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Trump's approval average keeps getting worse. 39.9% Approve, 55.2 % Disapprove
ABC News is your trusted source on political news stories and videos. Get the latest coverage and analysis on everything from the Trump presidency, Senate, House and Supreme Court.
Anyone but me notice that Kapture, Crash, and Wings (and Trump) no longer bring up the Rasmussen poll? That's probably because EVEN RASMUSSEN, the poll friendliest to Muh President, has Trump with a -11 rating. NEGATIVE ELEVEN
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Dhillon had represented a racial and religious discrimination lawsuit in 2007; she cited a ruling from New Jersey which required fire fighting departments to accommodate the beards of Muslim men.[18] Dhillon has also given interviews in which she has condemned the Republican Party for alleged discrimination against non-whites and criticized her competition as "another white guy to blend into the snowstorm."[19] She has also been heavily criticized by Republican activists for her ties to American Civil Liberties Union, as well as her past contributions to the political campaigning of Kamala Harris
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Originally posted by WingsFan View Postlol How hard was it for him to tweet this?
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When Trump cancelled Pelosi's trip, he barely informed anyone at the Pentagon or in Afghanistan. But he did make sure to coordinate it with his 2020 campaign and sent out emails fund-raising off of his "bold move"
White House officials told
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Trump "startled" by cozy Barr-Mueller relationship
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