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  • And now, trailers for two of the worst looking (yet very different) movies ever

    #1 William. All I can think about is Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer. A movie that hits you over the head with its 'message' like a neanderthal with a club. This looks like a film student's project.

    #2 Sonic the Hedgehog. Everyone's been talking about how shitty this looks and yeah, it's true. It looks like a movie that was misplaced on a shelf somewhere since 1997. From the subject matter to Jim Carey's acting. And -- Jesus Christ, is that Gangsta's Paradise? Really, movie? REALLY?


    • DSL,

      SPOILERI am okay with some comedic relief, but they made Thor into a fat, silly drunkard. Think Wiz but with a better physique. Meh. Him and Prof Hulk (getting one-punched) was not my cup off tea.

      I did not see Doctor Strange. I think she is silly cast as the Ancient One.

      Sam as Cap is yawn worthy. It would have been better just to kill the character off with Iron Man imo.

      I like nostalgia. This didn't move me.

      Yeah, sure, they should have overpowered him - and he should have called the otherworld creatures down much sooner.

      "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


      • Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • AA,

          SPOILERSam ain't exciting me as Captain America either. I did really like what they did to write him out of the future 'universe' though rather than kill him off. I had placed my bets on him sacrificing himself at some point rather than Tony


          • The Dean of the Ned Beatty Society has spoken


            • Tread lightly, Bellhop. I can overlook political differences and your apparent allergies to rational thought, personal grooming and humanity. But besmirch the legend of Beatty and, as god as my witness, I will mow your motherfucking ass down like Lara Linney deep-sixing crazed, evil gorillas with a diamond-power laser killing machine. I promise you that.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Rest assured, no one dares cast aspersions upon your beloved "Otis"


                • The Governor's race this year that has Trump's team nervous.

                  Matt Bevin is a huge fan of Trump, but he's deeply unpopular in Kentucky (approval ratings in the low 30's).


                  • 1. lol at the Ned Beatty stuff. I love a classic.

                    2. DSL, don't want it to sound like I hated Endgame. I didn't. It was good. As an aside, the best of the comic book movies have had Iron Man and/or Cap in them. Kind of hard to see the end of that era. I felt the same way about Logan and Prof X's death. At least with X-Men they set the stage for future prequels by having established James McAvoy as a young Charles. And I know they have plans for the young girl to be a new Logan/Wolverine mutant (but that really strains the imagination (how many times would you have to inject more adamantium into her skeleton as she grew bigger?)

                    3. More Kris Kristopherson talk, please.
                    "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                    • RE: Venezuela & Maduro

                      I haven't had a chance to fully read it, but there's an article in the WSJ that suggests Cuba may have done a counter-intelligence operation by spreading word that Maduro was ready to leave. They then watched to see who in the Venezuelan military would reach out to Guaido's side. So it's possible both Guaido and the US, over-eager for success, may have been tricked. Don't know for sure.


                      • Comment

                        • sci-fi signs GIF
                          "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                          • So, why exactly was Paul Joseph Watson banned from Facebook?


                            • Your monkey movie may be bad, but how does it stack up against that time honored classic from 1938, The Terror Of Tiny Town? The one, the only, Hollywood western musical, cast with only those that were vertically challenged?
                              “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                              • * As many may know, the FBI building sits diagonally across the street from Trump's DC Hotel. For years, the government had planned to move the FBI out to a new location (out around the Pentagon or Langley I believe). They were expecting to sell the old FBI building to a commercial developer. It's extremely valuable real estate in DC and would go a long ways towards covering the cost of the new building.
                                * Once Trump was elected those plans were abandoned.
                                * Watchdog groups began filing FOIAs trying to get documents that would explain why the GSA (General Services Administration) changed its mind
                                * The GSA ignored those requests.
                                * The watchdog groups then sued and a court ordered the documents be produced.
                                * GSA followed up by handing over a fairly pitiful amount of documentation. The judge essentially ordered them to 'try harder".
                                * Back in March the Judge ordered that they unredact a document which showed the appraised value of the property and offers the government had already solicited to purchase it

                                * The GSA is now appealing the Judge's decision.

                                The GSA is going to an awful lot of trouble to make sure no one in the public understands what its decisions are based upon.

                                Judge had ordered GSA to turn over unredacted document with appraisal values of Hoover Building

