Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan
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The author labors under the delusion that there is some magic potion that is going to put an end to Left Wing oriented ethnic nationalism. You could probably find this idea rephrased in fifty different National Review OpEds dating back to the 1980s. This has been the official Republican stance on the issue since the Regan years. I have a lot of respect for Ronald Reagan, but he was catastrophically naive in this area. 30-40 years of trying to convince blacks, Hispanics, and Asians of the virtues of the Constitution and the merits of Milton Friedman's ideas have failed miserably. The author either ignores or is unaware of the reams of data showing why this would never work, ignoring also in the meantime the negative consequences of charging down the Open Borders road that we have been on. The author also makes the case that white ethnic nationalism is more dangerous because whites are the majority, forgetting that whites will not be the majority in a generation or so, depending upon what assumptions you use for immigration, amnesty, and birth rates. What happens then?