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  • And they hate Mexicans, if your brown turn around


    • Originally posted by WingsFan View Post
      And they hate Mexicans, if your brown turn around
      Things you hear at a Trump rally
      2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


      • Yea they go overboard for sure


        • At this point I don't think anyone in politics can claim a lot of high ground when talking about the opposition.

          Anything for a cute sound bite. Live camera, open mike, .. fire away.

          "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


          • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
            At this point I don't think anyone in politics can claim a lot of high ground when talking about the opposition.

            Anything for a cute sound bite. Live camera, open mike, .. fire away.


            • Definitely, but I think Trump brought out peoples true colors, give him credit or blame him. Maybe not politicians as much because they are in the spotlight and need to be well liked. Look at Social Media, millions of people didn't just change their personality, or how they act. They now show it b/c they can. It was always there.

              Politics has always been dirty, both sides.

              There has never been good vs bad, its all about power. I knew this, but always leaned left (as independent) I thought they helped the middle class hard working guy. Until Trump came along. I could never see agreeing with a group just because you belong to them - in all forms of life.

              Then again I have always said, I have no faith in humanity and I think its showing. Anyway leaning No Malarkey if I had to vote today.


              • Barr's hand-picked Prosecutor (Durham) told IG Horowitz that he's found no evidence to support rightwing conspiracy theories that America's intelligence agencies tried to setup Trump



                • Question is if Trump was so concerned about corruption in Ukraine, by does he never mention that word but DOES in fact directly mention the Bidens in his phone call with Zelensky? Listen to Collins' answer here. It's an incoherent mess. He's clearly just trying to talk fast and throw as much gibberish out there to make it impossible to follow and hope you don't notice he never actually responds directly to the question.

                  I will say I prefer this to Jim Jordan's IF I YELL EVERYTHING I SAY IT MEANS I"M MORE RIGHT THAN YOU ARE


                  • Matt Gaetz tries to catch Prof. Feldman with a "gotcha" question. Doesn't work out as well as he had hoped. THANK YOU THAT WILL BE ALL PLEASE STOP TALKING NOW.

                    Clearly Gaetz was hoping to slip this in without Feldman mentioning that he wrote this article BEFORE all of the Ukraine stuff even became public


                    • Here's an unintentionally funny piece from Trump cockgobbler Byron York, wringing his hands at Schiff releasing the phone records of Giuliani, Parnas, Solomon, etc.

                      Essentially he tries to get one Republican after the other to please tell him Schiff broke the law and everyone comes back with "Well it's probably legal but it was also VERY RUDE AND POLITICAL!"

                      You know you've reached the absolute depths of human cynicism when you're citing JOHN YOO as some kind of civil rights advocate.

                      House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff's decision to publish the phone records of the president's personal attorneys, a journalist, a fellow lawmaker, a National Security Council aide, and others has sent a chill among Republicans concerned about the reach of a powerful chairman determined to root out the communications of people with connections to the


                      • Thursday, December 5, 2019 and DSL still hates America. I find the consistency of it all very comforting.
                        "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                        • Don't make me go Preston Brooks on you, sir


                          • Sounds like we're officially heading for a Senate trial

                            Trump swearing up and down that he's going to call everyone he considers an enemy to testify: both Bidens, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, the Whistleblower, etc. Presumably while still refusing to allow like Mulvaney and Pompeo to show up, even though they would totally exonerate him. Totally. We'll see how that works out for him.


                            • Threaten me with violence when I simply pluck ripe fruit from the Tree of Truth?
                              "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                              • It's gonna be pretty cool to Ds fight subpoenas left and right. I can't imagine, under any circumstances, that Joe Biden testifying under oath before the Senate is a good thing for Joe Biden.

                                In any event, this is a partisan war and it's going play out like a partisan war. PDJT had a road game in the House. Now he gets a home game.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

