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  • Donald Trump's highly acclaimed Press Secretary who was fired from two jobs, once for plagiarism and once for filing fraudulent expense reports, and has two DUI arrests, implores the fates for retribution agaisnt the wicked Adam "Shifty" Schiff.



    • She still has more.DUIs than press briefings.


      • The Senate said today that was ok! That is great news about for you.
        Both of my senators voted guilty. My opinion didn't matter.

        "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


        • Yes they made the correct decision but their participation in a bipartisan effort to do what was right was thwarted. Your boy Trump is now free to use the government to dig or fabricate dirt all over the globe. It's great news for you and the Trump dynasty. He is finally free of the shackles of the deep state!


          • Ye gads... I wish I was part of the "Trump dynasty"...

            I could trade in my double wide for a real house ... and stuff ...
            "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

              Trump learned a valuable lesson. At least - at least I think he has. I hope. Maybe?

              COLLINS 2020!!!!!
              He sure did. He learned he can do anything he wants and the Senate will cover his ass.
              2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


              • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
                Ye gads... I wish I was part of the "Trump dynasty"...

                I could trade in my double wide for a real house ... and stuff ...
                You don't need to trade in anything though. You can continue like all Trump supporters, by living vicariously through the Trump family.


                • Originally posted by Whitley View Post

                  Pete has two big problems:

                  1) He is consistently a disaster with minority voters. He is not competitive in either Nevada or South Carolina

                  2) He bet big in Iowa and New Hampshire so his infrastructure out of the of first two is really really thin.

                  I think the guy that benefits is Bloomberg.
                  Good call because Bloomberg is suddenly the 2nd favorite to win the nomination.
                  Bernie way in the lead.

                  Betting Odds - Democratic Presidential Nomination
                  AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


                  • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

                    You don't need to trade in anything though. You can continue like all Trump supporters, by living vicariously through the Trump family.
                    If you have a Bible, take a look at this:

                    Galatians 2:20.

                    It will be my prayer for you too.
                    "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                    • One other little quirk is that the north and east sides of the metro area are more developed than the western/southern sides. That may be changing as Grove City on the SW side has blown up over the past 10-15 years, but it's still generally true.

                      If you take I-70 west out of Columbus almost as soon as you are past I-270 you will be in empty farmland. Madison County seems freaking desolate from I-70. But going east it's not until the hills really start and you're past the Newark area that you're really in rural America again. Also entering Appalachia from that point as far as I'm concerned.
                      To add to thoughts -- I've said in the past and I'll say it again, Cleveland was an early 20th C city. It was zoned as such. It came to power then. It is designed as such. So, the city doesn't have a particularly big footprint -- it didn't have to -- and every inner ring suburb offers services the city does (because it made sense in 1935. It is is very much akin to antebellum America where these localities built up power, jobs, community and will be damn if they sign up for the Cleveland Hindenburg.

                      Columbus is mid-to-late 20th C city and it's designed as such. It's roughly 4 times as large in terms of land. The city controls basically all of Franklin County (except for the few inner ring suburbs that existed in the 1930s). They leveraged power to reach a good deal with suburbs re schools (you only play local income tax in your work city -- unlike shitball Cleveland). And, of course, Columbus isn't anchored to manufacturing.

                      The inner belt burbs like UA and Bexley are out of luck but other like Dublin, Westerville, Grove City, Pickerington, all sort of practice the same sort of aggressive annexation measures. But even still, Columbus isn't completely surrounded and still has outlets to keep expanding
                      I don't think UA and Bexley mind. Heh. UA housing values are crazy. I assume Bexley is pretty good (and that area is slowly getting connected to the downtown with Old Town). And then there are lots of places to build and live. As I've noted in the past, almost every non-land-confined suburb in Columbus has added at least 1 HS over the past 20 years. Grove City has even added 1, and, as you noted, is still growing. Grove. City. When Canal Winchester adds a 2nd HS that's when I'll know it's out of control. Jonathan Alder High School is going to end up being Division 1 in 10 years -- and lemme tell you, that's the in the heart of the western plains/mennonite/can't swing a dead cat without hitting a yoder country.

