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  • Originally posted by Ghengis Jon View Post
    A big part of the issue was Congress always borrowing from the SS Trust fund at discounted rates. Had it been left alone in an index fund, it'd be a lot more solvent. This is no reason to privatize SS, but it shows what happens when you elect children to Congress and tell them to borrow from a piggy bank whenever they want.
    This was Al Gore's oft-derided "Lockbox" make the SS general fund non-programmable for other purposes. Like the invasion and occupation of small desert nations, or massive tax cuts.


    • I think he may have been mocked for that concept. It's kinda sad to think that as recently as 2000 the central issue in the campaign was "What the hell are we going to do with ALL THIS MONEY??". As it turns out, the answer was to send everyone $600 and invade Iraq.


      • The bill for Afghanistan is nearing $1 trillion.


        • The expense of dropping $750,000.00 bombs on mud huts adds up quickly.


          • "Its going to be Leona Helmsley vs David Berkowitz. Whatta choice."

            Best line of the campaign!!!!!


            • There is an interesting article at Huffington Post today about Hillary and her vote in support of the Iraq invasion by Scott Ritter. She is full of second guessing about the situation at the time but there is no doubt about where she stood on this issue at the time and the disaster this has been visited on our country over the subsequent 15 years! Scott Rotter may have been somewhat compromised in some of his personal behaviors but he is supremely competent to pass judgment on this situation.

              It looks like we are stuck with Hillary (at this point) but I shudder at what we are in for in the coming term.



              • LMAO at Trump the 'self-made man'. Good one, Hanni


                • Here is a review I wrote about Ritter's book, "Target Iran" at Amazon in 2006. it puts a lot of Hillary's current positions in context.

                  [ame=" =detail-glance&nodeID=283155&store=books"] Richard Hodgman's review of Target Iran: The Truth About the White Hou...@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]


                  • Thanks for linking to this .......

                    The last line is the best part of your review:

                    "This is a book that cries out to a complacent and uninformed American public. It needs to be read widely."

                    But it won't be. Americans, in general, are watching the Kardashians and formulating their priorities and world views on what kinds of shoes they are buying
                    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                    • Well the Kardashians are Armenian, and Armenia borders Iran, so at least there's that.


                      • Trump doing very well in the George Wallace states


                        • Yeah it turns out if you court the white supremacist vote, promise to round up 11 million Mexicans and ban Muslims you can do well in those states.


                          • [ame][/ame]


                            • I've been following Russian news obsessively now, ever since they quietly invaded Ukraine...if you're familiar with the various bits about Putin you may get a kick out of this parody from Slovenia



                              • I still think its possible that he is running the biggest troll campaign in human history.

