Shooter at the Pensacola Naval Air Station just days after the murder-suicide at Pearl Harbor. geez
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Direct quote from Rudy Giuliani yesterday
"The conversation about corruption in Ukraine was based on compelling evidence of criminal conduct by then VP Biden, in 2016, that has not been resolved and until it is will be a major obstacle to the US assisting Ukraine with its anti-corruption reforms. The American people will learn that Biden & other Obama administration officials, contributed to the increased level of corruption in Ukraine between 2014 to 2016."
He's openly stating that Ukraine's relationship with the Trump administration will be hurt unless they investigate Biden. Not corruption, Biden. Folks, all this impeachment stuff hasn't stopped them. Giuliani just spent a couple days over there gathering "evidence" from disgraced former officials, members of a pro-Russia party, and people connected to President Viktor Yanukovych who was overthrown and exiled to Russia back in 2014.
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My suspicion is that Dear Leader was told by Putin (in one of the private-no-Americans-allowed meetings) that Ukraine, not Russia hacked the election. And President Shit-For-Brains actually believed/believes him. Now that things are falling down upon his head, Rudi is urgently sent to Ukraine to uncover the 'evidence'. The confirmation of rightwing fantasies and/or thoroughly debunked conspiracy theories is the only thing that could stop impeachment. Rudi has been sent to find/fabricate ANYTHING in a desperate, flailing attempt to stop the inevitable. All of this because believes the Russian dictator over everyone else on the planet.
When historians document the utter failure and anti-American activities of Trump and his administration, it will be entitled Gullible's Travels.“Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx
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I do kinda hope there is serious review of how the police handled that Miami car chase. Contrary to what the FBI agent says, it is NOT inappropriate to question if police themselves are the ones who shot and killed the hostage and the bystander. Hell, the whole thing was recorded by news copters. There's images of cops hiding behind stopped rush hour traffic, returning fire, with civilians inside the cars.
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Trump complains about toilets taking 10 to 15 tries to flush right.
10 to 15 times to get it all down?!?!
Maybe he's just....full of shit?
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Somehow, I think Ms. AOC would have found a way for she and her family to not starve.
Even she went out and found a job as a bartender, and later got the gullible voters in her district to give her a job that pays six figures."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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She reminds me of a teenager arguing with her mom, she's knows she's right and then slams the bedroom door shut. I'm sure she's not lying here, but saying people will starve it's a pretty bad accusation. This is the kind of talk that will get Trump re-elected
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