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  • It is a good trick to portray the people fighting against the Russian disinformation as the actual communists. The ridiculous Ukraine hacking hoax advanced by America's Mayor is straight from Moscow.


    • Actually. if the Dems were serious about impeachment (and I am not convinced leadership ever was) they should have gone after the financial records as well. That is where the really damning stuff likely is. But the Dems could not run away from that shit fast enough. Turns out the chairman of the Way and Means committee (Neal) never released his taxes either. Trump's threat of investigating into the Dem financials if they did it to him cowed them. Probably because a whole bunch of them have something shady.
      2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


      • Comment

        • Very stable. Very genius.


          • Poll conducted by that Commie rag, the Military Times, finds that 49.9% of active-duty troops have an unfavorable view of Trump. Only 41.6% view him favorably. And the intensity on the "dislike" side is stronger, with 45% overall saying they view him VERY unfavorably.


            • Democrats are perfectly fine with Democrats' e-mails mysteriously disappearing whenever there is an investigation into their malfeasance. They are perfectly fine with the Democrat President's IRS being weaponized against the Tea Partiers, and they are also perfectly fine with a cornucopia of abuses by the FBI to obtain a bullshit wire tap warrant on a completely innocent man (these abuses have now been indisputably documented in the Horowitz report, and so has Carter Page's innocence). That was shit that would make J. Edgar Hoover look like a piker.

              This entire time, I have not seen one single Liberal in this forum, the media, elected office express even a slight sense of unease that the power of the FBI was abused in this manner. Not a single one. Not once. Ever. DSL was even mocking the idea that anybody should go to jail over it just last week. It's obvious that he was fine with it too.

              But Trump asks a foreign leader to investigate legitimate corruption of the political process, and it's a grand abuse of power that means he should be removed from office. On the left, there is no sense of curiosity over why a foreign energy company would pay the bum son of a Presidential candidate huge sums of money even though he has no qualifications whatsoever for the job. Is it a legitimate endeavor to look into whether this constitutes buying influence in American politics? What are the proper time and circumstances for investigating this, if not a conversation between the two country's leaders?

              And we are the sycophants for not wanting Trump kicked out of office. Sure thing, guys. Makes perfect sense.
              Last edited by Hannibal; December 18, 2019, 10:34 AM.


              • Talent don't you know that you are supposed to "punch right"? That's right, prove your good nature by condemning the "racists" of the world and completely disassociating from people like me. I call this the Mitt Romney Doctrine. Just be a good nice guy. What could go wrong?
                Last edited by Hannibal; December 18, 2019, 10:15 AM.


                • Oh the games Congress plays for the media.

                  Kevin McCarthy has introduced a resolution to censure Adam Schiff for "misrepresenting a phone call" between Trump and Zelensky. McCarthy defends an unrepentant pathological liar by whining about the off the cuff reporting of a phone call.

                  House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Wednesday he has signed a resolution to censure House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff.
                  “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                  • Not that facts matter, Foxbots will Fox
                    A federal watchdog investigating the Internal Revenue Services targeting of conservative political groups said the agency also scrutinized liberal organizations.


                    • Here is the link of the report by the IG under Trump's DOJ on the bogus controversy.


                      • LMAO. The New York Times and "facts"


                        • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                          Democrats are perfectly fine with Democrats' e-mails mysteriously disappearing whenever there is an investigation into their malfeasance. They are perfectly fine with the Democrat President's IRS being weaponized against the Tea Partiers, and they are also perfectly fine with a cornucopia of abuses by the FBI to obtain a bullshit wire tap warrant on a completely innocent man (these abuses have now been indisputably documented in the Horowitz report, and so has Carter Page's innocence). That was shit that would make J. Edgar Hoover look like a piker.

                          This entire time, I have not seen one single Liberal in this forum, the media, elected office express even a slight sense of unease that the power of the FBI was abused in this manner. Not a single one. Not once. Ever. DSL was even mocking the idea that anybody should go to jail over it just last week. It's obvious that he was fine with it too.

