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  • On the ability of PDJT to stand up to the Iranians in the Persian Gulf if such an occasion should arise.

    In December 1972, I joined a unit of 12 EA6A Intruders that had been quickly put together from 2 US based squadrons and 1 Squadron in Japan and then deployed as one unit to the Philippines to support CTF 70s resumption of the bombing of North Vietnam. Recall that Kissinger had negotiated a cease fire in July of '72 with the North agreeing to curtail NVA operations in around the DMZ. When North Vietnam didn't comply with the accords, Nixon chose to unleash B52's to carpet bomb, as the term was used, the entirety of North Vietnam to include heavy tactical and strategic strikes of Hanoi and Haiphong Harbor. So, that's the context ......

    The point I want to make is that despite questionable operational readiness of ships within the USN's 5th Fleet I raised in my post up thread, when shit goes down, stuff emerges from places you never thought of to suddenly make aircraft, ships and the personnel assigned 100% combat ready.

    I still marvel to this day how that went down with the squadron I joined in late 72 and then flew combat missions with 100% ready aircraft until that, in this particular case, where very technically sophisticated airborne jamming platforms - this to essentially shut down the NVA's (the Soviet's) air defenses. Grumman Aircraft had designed this aircraft modification to the A6 Intruder (a bomber). In order to get the 12 EA6As completely ready to do the job of protecting the lumbering B52's from getting shot down by ground to air missiles, dozens of civilian Technical reps showed up at our base in the Philippines to train enlisted electricians how to maintain the EW systems and aircrews how to operate them. It was OJT at it's best. Our squadron had two dedicated cargo aircraft that flew in to our base what ever parts were needed, from wherever they could be obtained on 12h notice. It was pretty amazing. As well, several new jamming systems that had never been deployed on the EA6A showed up. Secret squirrels came out of the woodwork with intelligence briefings on the various radars and guidance systems that were targets of our jamming. Once our unit got up and running - about 12h after the aircraft arrived we were flying 10-12 combat missions a day and could surge to 20 - B52's weren't getting shot down anymore ...... not one when EA6As were on station and jamming.

    So, yeah, while there are indications of flagging readiness of US forces, when shit goes down, the military and industry respond in force...... or at least they did in my time. My understanding then, and it still probably applies today, is that there are pre-positioned readiness packages for just such contingencies. Stuff is held back in case something blows up and if it does, it comes out of storage and ends up as the parts commanders doing routine, non-combat type training missions, were complaining about that they don't have. Such is life in the military.

    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


    • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
      That's your library or are you pulling my leg?

      I wish. That's looking in from the entrance at "Lacey's Books" in London. Great source for pre-1910 aviation and mid 19th cent non-fiction.

      I'll post a pic of my library once I clean up a bit. The wife just retired and now it's filled with equipment and patient files she has to keep for 7-10 years. I go 'hunting' every weekend and can't navigate the library anymore to deposit the weekly haul. One corner is semi-exposed so I'll post a shot....once I clear a path.
      “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


      • we'll see whether its more of a kate smith issue or a god reference issues if they agree to have another singer do a rendition

        personally I don't think god bless America will ever be sung at yankee stadium again--although gaga would be an excellent choice to do a replay


        • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
          we'll see whether its more of a kate smith issue or a god reference issues if they agree to have another singer do a rendition

          personally I don't think god bless America will ever be sung at yankee stadium again--although gaga would be an excellent choice to do a replay
          Well I for one believe God has no place within those walls.


          • Elijah Cummings says he will schedule a vote of contempt for former WH official Carl Kline after he was ordered by the WH to not tell Congress anything about how the White House hands out security clearances.


            • LMAO...Trump has ordered all members of the executive branch to boycott the White House Correspondents Dinner

              1) The WHCD is an embarrassing event and I couldn't care less if it went away for good.

              2) It's pathetic and petty that Trump is so, so extremely butthurt annually by this event that he would go so far as to order a boycott.

              3) Does that order include Fox News employees?


              • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                Ahh, the Crimean. Another hot little number there by the name of Flo Nightingale.

                Kidding aside. Would love that book. I will give you a 'Whip Inflation Now' campaign button and two Billy beers for it.
                AA once took a head-first spill off a penny-farthing and spent the next four months thinking he was Benjmain Disraeli


                • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                  AA once took a head-first spill off a penny-farthing and spent the next four months thinking he was Benjmain Disraeli

                  Is that you, Labouchere, you bastard?!
                  Last edited by AlabamAlum; April 23, 2019, 02:00 PM.
                  "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                    LMAO...Trump has ordered all members of the executive branch to boycott the White House Correspondents Dinner

                    They should have a blowup doll made (mouth wide open) resembling Trump and sit it on a ring side chair for the speeches. Network coverage of "Dirty Donny" might make the First Snowflake's head explode.
                    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                    • Trump and Jack Dorsey closed door meeting today- ha ha Like to be a fly on the wall there.


                      • New measles outbreak declared in LA County. US is on pace to easily break its record for most reported cases since the disease was declared 'eradicated' in 2000.


                        • Anti-vaxx morons.
                          "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                          • Yep


                            • "Listen, man, Mr President, I don't know if 1,064 characters is gonna work..."



                              • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                                Anti-vaxx morons.
                                They come in a wide swath

                                * Dipshits who've seen celebrities take anti-vaxx stances and are convince vaccines = autism
                                * Leftwing looneys who view vaccinations as "toxic chemicals" and no child of theirs is gonna ingest anything inorganic
                                * Rightwing anti government purists. No government is gonna tell ME what to do to my kid.
                                * Big Pharm Skeptics.
                                * Conservative religious sects.

                                In 2014 there was a big wave of measles that went through Ohio's Amish community. The single biggest outbreak right now in in the New York City area among Hasidic Jews, a majority of whom oppose on religious grounds. They've had hundreds of cases

