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  • Its already in the cards that Trump will escape conviction, cruise to a second term over Biden and then get impeached again due to some more nonsense in his second term. He'll set a record for the ages.


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

      General Milley has now come out and said that the letter was just a draft and it was sent to the Iraqis by mistake.

      Heh...okay then!
      Oooooooh ...... sure signal of disarray in the WH.

      Look, Trump can say some really stupid shit and don't get me wrong, I think he is way less than the perfect picture of an American president. But, despite the mockery of him, some of it justified, in the case of our engagement in the ME, he's on to something.

      If you've been keeping track - and way back, I submitted links to unclassified versions of US Global Strategy that said just this - US interests are shifting to Asia and the growing importance of the threat to US strageic and regional interest of China. Oil? Who gives a shit. The US has become energy independent and will remain so for the foreseeable future.

      It seems the Russians and Chinese along with Turkey have designs in the ME. For what, other than to embarrass the US, is beyond me at this point in time. In the game of Risk, they can have it. Frankly, I'd call a US withdrawal, even if it's gradual and just announced, a major FP and political win for Trump. Others will surely see it differently, I mean they will definitely see it differently just to fuck with Donald. At some point, they will realize that like a five year old being told he's misbehaving, he's not listening but rather continuing to do bad things just to piss his parents off. Oh, wait. Like a time out chair, Impeaching him will do it. LMFAO. A whack on the ass of that five year old with a rubber spatula does wonders even if it elicits a visit from the Department of Child Services in your town.
      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


      • What a word salad


        • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

          Understood. So do you think Disney is a valid comparison to Enron.
          It'll never flame out like Enron if that's what you're asking. My point was market cap is irrelevant.
          “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


          • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

            Oooooooh ...... sure signal of disarray in the WH.

            Look, Trump can say some really stupid shit and don't get me wrong, I think he is way less than the perfect picture of an American president. But, despite the mockery of him, some of it justified, in the case of our engagement in the ME, he's on to something.

            If you've been keeping track - and way back, I submitted links to unclassified versions of US Global Strategy that said just this - US interests are shifting to Asia and the growing importance of the threat to US strageic and regional interest of China. Oil? Who gives a shit. The US has become energy independent and will remain so for the foreseeable future.

            It seems the Russians and Chinese along with Turkey have designs in the ME. For what, other than to embarrass the US, is beyond me at this point in time. In the game of Risk, they can have it. Frankly, I'd call a US withdrawal, even if it's gradual and just announced, a major FP and political win for Trump. Others will surely see it differently, I mean they will definitely see it differently just to fuck with Donald. At some point, they will realize that like a five year old being told he's misbehaving, he's not listening but rather continuing to do bad things just to piss his parents off. Oh, wait. Like a time out chair, Impeaching him will do it. LMFAO. A whack on the ass of that five year old with a rubber spatula does wonders even if it elicits a visit from the Department of Child Services in your town.
            You have to admit, it's pretty funny how every time you insist the stories about disarray are made-up bullshit meant to discredit President Deals, something dumb happens to prove you wrong. Like sending a letter to the Iraqi government that we're withdrawing our troops by accident. Why was this Brig. General asked to prepare that letter, anyways? I doubt he did it of his own initiative. Makes you wonder if it just got released too early...oh and that's not to even mention that Trump's SecDef said flat out that bombing cultural sites would be war crimes and we will not be committing war crimes, thank you. That's completely contradicting Trump himself who's on the record (multiple times) as threatening to do it.

            Everyone's on the same page though in the Trump Administration, right Jeff?

            But more seriously, hey, I'd love to see us disengage from the ME. I just don't see how killing one of the most powerful people in Iran's government accomplishes that.


