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  • Originally posted by Wild Hoss View Post
    The problem I have with your analysis? The majority of his support comes from your "dumb rubes". The conservative intelligentsia recoils from his and his platform.
    Not all of them. It is a very lively debate, and some of the intelligensia that you speak of (e.g. the National Review) have adopted some irrational or poorly thought out positions in this process that don't stand up to scrutiny.


    • The Republican Party has spent decades purging centrists from its ranks. The Democratic Party's centrists are all owned and bought by Wall Street. Being called a compromiser is considered a huge insult in modern politics.

      Since the early 60's the Republican Party, in order to regain power, abandoned its history of social progressivism and instead embraced the angry white voters who hated the federal government and especially hated the civil rights movement. The goal was to make white working class voters (often from families who had only been in the United States for one or two generations) identify more with their white bosses and the aristocratic upper class than with blacks and Hispanics who worked alongside them in factories. Break up the New Deal Coalition, which had been the backbone of the Democratic Party for over 30 years.


      • Basically today's Democrats are like the Republican Party of the 50's. Today's Republicans are the John Birch Society.


        • Put it in CFB terms so we'll understand.


          • "The Republican Party has spent decades purging centrists from its ranks."

            My mother who was a Barry Goldwater Republican and in fact ran for state office as a Republican hasn't voted for a Republican since Ronald Reagan, not because her politics have changed but because the party has purged the centrists from its ranks and have left her no choice.


            • I'm at the Minny airport right now. The TSA guy who checked my boarding pass said "Heading to Flint, huh? Don't drink the water!" Nice rep Flint has gained. Going from being the #1 most violent city in America (sorry Detroit, you're #3) to Toxic-land. You get more lead from drinking than from getting shot.
              “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


              • If Cruz drops out, his supporters will probably not preferentially go to Rubio or Bush. When Fiorina drops out, her supporters will go to Trump
                When Fiorina drops out, her supporters will go to a bar.


                • The Evangelicals in Iowa are not turned off by Trump, and he actually thinks he is winning then. Trump is pro-choice, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage. The social conservatives have been the bain of the Rep party. How do you get Jerry Falwell to endorse Trump? Makes no sense at all, except if you postulate that the calculation has been made that Trump has the best chance of beating Hillary. I think that is untrue, but that is what the movement evangelicals seem to think.


                  • It'll be somewhat fascinating if both Trump and Sanders win Iowa on Monday. Both already have huge leads in New Hampshire the following week


                    • Bernie= Democrat version of Trump in this populist environment.
                      Atlanta, GA


                      • Trump is setup better than Sanders. He wins Iowa and NH and it's over. If Trump was a regular politician with this lead he would be thought of as the presumptive nominee. He has one hurdle to clear and that is proving his polling rate translates into vorers.

                        Sanders isn't polling well outside of those two states and doesn't have much of an organization. Of course if you win those two, polling and organization can improve in a hurry.


                        • Bernie has no hope of winning the nomination regardless of what happens in Iowa or New Hampshire. The only thing that can stop Hillary is a federal indictment and I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.


                          • I don't think either Trump or Cruz will win the general election, and none of the other Republicans are even close to those two.


                            • We need a Kasich miracle! Ohio to the rescue! Like the good ol' days of Grant, Sherman, Chamberlain, Hayes and Meyer.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                                We need a Kasich miracle! Like the good ol' days of Grant, Sherman, Chamberlain.
                                Kasich is by far my favorite of the clownshow. It's too bad he's not a crazy dickhead or he might actually get some traction.

