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It's more an indicator of how things work in Trumpworld.
I'm pretty sure any sentient being plus The Wizard knows how things work in Trumpworld. It's only of relevance at this particular moment because of impeachment and UKRAINE!!!! If it were the ambassador to Suriname no one would really fucking care because none of it is at all surprising.
So, let's not pretend. In either direction.
Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]? Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
You are correct that this has nothing to do with impeachment. This happened a full year before Operation: Biden was really in the works. It's more an indicator of how things work in Trumpworld.
One, Trump has denied this conversation ever took place. Now we have a recording of it. I'm assuming it's legit.
You say "Fire the Ambassador!" is a normal reaction to being informed she's shitting all over you. That's true if your Secretary of State is the one who brings you the news. But this was Lev & Igor, two conmen that Trump himself claims to not even know. So he was apparently willing to remove an Ambassador based on the word of two random assholes. I assume the reason the orders weren't carried out is because his aides are used to ignoring 90% of the BS he shouts.
And yes, before anyone says it, Trump can fire any Ambassador he wants. Not the point here. This is about his judgment, how easily manipulated he can be, and how easy it is to get access to this very impressionable man if you've got the cash and hang out in the Trump Hotel lobby a lot.
He had her followed by D grade mobsters and said she was going.to go through some things. She was evacuated from Ukraine for a good reason. The Trump Taint Polishers would applaud an actual assassination.
Looks like Trump's defense will be one of deflection and disinformation. The defense starts out with the "overturn the election" fantasy. Sorry dumbasses, its about a President demonstrating he is unfit for office through corrupt and abusive actions using his official capacity for personal gain. Try to stay on point.
I honestly expect much, much better. Its an impeachment trial for gosh sake. Instead of Sean Hannity imitations, mount a damn defense. I know its early, 21 more hours to go, but lets hear it.
“Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx
Pathetic doubling down statement from Pompeo that was done just to please the boss.
I don't for a minute think this reporter mistook Bangaldesh for Ukraine, but note how Pompeo phrases that. He doesn't outright accuse her, just implies it. That's so he can claim you're reading something into it that he didn't mean and showing your 'bias'. BTW, this reporter graduated magna cum laude from Harvard and earned a Masters in European Studies from Cambridge. So yeah, I'm confident she can point to Ukraine on a map.
Also not he doesn't deny launching into a expletive-laced tirade against her. Just angry that she "lied" about it being off the record.
One, I believe her and not Pompeo about it being "off the record". And two, even if she had agreed, it's standard practice that you're not honor-bound to respect it if the asshole you're interviewing just verbally abuses you under its cover.
Trump is very quietly adding tariffs on additional products. Read this proclamation's language. It's essentially acknowledging that the steel tariffs aren't working so we have to make them broader and affect more downstream industries. We're at the point where Trump is declaring that imported tacks and staples are a threat to national security.
I honestly expect much, much better. Its an impeachment trial for gosh sake. Instead of Sean Hannity imitations, mount a damn defense. I know its early, 21 more hours to go, but lets hear it.
For the last 3 years, all we've heard is the Democratic side. (Mueller!!!!!!!!!! is gonna get him!!) They controlled the impeachment hearings (Nadler!!!!!! and Schiff!!!!!!! are going to get him!!). They controlled the first 24 hours of the Senate trial. And now we have a problem with how the President's team defends him?
We 'trusted' the House to do the right thing, because the House is controlled by the righteous and absolutely virtuous Democratic party. They never do anything wrong.
They spent their righteousness and virtue on two charges with "proof" that wouldn't hold water (no pun intended) in a Flint small claims court.
So now, the Democratic managers are not only asking, but demanding, that the Senate remove Trump from office, because they do not trust the American people to remove him in November. See, even with all his warts, Mr. Trump has a real chance of being re-elected. So the Democrats do NOT want that choice left to the American people. They want to shame and bully "never-trumpers" in the Senate, to vote with them, and remove him from office. To me, this idea is even more dangerous than Trump asking about Hunter Biden's activities in Ukraine. I mean, think of this. The Democrats want the Senate to remove Trump, because the voters MAY NOT. Is this really what the framers had in mind when they set up the rules for impeachment?
