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  • We deNazified Germany in 1945 for the sake of the nation. We deBaathified Iraq in 2003 for the good of the nation. Will we deTrumpify the US in 2021 for the good of the nation?
    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


    • No. Even if he loses, I there's zero chance Trump goes away quietly into the night. He will be as active as ever on Twitter, possibly screaming a lot about how the election was stolen from him, and putting pressure on all Republicans to stay in line behind him or lose base support. Trump is the Republican brand for years to come


      • And I should add to that, it's not because a lot of Republicans wouldn't secretly LOVE to be done with Trump. But none of them have figured out a way to go about turning the page and remaining in power. They're stuck with fawning all over him until they do.


        • They might try sticking to the political goals of small gov't, low taxes, and limited gov't intervention in social affairs instead of the joining the cult of unlimited debt, worship of a pathological liar and likely traitor, and the mandatory imposition of their twisted morals upon unwilling citizens.

          Never ever, in my worst nightmares, would I have expected any political party to undergo the horrific change the GOP has undergone in the last 4 years. Psychologists should look at how an enthusiastic political party could so seamlessly transform into such an amoral personality cult in such a short time span.
          “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


          • Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


            • Mnuchin got trapped on multiple Sunday shows this morning

              "Why is it okay for Don J.r and Eric Trump to do business all over the world but it's scandalous for Hunter Biden to do so?"

              "I don't want to go into details"

              "Where did President Trump come up with the extra $100 M he sent to Ukraine, money which the President of Ukraine says was a surprise?"

              "I don't want to go into details"


              • In spite of what he says publicly, I'm sticking with Trump signing some sort of agreement that essentially changes nothing from where we were 2 years ago. China will agree to increase their soybean purchases again. There will be nothing about IP theft. Trump will herald this as the greatest agreement ever.

                You know the shame of all this is, and Hillary the and the anti-free trade Left are to blame as well, is that TPP would've created a massive anti-China coalition that could've taken on China and won. Trump's going to take on all the countries from that pact individually, come up with less than he would've gotten by signing TPP, but declare it a tremendous victory anyways. And few of his supporters will bother looking at the details.


                • A record 69% of voters say they dislike Trump personally, even if they approve of his policies. What's amazing is that this is far and away the most disliked on a personal level any recent President has been. George W. Bush reached 42% in 2006 in the wake of Katrina and when Iraq violence was at its worst.


                  • Almost 40 percent of the House Republicans who were in office in Jan. 2017 will be gone after 2020



                    • ..... read an article in the ACJ today that I missed as news on Saturday. I was engaged in a worthless use of my time watching this irrelevant CFB program get butt fucked.

                      Both the US and China made public statements late Saturday (it was Sunday morning in China) that the talks that just wound up on Friday were constructive and China further commented that the Montana trip was cancelled because they did not want it to become a media attention and be accused of meddling in US politics. Had nothing to do with the low level trade talks going on.

                      The higher-ups will meet in early October possibly on the 12th and 13th.

                      And DSL, I'm in agreement with you on how Trump will frame whatever the two countries agree to. I'd have to look at some numbers but I'm not sure the TTP would have had the wait you might be assigning to it re pressure on China to deal.
                      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                      • Yeah Paul Mitchell ran pretty much the blandest campaign ads you will ever come across. Basically positioned himself as like a boilerplate chamber of commerce Republican. It's kind of surprising to hear about him behind the scenes but SE Michigan is full of immigrants. His type is going the way of the Northeastern Rockefeller Republicans.


                        • Jeff Timmer, a political consultant and former executive director of the Michigan Republican Party, writes about the GOP suffering from Stockholm Syndrome in regards to Trump.

                          Republicans demonstrate Stockholm syndrome by increasingly identifying with their captor despite the growing perils of their situation.

                          “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                          • Coincidentally Politico had this piece last night.

                            The Trump campaign is quietly pessimistic about its chances in Michigan this time around and has begun looking to spend more time in places like New Hampshire or Minnesota, which might be flippable


                            • Maybe that's why Pence thought it was smart to run an 8 car motorcade on Mackinac Island.


                              • Found this interesting just for some perspective....Trump's farmer bailout, to compensate them for losses incurred as a result of HIS tariffs, is currently up to $28 Billion. That's more than double what Obama spent to bail out GM & Chrysler back in 2009. Which was adamantly opposed by most Republicans.

                                The total price tag on the farmer bailout will keep going up too, and there are many complaints that it's not an effective program and not actually reimbursing farmers fully for their losses (no matter what Trump claims).

