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    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


    • To be fair, no one's ever told Trump that accepting campaign help from a foreign government was against the law.


      • yeah when you have real witness real facts --its a conspiracy theory

        you realize that shokins affidavit has been around for 6 months right. that giulliani investigated this in regards to the ruissian origins of how they tried to claim collusion.

        watch the steffanopolous interview last sunday--heeres the key part

        Qouting Shokin per Giulliani--The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption -- corruption -- corruption probe into Burisma Holdings and Joe Biden's son."

        That's under oath by the prosecutor who was handling the case, who they say is corrupt. Now, a lot of prosecutors...

        STEPHANOPOULOS: It's not just they who have said he's corrupt. The European Union has said he's corrupt. The entire U.S. administration said he's corrupt.

        GIULIANI: Oh, they all said it. Anybody prove it?

        STEPHANOPOULOS: That's why he was removed from office.

        GIULIANI: No, it wasn't. The reason he was removed was because the president forced him to resign. And then, just in case we want to deal with corruption thing, I have another affidavit. This time from another Ukrainian prosecutor who says that the day after Biden strong-armed the president to remove Shulkin, they show up in the prosecutor's office -- lawyers for Hunter Biden show up in the prosecutor's office and they give an apology for the dissemination of false information.

        You know -- you know what the apology is for? For having -- having gotten out the story that this guy was corrupt. Now, if you met this guy, he's not very good at corruption because he's very poor.

        Unlike the prosecutor who tanked the case on Biden, who's driving around in a Bentley.


        • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
          yeah when you have real witness real facts --its a conspiracy theory

          you realize that shokins affidavit has been around for 6 months right. that giulliani investigated this in regards to the ruissian origins of how they tried to claim collusion.

          watch the steffanopolous interview last sunday--heeres the key part

          Qouting Shokin per Giulliani--The truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide-ranging corruption -- corruption -- corruption probe into Burisma Holdings and Joe Biden's son."

          That's under oath by the prosecutor who was handling the case, who they say is corrupt. Now, a lot of prosecutors...

          STEPHANOPOULOS: It's not just they who have said he's corrupt. The European Union has said he's corrupt. The entire U.S. administration said he's corrupt.

          GIULIANI: Oh, they all said it. Anybody prove it?

          STEPHANOPOULOS: That's why he was removed from office.

          GIULIANI: No, it wasn't. The reason he was removed was because the president forced him to resign. And then, just in case we want to deal with corruption thing, I have another affidavit. This time from another Ukrainian prosecutor who says that the day after Biden strong-armed the president to remove Shulkin, they show up in the prosecutor's office -- lawyers for Hunter Biden show up in the prosecutor's office and they give an apology for the dissemination of false information.

          You know -- you know what the apology is for? For having -- having gotten out the story that this guy was corrupt. Now, if you met this guy, he's not very good at corruption because he's very poor.

          Unlike the prosecutor who tanked the case on Biden, who's driving around in a Bentley.
          You were 100% all in on Seth Rich. You were 100% all in on Kris Kobach and widespread voter fraud being exposed.

          Have fun with this one. I can't imagine you're swallowing yet another load of horseshit from the same crowd that fed you the last two steamy spoonfuls.

          it's very impressive that they've got an Affidavit from Shokin though. I mean, no one ever lies in those.


          • another lmao moment

            AG and the special investigator Durham are in Italy investigating the orgins of the Russian probe--that's where the fbi got ahold of the dossier and also where joseph misfit (sp) the one whoi set up pizzaboy are. anyway mccabes response on CNN made me LMMFAO

            another laugh my ass moment

            he has no problem saying trump committed treason now hes scared for his own skin

            yep nothing but conspiracy theory all around


            • show me one time I ever said anything about kobach and voter fraud

              have to commend myself however with only being 2 reponses late to my predicted But but but seth rich.......