I know I'm going to get railed for this, but fact of the matter is, if the Democrats had a sane, viable candidate that didn't want to turn America into a Socialist, Christian-hating, Israel-forsaking country, I'd consider voting for them. I'd even consider voting for a Democrat who felt the way that Bubba Clinton felt about abortion, when he said abortion should be "safe, legal and rare". Planned Parenthood growled at him when he said the "rare" word.
I am a Christian, I do support Israel, and I consider myself to be a Zionist, because I believe in the Jewish people's God given right to live in the land of Israel that He promised Abraham. And I am a capitalist. I believe in free enterprise, complete personal liberty, and the free and unfettered pursuit of happiness. I believe the role of the government is to protect the people, both at home and abroad. Its not the government's place to 'take care' of everybody. You live here, and you are able bodied, you need to get a job, support your family, pay your taxes, and live peacefully with your neighbors.
Well, maybe that makes me a trump boy after all ...
"Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
For the last 3 years, all we've heard is the Democratic side. (Mueller!!!!!!!!!! is gonna get him!!) They controlled the impeachment hearings (Nadler!!!!!! and Schiff!!!!!!! are going to get him!!). They controlled the first 24 hours of the Senate trial. And now we have a problem with how the President's team defends him?
We 'trusted' the House to do the right thing, because the House is controlled by the righteous and absolutely virtuous Democratic party. They never do anything wrong.
They spent their righteousness and virtue on two charges with "proof" that wouldn't hold water (no pun intended) in a Flint small claims court.
So now, the Democratic managers are not only asking, but demanding, that the Senate remove Trump from office, because they do not trust the American people to remove him in November. See, even with all his warts, Mr. Trump has a real chance of being re-elected. So the Democrats do NOT want that choice left to the American people. They want to shame and bully "never-trumpers" in the Senate, to vote with them, and remove him from office. To me, this idea is even more dangerous than Trump asking about Hunter Biden's activities in Ukraine. I mean, think of this. The Democrats want the Senate to remove Trump, because the voters MAY NOT. Is this really what the framers had in mind when they set up the rules for impeachment?
I know I'm going to get railed for this, but fact of the matter is, if the Democrats had a sane, viable candidate that didn't want to turn America into a Socialist, Christian-hating, Israel-forsaking country, I'd consider voting for them. I'd even consider voting for a Democrat who felt the way that Bubba Clinton felt about abortion, when he said abortion should be "safe, legal and rare". Planned Parenthood growled at him when he said the "rare" word.
I am a Christian, I do support Israel, and I consider myself to be a Zionist, because I believe in the Jewish people's God given right to live in the land of Israel that He promised Abraham. And I am a capitalist. I believe in free enterprise, complete personal liberty, and the free and unfettered pursuit of happiness. I believe the role of the government is to protect the people, both at home and abroad. Its not the government's place to 'take care' of everybody. You live here, and you are able bodied, you need to get a job, support your family, pay your taxes, and live peacefully with your neighbors.
Well, maybe that makes me a trump boy after all ...
You will believe anything Trump will tell you. You are thrilled by everything about him.
You will believe anything Trump will tell you. You are thrilled by everything about him.
Actually, I believe that Mr. Trump checks a lot of the boxes for someone the Bible (Book of Daniel) calls the Son of Perdition, which in the New Testament is known as the Antichrist. Please note, I'm not saying he IS, this person, but I believe he shows a lot of the signs. If his upcoming 'peace deal' for the ME includes at any point the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, then he could be the guy. I guess we'll see. When these things were called to my attention by another Christian friend of mine, I was quite shocked.
So, no. I don't believe everything he says, and I am not thrilled about everything about him. Actually, I am quite wary of his boastings, which he also matches quite well in OT prophecy. And the fact that he 'causes craft to prosper' fits the bill as well.
You made this accusation against me before. I'm setting the record straight. The fact that you keep repeating these accusations does not make them true. You are wrong.
"Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
Again, I keep hearing how the Democrats are gong to blow this election.
The economy is strong and we haven't started any new foreign wars. In a normal time, the President ought to be a shoo-in for reelection. This ought to be a Reagan-Mondale sort of result
It won't be. Because Trump is wildly unlikable, temperamentally a teenager, extremely ignorant, and far too few credit HIM with how the economy is doing. Realistically speaking ANY elected republican was going to pass a tax cut but only TRUMP would've also imposed a mass wave of tariffs which are acting as a drag on the economy.
So it's the Republicans that are risking a golden situation here by continuing to stick with Trump and feeding his always hungry, always needy ego. Most congressional Republicans are terrified of him or rather, his ability to sic the base on them.
It's been almost six years since Burisma announced Hunter Biden was joining their board. Republicans have controlled the Senate for almost that entire time. Republicans controlled the House until 2019.
So why was it this became a "scandal" demanding investigation in their minds only when Joe Biden announced he was running for President?
Republicans think this is Biden's Benghazi. It's that simple. If Trump is reelected, they will immediately stop caring again.
Look, PDJT is, from a historical perspective, possibly the worst of US presidents. Why? From a character standpoint predominantly. We've fleshed that out here. No need to regurgitate it.
I can also argue that Trump has no direct connection to the appearance that he might be responsible for a strong Global and US economy. I can also argue that benefits of that strong economy accrue to an American and global economic class that needs it the least.
But, there is no denying that his administration's regulatory and tax policy has encouraged business growth and employment and his trade policies have dealt with a recalcitrant Chinese economic power that has clearly advanced its economy by no less than questionable means. I could provide arguments that support this view but you've seen it and should be aware.
He's dealt with Islamic terrorists previously thriving in the ME that, before his presidency, threatened US security. His administration has exposed Iran for the terrorist state it is. At the same time, to the applause of most of the free Western world, he's managed to strangle a repressive Islamic theocracy currently brutally ruling Iran and intimidating regional governments, namely Iraq. The net effect is a stagnation of Iran's efforts to become the nuclear armed, ME power through its various proxies and what amounted to an unrestrained nuclear weapons development program. That program, which could be pursued secretly, while major powers became signatories to a nuclear arms treaty that foolishly allowed it.
Two things: in the current debate, we lose sight of what House Democrats fashioned as articles of impeachment. Namely, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. That's it. Narrowly stayed with no direct questioning of any of his distasteful conduct as an indicator of his unfitness to be the US president. The Ukraine affair? Business as usual described as both illegal (its not) and an unseemly abuse of power intended to serve Trump's personal political purposes. Maybe it is, but difficult to assert on reasonable technical grounds. That's because evidence presented by the House to support the charge of abuse of power is both second hand and circumstantial and that avoids the constitutional question that the President, in support of US national interests, allows him to do anything he wants that isn't illegal.Unfortunately, that, as frustrating as it is to anti-Trumpsters, is not something impeachment, an entirely political process, involves.
So, that brings us to this. The charges currently before the Senate do not rise to the level of an impeachable offense. Period. House Democrats are responsible for that by failing to focus on what is his reprehensible conduct as US president. that which could have been articulately cataloged, that indicates he is unfit to hold that office. All the rest, all the charges and speculation floating around and as articulated by a clearly biased press, are a waste of the Senate's and the American public's time.
Get on with it, acquit and move on. If the D's want to get rid of Trump, their ONE job is to nominate a moderate D candidate that's not going to turn the US into a socialist state. That might be Joe Biden, it might not but, failing that ONE job, Trump is going to get re-electrd in November with all the negative consequences of that already illuminated here.
Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
Get on with it, acquit and move on. If the D's want to get rid of Trump, their ONE job is to nominate a moderate D candidate that's not going to turn the US into a socialist state. That might be Joe Biden, it might not but, failing that ONE job, Trump is going to get re-electrd in November with all the negative consequences of that already illuminated here.
If Trump is re-elected, the Dems will blame everyone but themselves. Just like they've done since November 2016.
"Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"