is actually right when he recently said they do jobs others won't. Deporting the lot of them makes little sense to me. Deporting folks who commit crimes of any sort make a lot more sense (see the guy in SF who killed someone after being arrested several times). Trying to better manage immigration makes more sense to me given the tremendous cost incurred by States and the US. There's plenty of room for reasonable discussion, but that's not going to happen. Again, there are places Hillary won't go that Trump can. If he doesn't overplay shit, he has a credible shot on this point, too.

      And, heh, good luck talking race in this country.

      Trump won't be able to moderate his position... I think the dems are actively working on keeping him in his corner and will make his an election of racism.

      Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
      Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
        Could be. I dunno. On its face things don't strike me as a standard of living decrease. And I suspect the numbers bear that out. I think the more complex the analysis the more it shows an increase in standard of living through, e.g., increased purchasing power. It's not a zero sum gain -- wealth can be and is created -- especially so in the US.

        In any event, it's fair enough that we just part ways on the issue. Nothing wrong with that. It's not like you've turned into a Notre Dame fan or something.
        I think we?re hung up too much on the definition of SOL (Heh), when perhaps ?quality of life? would be better, although likely equally fruitless in actually defining. That?s my fault.

        Regardless, I agree to part ways here and re-focus on more concrete matters. Such as how, and if, a Romney re-emergence changes the game. What an interesting development that would be.

        Fuckin' Irish...


        • Originally posted by entropy View Post
          Trump won't be able to moderate his position... I think the dems are actively working on keeping him in his corner and will make his an election of racism.

          Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
          It is...alive.

          Don't forget sexism!


          • I guess Michael Bloomberg isn't walking through that door.


            • 3rd party will be an abject disaster for whichever side it comes from. It would be the ultimate scorched Earth.


              • Little late for Romney to join the race... Unless he's now an independent... Jmo.

                Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                • Yeah the Republicans will either win with Trump, lose with Trump, or lose with a completely fractured party. Those are the choices. I guess that there's maybe a slim 1% chance that Cruz makes a roaring comeback but that's basically it. It's too late to stop Trump. I hope that level heads within the Republican party will look back on this event with some insight and introspection and adjust accordingly.
                  Last edited by Hannibal; March 2, 2016, 02:25 PM.


                  • I suppose the GOP would have to perceive benefits apart from contesting the '16 election.


                    • Originally posted by hack View Post
                      I suppose the GOP would have to perceive benefits apart from contesting the '16 election.
                      Any perceived benefits wouldn't be real. The ship has pretty much sailed on small government Conservatism and even if it hasn't, the Republican party has completely destroyed its "small government" credibility. The country's demographics are already such that a guy like Ted Cruz is probably unelectable. Amnesty will put the final nail in the coffin. Trump is the only guy offering the Republicans a future that doesn't involve flushing the entire Republican agenda down the toilet, despite the fact that he's not a small government guy.
                      Last edited by Hannibal; March 2, 2016, 02:34 PM.


                      • I don't know what they would be either. What you mean by amnesty?


                        • For illegal immigrants.


                          • gotcha.


                            • If the final nail in the coffin gets them off the Laffer curve, they would be better off.


                              • Trump has won 46% of the delegates awarded so far. An absolute majority is needed to get the nomination. The problem is that there is a lot of talk about the winner-take-all states, but no mention is made that there are only a few of them, and the proportional representation comes back into play in April.

                                I'm all for eliminating shitty loopholes but let me use this as an opportunity to remind everyone that these loopholes almost always trace their roots to either some form of social "justice" or the government attempting to engineer the economy. Everyy tax deduction has some good intentions associated with it at some point.
                                Totally true.

                                Social Justice. The Transparency Movement. Gender Affirmation Surgery.

                                I'd certainly like to get my language back. Let's start with the word Madonna

