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  • No im showing the insane behavior from the left, and you still havent said you have a problem with a grown man (teacher) waving around a rifle in a crowed protest.


    • Originally posted by WingsFan View Post
      No im showing the insane behavior from the left, and you still havent said you have a problem with a grown man (teacher) waving around a rifle in a crowed protest.
      1) I have a problem with a grown ass man waving a gun around in public

      2) I have no idea how much truth there is to his claim

      3) No matter what he claims, it has absolutely no relevance to James Fields' guilt. A jury, which had far more info than you or I, said it wasn't relevant and determined that Fields didn't kill by accident; he intended to murder.

      4) You're part of the party that worships open carry so I'm not sure why YOU have a problem with a man waving a gun around in public. Part of your constitutional rights, isn't it?

      5) It remains true that there is NO REASON to feel this Professor is relevant when discussing James Fields except to try and mitigate what he did, claim he's not entirely responsible, or claim he's a victim of circumstance. This was all litigated in court and the jury said the same thing I'm saying: HORSESHIT.


      • Several members of Mueller's team whispering to the NY Times that Barr hasn't revealed the more damaging parts (to Trump) of the report

        Members of the special counsel’s team have told associates that their findings are more troubling for President Trump than the attorney general indicated.

        17 ANGRY DEMOCRATS!!!


        • 4) You're part of the party that worships open carry so I'm not sure why YOU have a problem with a man waving a gun around in public. Part of your constitutional rights, isn't it?
          Yes I do, not waving it around in a crowd. Responsibility.... there a more videos of him, I wont spare you.

          By the way, Wheres 0bama on his VP Creepy Joe?????????? We're waiting!


          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
            Several members of Mueller's team whispering to the NY Times that Barr hasn't revealed the more damaging parts (to Trump) of the report

            Members of the special counsel’s team have told associates that their findings are more troubling for President Trump than the attorney general indicated.

            17 ANGRY DEMOCRATS!!!

            By Andy Borowitz

            March 26, 2019 Photograph by Alex Wroblewski / Bloomberg / Getty
            WASHINGTON (The Borowitz ReportMoby-Dick
            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


            • See im different than everybody else in this thread, im not R or D if you think I was defending the dirtbag than my post was not written the proper way. He is where he belongs.


              • Chuck Grassley says Trump's comments on wind energy were "idiotic" (Trump claimed in a speech to Republicans that the noise from wind turbines causes cancer)

                "I'm told that the White House respects my views on a lot of issues," Grassley said. "(Trump's) comments on wind energy ...were, first of all, idiotic. And it didn’t show much respect."


                • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                  Yes, the world blames the Labor Unions and Socialists of Weimar Germany for the excesses of Nazi Germany because everyone knows Nazi violence doesn't happen unless provoked.
                  Read up on the history of post-WWI Germany and the ineptitude of the Weimar government when it came to maintaining law and order and protecting their people. It was a more extreme situation of what we have in the US right now, where <insert name of George Soros-backed activist group> descends upon a locale for some sort of demonstration and leaves a path of destruction in their wake.

                  The Nazi street violence, in its early days at least, was absolutely provoked. Soviet-backed Communist goons were gooning up the streets in Weimar Germany before Hitler ever gave his first beer hall speech, Every extreme left wing movement has been an extremely violent movement, probably because they all trace their roots to Karl Marx, who was himself a violent, hate-filled man. Just like Marxist shitheads goon up the streets everywhere they go now, burning cop cars with Molotov cocktails, blocking streets, blocking ambulances, and sucker punching anyone that they consider to be a "Nazi". Is there such thing as a peaceful, anti-Nazi protestor? Yes, of course their is. Is that who was unlawfully blocking the Unite the Right March and provoking violence? No. Those are the people who showed up with masks on and weapons in hand for the express purpose of blocking the demonstration by violent means. Those are they people who bear the blame for the outbreak of violence. From an image standpoint, they got lucky in Charlottesvile when somebody on the Right finally got fed up with the bullshit, lost his temper, and became the day's scapegoat. But so far that is a unique situation. It's a remarkable testament to the civility and patience of the Right that the local emergency rooms aren't packed with Leftists whenever these stupid assholes show up for one of their counter "protests".
                  Last edited by Hannibal; April 4, 2019, 07:27 AM.


                  • Screaming "Jews Will Not Replace Us!" in the streets doesn't entitle you to police protection from heckling under the First Amendment. Being screamed at by counter-protesters
                    To DSL,, "Professor waving a gun at a guy"' and "Masked man shooting flames out of a makeshift flamethrower" = "heckling".
                    Last edited by Hannibal; April 3, 2019, 10:37 PM.


                    • Only 10 days until the final season of Game of Thrones begins!
                      “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                      • Ds efforts to pass Reparations Bill in the House is gaining steam:

                        Hopefully they pass something by 2020. Please. God.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • I like "Collusion Delusion". That's a good one. That said, it's true that polling consistently shows, even among Democrats, that "Russia Hoax" was never a high priority issue. Especially not compared with healthcare or jobs. But I can think of something that voters would care even less about: investigating the investigators.


                          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                            I like "Collusion Delusion". That's a good one. That said, it's true that polling consistently shows, even among Democrats, that "Russia Hoax" was never a high priority issue. Especially not compared with healthcare or jobs. But I can think of something that voters would care even less about: investigating the investigators.
                            why did the media force the issue down everyone's throats for 2 years? Why did top intelligence officials and Democrats lie to the American people about information they had the clearance to see that we don't implicated Trump in Russia collusion? Why are the Democrats so convinced that Barr lied in his summary to hide evidence of collusion?


                            • Talent- This one's for you. Pour out a Busch Lite for puterbac and WorldNetDaily


                              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                                To DSL,, "Professor waving a gun at a guy"' and "Masked man shooting flames out of a makeshift flamethrower" = "heckling".
                                Well you know your "freedom of expression" doesn't give you freedom from consequence.

                                is that consequence being exposed as having backwards and shitty ides? no. That consequence is getting your face smashed in because words are violence too -DSL

