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  • WAPO is reporting that a deal with Mexico on immigration is likely but only if Trump doesn't apply tariff's as he has threatened to do on Monday.

    The deal would require Central Americans to seek refuge in the first foreign country they set foot upon after fleeing their homeland, an agreement that the US has with Canada. Mexico is also planning to send 6000 National Guardsmen to their southern boarder with Guatemala as a show of force.

    Under such a plan, the United States would swiftly deport

    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


    • Also in the "fuck you, China" category is news that the US is selling a shit-ton of Abrams tanks, among other things that according to reports will aid the US's defense industries, to Taiwan. Of course, China is pissed. I think at this point it doesn't matter if they are or not.

      All of this is part of a larger strategy to curtail China's influence and military expansion in Asia. I don't know who ever thought the Chinese were good guys worthy of being brought into the fold of peace loving, democratic nations. They are fucking Communists who have figured out how to avoid collectives and state ownership, all ideas producing massive economic failures, by adopting certain elements of capital markets and private ownership. That does not mean they have abandoned everything else abhorrent about Communism.

      It was Nixon who contrived, correctly, IMO, that aligning with China would drive a wedge between China and the USSR, weakening the Soviets in the process. It did. That isn't relevant any longer as I have commented on up thread.

      I have distinct memories of military training exercises that we participated in that involved trips to Taipei Taiwan. Great time. I bought some nice suits.

      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


      • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
        Also in the "fuck you, China" category is news that the US is selling a shit-ton of Abrams tanks, among other things that according to reports will aid the US's defense industries, to Taiwan. Of course, China is pissed. I think at this point it doesn't matter if they are or not.

        All of this is part of a larger strategy to curtail China's influence and military expansion in Asia. I don't know who ever thought the Chinese were good guys worthy of being brought into the fold of peace loving, democratic nations. They are fucking Communists who have figured out how to avoid collectives and state ownership, all ideas producing massive economic failures, by adopting certain elements of capital markets and private ownership. That does not mean they have abandoned everything else abhorrent about Communism.

        It was Nixon who contrived, correctly, IMO, that aligning with China would drive a wedge between China and the USSR, weakening the Soviets in the process. It did. That isn't relevant any longer as I have commented on up thread.

        I have distinct memories of military training exercises that we participated in that involved trips to Taipei Taiwan. Great time. I bought some nice suits.
        The Chinese have been helping our good friends and close relatives, the Saudis. Doesn't that make them good people?

        The US government has obtained intelligence that Saudi Arabia has significantly escalated its ballistic missile program with the help of China, three sources with direct knowledge of the matter said, a development that threatens decades of US efforts to limit missile proliferation in the Middle East.


        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
          Hopefully yours will be amongst them.
          I imagine you must have looked on with horror as your beloved Tucker praised a socialist's "economic patriotism".


          • D8Ya6toXUAAZzAO.jpg



            • While waiting for Macron to show up for a D-Day Commemoration and sitting right next to the graves of fallen WWII heroes, Trump felt it was the appropriate time to give Laura Ingraham a politically charged interview in which he insults Mueller and Pelosi, among others


              • has declared yet another fake emergency in order to coddle authoritarian murderers he admires. Counting on the American public to be so stupid that they will actually believe him, Chump trots out a false narrative that these sales are done to oppose Iran. Saudi Arabia, chocked full of American made F-15s, F-16s, F-35s, KC-10s, Patriot missile batteries, four AWACs and a fleet of P-3 Prowlers, somehow requires that Congress be bypassed for this sale.

                is simply trying to buy defense oriented companies' support, once again putting money over national interest. Just like his wall and his tariffs, the majority of Americans oppose his position on these arms sales being made under patently false pretenses.

                I think we should just drop Trump by parachute into Tehran by himself so World's Greatest Negotiator can singlehandedly save the world.


                “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post
                  Seems like the tariff threat is working

                  called it


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                    • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post

                      called it
                      Need to know the details. Doesn't sound like Trump's people got everything they were demanding.

                      Though it does make you wonder, if tariffs are so good for America, why don't they just enact them all over the place? Trump keeps selling it as foreign countries 'paying' us and the US govt getting rich off of them.


                      • WE HAVE A FIVE YEAR PLAN!


                        • It goes without saying that buying more 'agricultural product' from our 'great patriot farmers' is nowhere to be found in the Joint Declaration agreement between the US and Mexico

                          It also has nothing to do with immigration...

                          And it also undermines the USMCA


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                            • Its efficacy will be fairly easy to qualify. We had 144,000 illegal immigrant encounters at the border last month. That's the largest number in over a decade.
                              "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                              • His actions since being elected has had a direct effect on the uptick. It is a crisis of his own making. For a clown like him the results don't matter, it's the fight. If he could quietly solve it and get results or fail so he could rattle the sabre 24/7, be will choose the latter.
                                Last edited by froot loops; June 8, 2019, 02:29 PM.