                          But Trump asks a foreign leader to investigate legitimate corruption of the political process, and it's a grand abuse of power that means he should be removed from office. On the left, there is no sense of curiosity over why a foreign energy company would pay the bum son of a Presidential candidate huge sums of money even though he has no qualifications whatsoever for the job. Is it a legitimate endeavor to look into whether this constitutes buying influence in American politics? What are the proper time and circumstances for investigating this, if not a conversation between the two country's leaders?

                          And we are the sycophants for not wanting Trump kicked out of office. Sure thing, guys. Makes perfect sense.
                          Rudy Giuliani is soliciting, and possibly paying for, wildly unreliable information from Ukrainian Oligarchs facing extradition to the United States or disgraced former prosecutors who'll do anything for a buck or to get back in power. Two of the people closest to Rudy in this enterprise, and who were acting as his translators because Rudy speaks no Russian or Ukrainian, have been indicted on a variety of fraud and money laundering-related charges. This is what Hanni is calling a "legitimate" investigation.

                          Go back and try to find posts from Hanni demanding an investigation into the Bidens before Joe Biden announced his candidacy. I bet you won't find any. It's only because Biden now threatens the survival of Hanni's "great white hope", Mr. Trump, that he suddenly gives a flying fuck.

                          The IRS scandal was thoroughly investigated by Congressional Republicans. Jeff Sessions in 2017 acknowledged that the Trump DOJ had reviewed the case and there was nothing Lois Lerner could even be charged with. What makes Hanni furious about that is he expects, demands, that conservatives simply fabricate evidence when it's politically expedient because he's utterly convinced that Democrats do this ALL the time.


                          • Oh and Hunter Biden got a do-nothing job he wasn't qualified for that paid him a lot of money solely because of who his dad was. Period. Said it a dozen times. There's no evidence Biden altered US policy to benefit his son. Firing Shokin was the consensus among all western institutions and the narrative that he was investigating Hunter Biden at the time he was fired is a lie.
                            If we're investigating any politician who has relatives in jobs they are woefully unqualified for, let's start with Mr. T
                            Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; December 18, 2019, 11:01 AM.


                            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                              Go back and try to find posts from Hanni demanding an investigation into the Bidens before Joe Biden announced his candidacy. I bet you won't find any. It's only because Biden now threatens the survival of Hanni's "great white hope", Mr. Trump, that he suddenly gives a flying fuck..
                              Why would I do this when I never even heard of Hunter Biden or Burisma until this year? It wasn't in the news.

                              Do I think that Donald Trump wants this deal investigated because he is a strict man of integrity? Of course not, and I have said as much. But it is nevertheless something that is legitimate to ask about, regardless of who does the asking and what his motivation is. You don't agree? Fine. My official position isn't that Donald Trump is a standup guy. My official position is that I don't care. But unlike literally every Democrat, I'm not going to tie myself into intellectual knots trying to insist that everything that he does is on the up-and-up, the way that you guys have done repeatedly with mysteriously missing e-mails and the Carter Page scandal. I have seen that consequences only exist for my side of the aisle. For you guys, the ends always justify the means. Roger Stone is going to spend the rest of his life in prison for a pure process crime that occurred during a bullshit witch hunt. When Democrats start going to jail for lying to Congress and lying to perpetrate the surveillance of Carter Page, then we can start having discussions about consequences for Donald Trump.

                              Until then, I'm going to sit back and enjoy seeing what the Republican Party looks like when they actually have some balls and fight for survival instead of trying to become media darlings.

                              Last edited by Hannibal; December 18, 2019, 11:35 AM.


                              • You need to start writing rage letters to the Trump Department of Justice c/o Bill Barr cuz buddy, they're the ones declining to bring charges against all these people you hate. No charges were ever recommended against Comey, and the DOJ case against Andy McCabe completely fell apart. The Trump DOJ said there was no case against Lois Lerner. I guess whoever altered that email in the FISA applications will probably get hit with something, though.

                                As for Hunter and Burisma it's been no secret since what...2015 or 2016? Every bit of it has been public knowledge. Now, I understand Fox News and the more conservative media sources you trust never reported much about it until recently...coincidentally since Biden decided to run...

