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  • Lindsey Graham was on Fox & Friends and he flat out accused the Administration of lying about ISIS being defeated.


    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
      Now that is awful. That's real world shit.

      Guess the Ds are going to be in favor of staying in Iraq, now?
      I go back and forth on this. I generally don't want us to be there and maybe in the long run am more on Trump's side...

      But that said, there's probably better ways to withdraw than others. What he's done seems extremely reckless. I heard reporting this morning that neither the Kurds nor our own troops on the ground had any warning this was coming. Obviously Trump didn't tell Graham or his other close allies in Congress. It all seems spurred by one long phone call with Erdogan and by the end of the night the decision was made to, boom, start heading home tomorrow. The dangers of relying upon "personal relationships" to conduct foreign relations.

      Reportedly, just in the past couple months, we convinced the Kurds to withdraw from positions right on the Turkish border and also allow Turkish troops to conduct patrols alongside American units. Boy, from their perspective, it'd be easy to view this as a set-up, as if we were escorting Turks doing recon.


      • Federal Judge rules Trump must hand over 8 years of tax returns to the Manhattan DA. The appeal was obviously coming but if the stay on the subpoena expires at 1 PM today, I'm not sure how that works exactly. They request an emergency stay from the Court of Appeals?

        A federal judge on Monday dismissed a lawsuit brought by President Donald Trump in his effort to block a subpoena issued by the Manhattan district attorney's office for eight years of Trump's tax returns, rejecting the President's "extraordinary" claim that any occupant of the White House enjoys "absolute immunity from criminal process of any kind."

        Describing Trump's argument as a "categorical and limitless assertion of Presidential immunity," US District Court Judge Victor Marrero wrote in an opinion that it "would constitute an overreach of executive power."

        Lawyers for Trump have indicated they would appeal the ruling.

        In September, after the lawsuit was filed, the district attorney's office agreed not to enforce the subpoena for a period of time that was set to expire Monday at 1 p.m. ET.


        • Rob Portman contradicts Trump's cover story on numerous points, but does not think it rises to impeachment.

          * Trump wrong to ask Ukraine to investigate Biden
          * Trump wrong to involve Barr & Giuliani
          * Says Prosecutor Shokin was widely regarded as soft on corruption and not doing nearly enough when he was fired
          * Says he never heard Trump complain about a lack of help from the EU until when he called Sept. 11 to see what the hold up on military aid was


          • "Work with us in Syria or get out of the Way"

            Non-committal on the phone, the US president surprised even Turkish officials with his public support for Ankara's assault into Kurdish-held territory

            And another in a line of "they're not scared of you any more" leaks, someone on the National Security Council tells Newsweek that Edrogan "rolled" Trump....Trump was "spineless"


            • Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Heh. Yeah this NBA thing is appalling. James Harden apologized on behalf of the Rocket Org. Disgusting.

                But did you see what Stephen A Smith said about this? He stepped in and told everyone to hold his beer


                • Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • The NBA deserves loads of criticism for this. They are going where the money is, being woke is a financial strategy for the US market but not China. It's kind of like excusing the sheer bigotry of the Trump administration because of an unemployment rate. You're either on the right side or not.

                    There was an article that said Trump told Xi he would not comment on a Hong Kong crackdown as long as there were reports of progress in trade talks. Nobody spoke up besides the usual suspects, but it should be an outrageous regardless.


                    • " my great and unmatched wisdom...." King Donald has spoken.

                      “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                      • 58% say they support opening an impeachment inquiry. It's above 50% only counting Independents.


                        • Gordon Sondland (EU Ambassador) was supposed to appear and be deposed today. He has apparently been ORDERED just this morning or late yesterday to not cooperate.

                          Could be a sign that they are going into 100% obstruction mode and dare Dems to impeach


                          • The Ambassador that Trump fired is scheduled to be deposed Friday. But she was reassigned to another post in the State Dept. Will she be allowed to appear? Seems like it could be unlikely at this point unless she's willing to resign.


                            • Public sentiment is rapidly turning in favor of an impeachment inquiry. I don't like the idea of the President getting to set the rules of what is and what isn't a 'legitimate' inquiry, but if I'm Pelosi, once Congress is all back from recess, call Trump's bluff: immediately schedule and hold the formal vote. I see no downside to that at this point.

                              Then watch Trump come up with new justifications for blocking testimony from key players. Let the public see him again and again refuse to allow others to testify under oath about his perfect phone call and no quid pro quo.


                              • well maybe if we get a full impeachment nquiry some fact can come out
                                since trump's team can call there own witnesses

                                always wondered why if ukraines has the poorest economy in Europe

                                somehow they were the top donors to the Clinton foundation at 10 million--and that's world wide leader by nationality of donors

                                gee the most corrupt country in Europe fattening the wallets of the Clintons and the bidens

                                bring oin impeachment lets have a open hearing see who really profited from Ukraine politics

