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  • Seinfeld about nails it, the drawing on the map sounds like something George would cook up. This sharpie gambit must be the purest Seinfeld-like episode. He is always writing with sharpies and the alteration is comically not in proportion with the cone.


    • Jonah had other examples. Like when Jerry refused to acknowledge he didn't know Mulva's name. Or the marble rye. But, basically the entire series. So, on the one hand PDJT's actions are really about nothing. On the other, he's spending an entire episode on nothing. And, from a moral perspective, it's never a good thing to be compared to any Seinfeld character, let alone George.

      Perhaps PDJT will donate to the Human Fund this holiday season.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


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        • Festivus needs to become a bigger thing.
          "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


          • Trump examining up to $25 Billion in new tariffs on European goods that are expected to take effect this Fall, including wine, cheese, and olive oil. Could double the price of authentic gouda, parmesan, and mozzarella. 95% of all olive oil consumed in the US is imported.

            The steady stream of customers walking into Di Palo’s on a recent afternoon were greeted by giant cheese wheels, meat hanging from the ceiling and bottles of olive oil lined up on the shelves – a century-old array that’s at risk because of President Donald Trump’s trade wars.


            • Further evidence the British Conservative Party is falling apart. Amber Rudd resigns from Johnson's Cabinet and is quitting the Party entirely. The Times says they have good info that another half dozen members of Boris' Cabinet feel the same way and may resign in coming days. Rudd attacked Boris' decision to purge party members who were "disloyal" to him and says there is zero evidence that he has any intention of negotiating with the EU. He is betting everything on "no deal".

              Amber Rudd today announces that she is resigning from the cabinet and quitting the Conservative Party over Boris Johnson’s “purge” of the party and his “failure” to pursue a deal with the EU.


              • Not remotely surprised this happened and it was only a matter of time before it leaked...

                On Sunday Sept. 1, hours after Trump's Alabama claims, the NOAA sent out an email warning staff that they were to not put out info that might contradict the President.

                Ordering the National Weather Service to lie to cover up a inconsequential mistake you made is classic Trump



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                    • Pretty interesting Pew poll. Last September Ds were viewed as 53/42 favorable and Rs 42/54 (roughly). This September, the Rs are still in the same place, but the Ds have joined them with virtually identical numbers.

                      The more the public sees of what the Ds really are the less they like them. Dial it back. For the love of god.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Just added this to the library, from 1888, a collection of writings from such luminaries as Henry Cabot Lodge, William McKinley, etc. Wonder if they predict the rise of (or descent into) Trumpism.

                        “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                        • Ross should be fired or pressure brought on him to resign. This is ridiculous. The census fiasco should have been the last straw.

                          Wilbur L. Ross Jr. made the threat after the agency’s Alabama office contradicted the president’s claim that Hurricane Dorian might hit the state.


                          • Meanwhile NOAA's Acting Chief Scientist the Director of the National Weather Service both blasted the pathetic unsigned statement released by NOAA HQ on Friday (which apparently came at Ross' orders).

                            The NWS Director happened to be giving a speech today in Huntsville, AL and he asked members of the Birmingham office to stand. They got a standing ovation. The coward who supposedly drafted the statement backing Trump is supposed to to be speaking at the same conference tomorrow.


                            • The story behind this capsized tanker is interesting. I want to know the circumstances that caused the accident. I've seen this kind of cargo ship up close. They either carry 500 cars (in this case this ship belongs to Hyundai and was carrying cars) or are configured as propane carriers. Both of these cargo ships are engineered identically and they are both huge and appear top heavy. It does not surprise me one bit that one capsized. I have to think the load shifted becasue it was not properly secured or balasting was mismanaged - ships like this have spaces that are purposely flooded to achieve an even keel, fore and aft and port/starboard. I'm betting the later then exacerbated by shifting load.

                              You may remember the Costa Cruise line ship that hit rocks tearing a 30 foot hole in the hull that then flooded one of the compartments that supplies electrical power to the ship. The crew made a few mistakes after a completely recoverable incident. After the collision, the ship continued for about 2 miles with no power. Once emergency power was restored, the ship made a turn that forced more water into the perforated compartments then mismanaged the balasting that would have kept the ship from capsizing. It capsized and several people lost their lives. The Captain, who left the ship before all passengers had been disembarked by life boat, went to prison.

                              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                              • The president’s business worked with the Scottish airport to promote tourism. The Pentagon had a separate deal for the airport to find lodging for service members stopping to refuel.

                                Some documents here on the deal Trump & the airport cut back in 2014 (Trump apparently stiffed them on the helicopter though)