            • Jeff's wishful thinking of how Trump makes decisions versus how it really happens




              • Welp, I was wrong. It does look like confusion did reign over the announcement. I continue to hope this administration stumbles, somehow, into the right course for the country. I still think the assassination of Sulimani was a good move sending the right message to the Mullahs. I too hope for withdrawal from the ME. I think Trump absolutely wants that and may have ordered the letter. So, WTF. Surprising the Milley and Esper statements on this. I dont think Trump actually said anything just military spokesman likely at his direction......bad visuals, for sure, of his top military people and Esper falling on their swords for something Trump probably got on the bat phone and ordered again having no clue about the chain of command.
                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                • Tucker did eventually get around to Part 1 of a 5 part series demonstrating the horrors of San Francisco, but first he opened by bashing and hammering Pompeo yet again and questioning why MAGAworld should trust the same intelligence community they've been calling the Deep State for 3 years


                  • Also...Pompeo has informed McConnell that he will NOT be running for Senate in Kansas.

                    Kansas Republicans need to find someone because they are dreading the possibility that Kobach will be the nominee. Even he would be a modest favorite to win, but he's toxic among the general voting population of Kansas in the same way Roy Moore was in Alabama. And the Dems have a good candidate.


                    • Trump isn't a complete nihilist, he has some beliefs he holds dear. He is very consistent on war crimes, bigotry, and himself. There may be others but getting the US out of the ME is certainly not one of those beliefs. He may have said something for a while but that's hardly anything more than messaging, if people portray him weak for pulling out he'll ramp up the troops, if some dictator talks to him alone and flatters Trump with praise and a request he'll announce that they are leaving which won't ever occur.

                      The one constant he has in regards to overseas troops isn't that we should have ramped them down after the cold war or some sort of Paleo conservative view about serving America's self interest. His main complaint is that the US isn't sufficiently shaking down these allies and partners for protection money like a local capo in the mob.

                      Best case scenario is Iran decides it's not worth the blowback for retaliation and Trump gets over. You fear the grim trigger has been pulled but maybe not. We are in uncharted waters with this unstable person in the office unduly influenced by Fox News, any kind of reponse is amplified on that network.
                      An impulsive president tries to look tough without being prepared to follow through.


                      • Huge numbers were at a funeral procession for a key Iranian commander killed by a US drone strike.


                        • And Froot mocks Buchanan. Good fucking lord.

                          More deaths that PDJT is responsible for. WAR CRIMINAL!

                          As an aside, I find it hilarious that the so-called news agencies are reporting on this as if it's some sort of spontaneous outpouring of love and grief. Reminds me of the video from Kim Jung Il's funeral.

                          But, hey, if PDJT is one side and Iran is on the other, the choice is pretty easy for those news agencies and the rest of the Ds.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • And, of course, while the Ds cower in the basement, Jim Geraghty pretty much nails Iran:

                            Maybe PDJT can fly over several hundred million dollars to buy them off. Worked for another president.

                            Tom Friedman seems to agree that Iran is pretty much in terrible straits, but he lays much of that blame on Soleimani. In this way he gets to criticize PDJT for taking out someone who was "incompetent".

                            I think it's quite possible that both pieces are true -- there's certainly broad overlap. The underlying theme is that Iran is shit.

                            And, yet, some cower.

                            God bless Buchanan and some of his posts on this topic.
                            Last edited by iam416; January 7, 2020, 08:02 AM.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Ben Rhodes, more or less a total Obama Administration incompetent, has been making he rounds preaching doomsday. Tom Rogan neatly explains why he's an idiot:

                              Of course, he also famously revealed how he manipulated the press to build support for the Iran deal. Feed them a lie. They'll report it. Retweet it enough. The narrative is set. Of course, that was back when the press was obsequiously begging to help the President in any way possible. As opposed to, you know, the Resistance.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • Finally, PDJT's immigration policies are paying dividends:

                                Unfortunately, his policy toward the 99% of asylum seekers who are fake will be undone when he loses in 2020 and the Ds will go back to open borders. Well, they won't call it that, but everyone will know all you need to do is gin up some baseless asylum claim and we'll let you in. For good.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

