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  • New poll from North Carolina shows Trump with 43% approval, 52% disapproval with registered voters. The Democrat Governor, Roy Cooper, currently has a 45/32% split


    • Meanwhile in Wisconsin, Trump's approval improves to 46-52%. It was -8 in January.


      • JB far as trumps reasons for dismantling the leadership in DHS--yeah he's listening to his base but this has been a message of his since 2016 and with good reason. The wholesale immigration of families is an epidemic politically causing a disaster for the president. taking care of whole families is a firestorm for trump and the number of whole families filling up every bed in the border centers ----and the publicizing every child story of separation is disaster policiticall, economically and morally for any parent to watch. we cant save the world. most people know that buyt the antitumpers blame him for the fact it cant be done

        lot harder for families to cross over walls

        getting rid of nielsen et al is because she couldn't curb a problem that is almost impossible to solve without finding away to shut the vast majority out. And for that you need widespread constant pressure on the press, politicans and your own party etc. which didn't work out for her

        Personally I think anyone there is in a no win situation--just have to keep coming up with funds to extend that wall and hope for relection in 2020 to finish the job.

        its a lot harder for families to cross walls then individuals

        20 years ago when the numbers were similar of immigrants a lot were males looking for jobs--if you have something to offer and your not a criminal by all means come over but bring your families later. these days that's changed

        the single mom with kids crossings have got to stop along with undocumented unknown who knows where mom is crossings.

        nielson was in charge during a period of time where the problem seems to be getting worse not better

        time for her to go
        Last edited by crashcourse; April 10, 2019, 02:21 PM.


        • Crash - Other than wanting her to explicitly break or ignore the law, I'd love to know what specifically you think Nielsen could have done differently.


          • I'm just glad Trump is no longer locking kids in 0bamacages.


            • Stockholder Revolt - Forcing AMI To Dump National Enquirer



              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                Strangelove has apparently dropped the ball on this, but Netanyahu is going to get a fifth term. I'm absolutely stunned as earlier this week Robert Francis declared that he doesn't "think that Benjamin Netanyahu represents the true will of the Israeli people."
                Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                Stockholder Revolt - Forcing AMI To Dump National Enquirer


                I saw an interesting graphic today.

                The Columbus Blue Jackets are the only NHL team that has yet to win a playoff series.


                • The owners of the National Enquirer suddenly developed a conscience about the ethics of tabloid reporting. I'm sure that this is a purely organic phenomenon and not partisan virtue signalling.
                  Last edited by Hannibal; April 10, 2019, 06:53 PM.


                  • For those who like jazz, Hugh Laurie is surprisingly good.

                    Fast forward to 3:10 if you want to skip the instrumental intro on a good cover of St. Jame's Infirmary.
                    "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                    • Damn. Apparently you can only watch that on you tube.
                      "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                      • The Columbus Blue Jackets are the only NHL team that has yet to win a playoff series
                        Suck it, Lightning!!!! But, yes, that division has been death. It took forever for them to get good and when they've been good they've had to play the Penguins or Caps. On the plus side, the last two seasons they've been eliminated by the Stanley Cup champs!
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • AA- Yeah he's pretty good.


                          • Julian Assange has been arrested, if anyone hasn't heard by now. Had to be forcibly carried out of the embassy. He's grown a right proper Santa Claus beard. Dunno if the UK will extradite him but I'm imagining so. We know the US government has sealed charges against him but don't know if they're related to Manning stuff or if it's all 2016 election hacking.

                            EDIT: Sorry, it was the Chelsea Manning stuff Wikileaks published, not Snowden
                            Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; April 11, 2019, 06:51 AM.


                            • pretty sure the shit he released during the last Iraq war is of more concern than publishing some hacked DNC emails lol

                              you remember, back when he was sticking it to Bush and was the hero of the left


                              • I'm in favor of charging him if he was an active participant in a plan to steal and distribute documents.

                                If they are charging him with publishing 'secrets' because Chelsea Manning leaked stuff to him then yeah, I have some problems. That runs contrary to what was decided in the Pentagon Papers case.

