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  • They'll be sold on him soon enough.

    A lot of people like what he says, just not the way he says it. But they really don't mind, themselves, how he says it. They are just afraid that it will alientate voters and make him unelectable. But when he starts cleaning up in places like New Hampshire and Florida they will see that he can win.

    Not only can he win, but I'm pretty convinced that he is the only R candidate who has a shot at winning, despite the polls supposedly showing Rubio as the best head-to-head guy right now. Rubio will run his candidacy like McCain and Romney and he will lose. Trump will take off the gloves from day 1.
    Last edited by Hannibal; February 9, 2016, 11:14 AM.


    • The Donald and Bernie have a strikingly similar message that is resonating with the voters ....... Washington, and by that I mean the legislative process as it pertains to managing every aspect of the Constitutional role of the Federal Government, is totally fucked up. Too many special interests affecting legislation, two much money via PACs for every other Presidential candidate.

      Sanders, if elected, would work to support and if possible, implement policy that would tend to narrow the wealth gap. He'd do that with changes to the tax code. Trump, not so much ..... he is a conservative mouthing their typical sound bite, " you get what you work for and nothing is given to you," not that there is anything fundamentally wrong with that view.

      When it comes to trade, both of these candidates have similar positions. Fair, not free trade but I think it means different things to each of them. I'm beginning to like The Donald mainly because he has balls and isn't beholding to anyone. But his finger on the Nuclear trigger, confronting Putin and the knuckleheads in North Korea ...... scary. Same with Sanders but I also have the same concerns with him, but in a different way, regarding carrot and stick diplomacy.

      I'm done with Hillary. Never been aboard with Jeb either. The bottom line is this is turning out to be one of the most interesting Presidential campaigns in a long time.
      Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; February 9, 2016, 11:32 AM.
      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


      • They'll be sold on him soon enough.

        A lot of people like what he says, just not the way he says it. But they really don't mind, themselves, how he says it. They are just afraid that it will alientate voters and make him unelectable. But when he starts cleaning up in places like New Hampshire and Florida they will see that he can win.

        Not only can he win, but I'm pretty convinced that he is the only R candidate who has a shot at winning, despite the polls supposedly showing Rubio as the best head-to-head guy right now. Rubio will run his candidacy like McCain and Romney and he will lose. Trump will take off the gloves from day 1.
        Eh, we'll see. I honestly don't know what to make of the R primary. If Trump crushes things tonight then I'll start to buy in more to your belief, Hanni. If it's close -- if he significantly underperforms the polls, then I'm still in the same place.

        As for the Ds, at some point some one is going to start calling Sanders on his unfettered socialism. Unfortunately, Hillary won't do it because she's dealing with the progressives in her party. In any event, she'll be the nominee. Right now, I'd bet on her with a fair amount of comfort over any R in the general.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • Trump wind easily.

          Bush shocks with a big night for 2nd edging Kasich (3rd).

          Marco was finally exposed for the fraud that he is, finishes 4th

          Christie, Carson, Cruze round out the bottom.

          Bernie holds on over Hillary


          • I can see that, Wingsfan. I still think Jeb's not dead. He has the resources to outlast some of the others like Kasich, Christie, and Carson. He might end up being the last viable option to Trump and Cruz. I really don't see this thing being decided until Super Tuesday at the earliest.


            • Trump wins but by less than his projected margin (MOE ignored). Bernie stomps Hillary (+25%). Everything changes after Super Tuesday.
              “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


              • Here's my prediction:

                Bernie loses to any Repub
                Hillary beats any Repub besides Trump
                Trump beats Hillary


                • Is this the worst presidential field of all time?


                  • Overall I don't know but Bernie's a great candidate. Far from perfect, and has the stubborn tunnel vision common to people imprisoned in one ideology or issue, but if it had to be one issue, getting money out of politics is an ideal one, even if all he has to show for it in four years are modest, incremental gains.

                    Plus, we can fuck up foreign policy with someone who knows the issues or we can fuck up foreign policy with someone who doesn't.


                    • Bernie isn't accomplishing jack shit -- not even Citizens United or, lol, "getting money out of politics."

                      Bernie would be good for me. The Rs would crush 2018. Ohio's statewide elections are always non-presidential. If Bernie is in there, the Rs would cruise and my boss could end up as the Gov if he wins the primary.

                      And, hell, Bernie wouldn't do jack shit, so I could tolerate an out and out socialist dipshit for 4 years. Every single colorably purple state would turn red (if they haven't already).
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • People will get their money out of politics as soon as politics gets out of their money.

                        Bernie would win, at most, five states in a general election. He is beyond unelectable.


                        • Bernie would win Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, California, Rhode Island, Washington and Hawaii for sure.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • He would win Vermont and California maybe. More against Cruz but not against a centrist candidate.

                            The last honest "I will raise your taxes" guy lost 49 states.
                            Last edited by Hannibal; February 9, 2016, 01:21 PM.


                            • Yeah, Bernie is unelectable but he won't sniff the nomination anyway. Hilary has been the inevitable Dem candidate since 2009. The R side of this primary is alarming/depressing to me.


                              • Who the hell knows? There's an avalanche of coverage lately of how insurgent candidates NEVER win the nomination, yet at the same time on both sides people are proving that they like outsiders a lot more than the traditional candidates. The system is primed to put those types on a pedestal and knock them down fast, but the ones in this cycle are both pretty resilient so far. The next few primary results will tell us whether votes for the outsiders might be sticky. I still think the most likely outcome is Hillary. It feels like one election cycle too early for the pendulum to swing back left. You can only fire up old people for so long to vote on social issues before the mass of voters look to their wallets as their guide.

