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  • Isaac Chotinar is really good with extremely dry sarcastic quips which sail over the heads of his interview subjects. Like this one with the legendary Victor Davis Hanson, who defends Trump's Charlottesville comments as being "clumsy" but essentially true


    History buffs, really.



    I mentioned how that was crude in the book.

    O.K., so do we think he picks his targets carefully, or maybe not?

    I think so. But if you go back and look at the worst tweets, they are retaliatory.

    Victor Davis Hanson, who wrote “The Case for Trump,” argues that America needs President Trump but will never fully appreciate him.


    • Judge finds that current Labor Secretary Alex Acosta broke the law while a US Attorney in covering up Jeffrey Epstein's underage sex trafficking

      Federal prosecutors, including now-Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, improperly misled victims of sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein during their investigation of the influential financier a decade ago, a judge ruled on Thursday.


      • I have a friend in Helena. But yeah. Bozeman has more to offer than Butte or Helena.
        "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


        • Just days after a white nationalist officer of the Coast Guard was arrested on domestic terrorism charges (he had a kill list of Dem politicians and liberal tv hosts), frequent Laura Ingraham guest Joe DiGenova tells her viewers that the Civil War is upon us and urges them to buy guns and ammunition.

          DiGenova was almost on Trump's legal team at one point


          • what part of 'America will never be a socialist country' did you not understand?


            • Just days after a white nationalist officer of the Coast Guard was arrested on domestic terrorism charges (he had a kill list of Dem politicians and liberal tv hosts),
              Wow, your boy and Progressive Socialist posterboy Jussie really did a number on you.

              Lemme know when this dude starts shooting shit up. Like, you know, your other boy did at a recreational softball game.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                Wow, your boy and Progressive Socialist posterboy Jussie really did a number on you.

                Lemme know when this dude starts shooting shit up. Like, you know, your other boy did at a recreational softball game.
                Heh. Another white nationalist who talent wants to pat on the hand and whisper "I understand where you're coming from but what you did was wrong"

                Meanwhile to black activists, gay activists, hispanic activists, student activists he has one message: GROW THE FUCK UP


                • Meanwhile, actual faces of the Progressive Socialists -- Kamala and Pocahontas -- come out in favor of reparations.

                  I'm actually a little surprised reparations weren't included in the Green New Deal.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • Another white nationalist who talent wants to pat on the hand and whisper "I understand where you're coming from but what you did was wrong"

                    Meanwhile to black activists, gay activists, hispanic activists, student activists he has one message: GROW THE FUCK UP
                    I don't particularly mind the snark overload, but usually it has some sort of truth to it. But, whatever.

                    If you want to devote all your energies to this Coast Guard guy who killed no one as THE HARBINGER, then feel free. It's fucking moronic. Even in a day and age of the Green New Deal, it's fucking moronic.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                      Meanwhile, actual faces of the Progressive Socialists -- Kamala and Pocahontas -- come out in favor of reparations.
                      Good. Gotta get that Left Wing agenda out into the open while the demographics still exist to fight it.


                      • Warren got a third or less from corporations in the last cycle; Harris got two thirds, just like most of the rest. They aren't comparable, but that won't stop us This election is going to be a referendum on socialism in which most people don't know what it is or understand the alternatives. A Democrat that could successfully articulate why it's better to reform capitalism than to adopt socialism would be wonderful. No need to change any of the policy ideas. Just repackaging.


                        • Good. Gotta get that Left Wing agenda out into the open while the demographics still exist to fight it.
                          Bernie is against reparations, or was in the past. God knows if they'll make him bend the knee for such obviously racist apostasy. Corey Booker isn't exactly for it, but for something more practical boondoggle of government-funded checking accounts for poor folks.

                          So, reparations isn't quite like the Green New Deal, but it does have some support -- and support from real contenders. Well, Warren may not be a real contender, but she's a real voice.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                            I don't particularly mind the snark overload, but usually it has some sort of truth to it. But, whatever.

                            If you want to devote all your energies to this Coast Guard guy who killed no one as THE HARBINGER, then feel free. It's fucking moronic. Even in a day and age of the Green New Deal, it's fucking moronic.
                            lol I've literally made two posts about the Coast Guard guy, one of which was part Kirstofferson joke, and Talent tells me enough already and to stop wasting my energy discussing an irrelevant topic.

                            Ya got me. Let's talk about Jussie Smollett and the impact his arrest has had on your life. You deeply troubled that dangerous men like Smollett are out there?


                            • They aren't comparable
                              They may not be comparable in terms of taking corporate money, but they're comparable in the most meaningful sense -- they running against each other (and others) and are thus asking Ds to compare them. And when they do compare them they'll find that not only are a number of their positions comparable, they're identical.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • Ya got me. Let's talk about Jussie Smollett and the impact his arrest has had on your life. You deeply troubled that dangerous men like Smollett are out there?
                                Don't give a shit about Smollett, but I do care about the massive media reaction that created the story in the first place. Sort of like the Covington kids -- which you were kind enough to pimp on this thread almost as it happened. So, I don't care what happens to Smollett at this point -- his lie has been laid bare and those who swallowed it hole without an ounce of fucking thought have to deal with it. And that's A LOT of people.

                                Smollett is a nobody, though probably slightly less of a nobody than that CG dude. The media reaction, though, is not nothing.

                                In any event, yes, as you noted, I love White Nationalists. Good point.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