                      I also think that London is the next city to grow. The west side of the city is trash so there's not an natural push from the city in that direction and there's still land in Hilliard and Grove City and Delaware County that is more attractive than West Jeff schools or London schools. But, London will get there. That's not a bad little town.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post

                        Both of my senators voted guilty. My opinion didn't matter.

                        Yes, and one of them is up for re-election this year, Mr Peters is not exactly a shoe-in.


                        • China announced that it is cutting in half previously imposed retaliatory tariffs on $75B worth of US goods. The announcement notes that the cuts are intended to signal good intentions in Sino-US trade disputes and to stimulate business activity in China harmed by the coronavirus outbreak. Futures are up again today and if sentiment holds throughout the trading day the Dow and S&P indexes will hit new records.

                          There's this doomsday talk from the left that the acquittal of Trump green-lights all sorts of evil deeds that might be committed by the Executive in the future. I think that's silly. Look, what Trump did in the Ukraine affair was probably an abuse of power but it is so low on the totem poll of what I would consider such abuses as to be an insignificant constitutional transgression .... and don't give me the slippery slope argument. While it's a purely political outcome, the impeachment process worked, i.e., it (1) rejected the partisan nature of the undertaking and (2) it affirmed that what Trump did wasn't an impeachable offense. That is not to say that the impeachment process, should it be needed in the future, is dead. What it says is the framers got it right ..... perfectly right.

                          Now Trump haters can revel in the likelihood that Trump will fuck this "victory" up. The press release of last night was a good sign that he will. Moreover, as has already been pointed out, the impeachment will be a dim memory by April, maybe sooner. The fundamental problem for the Ds remains: they don't have an electable candidate to face Trump in November. If they nominate Bernie and the R's pay attention to Tocqueville ........

                          The New Class War

                          I'll warn you, this is a tough article to get through but totally worth the read.

                          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                          • It isn't doomsday talk it's February 6th talk. Trump is free to coordinate with Putin or go to any government to fabricate dirt on rivals. There is no check in that, that's what the GOP told him, "please proceed," Rudy Guiliani and Bill Barr are actively doing that right as we speak.


                            • There's this doomsday talk from the left that the acquittal of Trump green-lights all sorts of evil deeds that might be committed by the Executive in the future. I think that's silly.
                              Silly is a good word for it. Unhinged is another.

                              China announced that it is cutting in half previously imposed retaliatory tariffs on $75B worth of US goods. The announcement notes that the cuts are intended to signal good intentions in Sino-US trade disputes and to stimulate business activity in China harmed by the coronavirus outbreak. Futures are up again today and if sentiment holds throughout the trading day the Dow and S&P indexes will hit new records.
                              Look at PDJT -- creating a trade war to tamp down a stock market already thrilled with his Presidency only to back off in his election year to send things soaring.

                              I remember when Ds and posters here were predicting catastrophic stock market failure when he was elected. DSL advised that we all check our 401(k)s as disaster was impending.

                              I can't believe the failed impeachment charade didn't send the markets into another tailspin.

                              The fundamental problem for the Ds remains: they don't have an electable candidate to face Trump in November. If they nominate Bernie and the R's pay attention to Tocqueville .

                              I think the fundamental problem for Ds is that their message doesn't resonate with enough of the electorate. Their message of is predicated on economic despair. Every time they talk about the economy, they note that it's terrible -- only works for the very few -- is crushing the middle class. That ain't fucking reality. It just isn't. And all their plans are basically to fix an economy that people think doesn't need fixed -- and not only that -- RADICALLY REMAKE THE ECONOMY. If they're going to pursue a radical reformation of the economy then the only thing that will save them in November is real economic despair. But, be careful -- you can't say they *want* that despite their unending efforts to speak it into existence.

                              They have a good issue on healthcare. But even then they seem more likely than not to grossly overplay their hand.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • I should note, it's also obvious that the Senate will flip to the Ds in 2020 and go waaaay D in 2022. There's just no other way after the Senate has so blatantly disregarded the will of the people. And the will of the people remains paramount in an impeachment hearing. I applaud the Rs for voting their convictions, but the will of the people will soon hoist them on their wrinkly old petards.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

