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  • The fact is none of the other candidates are strong enough. The establishment candidate is going to be Trump because the alternative is Cruz and they hate him. Trump is going to dominate the media for the next 11 days sucking any the oxygen out for any candidate and now the states are more favorable. These first two states should not have been favorable to Trump.


    • Trump as Establishment candidate? Say what?


      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
        The public also knows virtually nothing about what a President Trump would actually do in the White House. Because he hasn't really thought of that yet. But he's still the runaway candidate right now. Because he sounds angry and pissed off and BY GOD HE WON'T TAKE IT!
        But Trump has been a celebrity for about 30 years. People know who he is. Or, at least they know the negative parts of him that have to do with a stereotypical bilionaire ogre. Very few people know who Bernie Sanders is, except that he "cares" or he is "honest". That will change when he starts to become a target.
        Last edited by Hannibal; February 9, 2016, 10:36 PM.


        • This has to be the first election ever where the third place finishers in the primaries are declaring how awesome it was to finish third. Cruz got 12% of the vote and he's practically declaring victory LOL.

          Amazing also that so much money is being pissed away on losing campaigns like Bush, Kasich, and Christie. What a huge waste of money by the big donors. I know that Rubio took a bit of a beating tonight but IMHO it's a three-man race right now. Trump, Rubio, and Cruz.
          Last edited by Hannibal; February 9, 2016, 10:42 PM.


          • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
            This has to be the first election ever where the third place finishers in the primaries are declaring how awesome it was to finish third. Cruz got 12% of the vote and he's practically declaring victory LOL
            I think they - Cruz and Rubio - still think Trump is a fraud and the "real" contest is between themselves. I'm starting to think Trump might win this thing. Tonight was eye-opening in that his supporters turned out. The polling data was accurate. Much different than in a caucus. Time to kick a few more clowns from the VW. Carson, Fiorina, and Christie, GTFO.
            Last edited by Mike; February 9, 2016, 10:44 PM.


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              Trump as Establishment candidate? Say what?
              If it is a choice between Cruz and Trump they will endorse Trump. They hate Cruz. You kind of already saw that with Dole and the Iowa governor. There were also rumblings two weeks back that Republican players were starting to warm up to a Trump nomination.


              • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                Any predictions for NH?

                I think Trump continues to slide, Kasich will drop out after today,
                Atlanta, GA


                • I saw Sanders received 85% of Democrat votes for people aged 30 or younger. Perhaps that number has changed in the last couple of hours.
                  A lot of people I know love Sanders and I think it makes sense. Generally, my education (high school and classes at Purdue) might fit what Sanders is preaching. Social issues, global warming, and my intro economics classes.

                  Not saying I support Bernie (cuz I don't), but I can see why people my age love him. The education process has developed a lot young people to think that way.
                  AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


                  • Oh and how Bernie is promising free stuff too. Selfishly, sure, I'd love it. That sounds great if I didn't think about how that would be paid for.
                    AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


                    • How is he proposing we pay for it?


                      • Raise taxes of course. Feel the Burn!

                        Not quite Beatlemania - Fans fainting at his speechs


                        Last edited by WingsFan; February 10, 2016, 03:46 AM.


                        • Sad to say, but CNN has run an article stating Bernie is the first Jewish candidate to win a primary. Who the f*** cares? I didn't know he was Jewish, and can see no reason why that would matter. Why not announce he's the first balding guy with white flyaway hair, trifocal glasses and Brooklyn accent to win a primary? Appears that the religious bigot segment has not been properly energized. God forbid (the one and true God that ONLY my religion worships) some commie pinko heathen anti-Jesus old phart garner votes. This is a democracy you know.
                          “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                          • Jewish Lives Matter, Jon.


                            • Originally posted by whodean View Post
                              If you think that was bad, you should see my Super Bowl prediction!


                              • Originally posted by Ghengis Jon View Post
                                Sad to say, but CNN has run an article stating Bernie is the first Jewish candidate to win a primary. Who the f*** cares? I didn't know he was Jewish, and can see no reason why that would matter. Why not announce he's the first balding guy with white flyaway hair, trifocal glasses and Brooklyn accent to win a primary? Appears that the religious bigot segment has not been properly energized. God forbid (the one and true God that ONLY my religion worships) some commie pinko heathen anti-Jesus old phart garner votes. This is a democracy you know.
                                Standards have fallen so, so far. There were, less than 15 years ago, very clear rules as for when someone's ethnic background was considered newsworthy or not. And those were good and prudent rules followed by all mainstream media.