              • Reminder that Republican Senators back in 2016 wanted Shokin fired because he was corrupt

                Sens. Rob Portman and Ron Johnson were for reform in Ukraine’s prosecutor’s office in 2016. Now they back Trump in his anti-Biden campaign.


                • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
                  show me one time I ever said anything about kobach and voter fraud

                  have to commend myself however with only being 2 reponses late to my predicted But but but seth rich.......
                  The entirety of the evidence you have to "prove" Shokin was wrongfully dismissed is a sworn Affidavit from Shokin himself and Rudy Giuliani's grinning skull-like face.


                  • biden is toast

                    I would love it if he skated through and got the nomination

                    but he would get hammered

                    2/3 frontrunners are toast--time for Bernie to give up time for joe to give up


                    • Imagine you're a disgraced former Chief Prosecutor in Ukraine. Your political star has fallen. Your career is over.

                      Then one day the personal attorney to the President of the United States wants to talk to you. He says, he knows you've been very, very mistreated. It was Joe Biden's fault, wasn't it? Joe Biden wrongfully did this to you, didn't he? Would you be willing to swear to that? It's not a bad thing to have the President of the United States in your debt now, is it? Or you can just sit here and drink yourself into oblivion

                      You shrug and sign whatever they put in front of you.


                      • 'entirety of the evidence you have to "prove" Shokin was wrongfully dismissed is a sworn Affidavit from Shokin himself'

                        seriously DSL did you just type that

                        a sworn affidavit from the guy whos name is being drug through the mud isn't enough for you to at least give the guy a chance to defend himself. \

                        so much for due process--if biden said it it has to be true --lets see biden start releasing his sworn testimony


                        • Warren has all but caught up in the national poll and she is ahead in Iowa. I have never thought that it would be Biden, but I'm a little surprised that it looks like it's going to be Warren and not somebody who seems more like a charismatic rising star. Then again, there is a ways to go. Anyone who runs against Trump is the favorite, No sense in wasting a win on a guy like Biden.


                          • that was 2 months before Mueller testified--you really think trump gave a shit about what biden/shokin activites in the Ukraine during that time period?

                            his sole purpose is to figure out why a bogus investigation into his campaign was started in the first place and basically sabotage the first three years.

                            biden and shokin just happened to show up on the radar screen
                            Last edited by crashcourse; October 3, 2019, 02:07 PM.


                            • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
                              'entirety of the evidence you have to "prove" Shokin was wrongfully dismissed is a sworn Affidavit from Shokin himself'

                              seriously DSL did you just type that

                              a sworn affidavit from the guy whos name is being drug through the mud isn't enough for you to at least give the guy a chance to defend himself. \

                              so much for due process--if biden said it it has to be true --lets see biden start releasing his sworn testimony

                              1) This isn't a court of law. Shokin isn't entitled to some sort of day in court nor is he even asking for as far as I can see

                              2) The entire western world said this guy was corrupt. Including Republicans in the US. You have dismissed their opinions as irrelevant for some reason

                              3) As far as I know, Shokin never made this accusation against Biden until after being approached by Giuliani. Both parties have a self-interest in smearing Biden.

                              4) Trump has now asked multiple foreign governments to help investigate his political adversary. Including a hostile foreign govt with whom he's currently engaged in trade talks with. Is dirt on Joe Biden more in the national interest than anything else going on in those talks?


                              • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
                                that was 2 months before Mueller testified--you really think trump gave a shit about what biden/shokin activites in the Ukraine during that time period?
                                You have to be a blithering moron to think Trump cares one whit about stopping corruption in Ukraine.

                                He wanted ammo on the 2020 foe he feared the most and dispatched Rudy to do it. And I doubt he cares if the dirt is legitimate. There's all kinds of shady ex-government people in Ukraine willing to do a favor for the President of the United States. Go ahead and trust this Shokin guy if you want. I don't think normal voters will be impressed with what Trump has done, only the lickspittles

