Silly racist Republicans, correlating financial means, social adaptability, cultural proximity, health, and skills with race (or actually country of origin). It's almost as if we understand human nature and basic economics.
So, here are our top two immigrant suppliers (China and Mexico), compared with a representative sample of countries of predominantly European ancestry and the United States on a number of metrics that indicate social, physical, political, and financial health:
Infant mortality rate by country:
Mexico: 11.6
China: 12.0
Norway: 2.5
Australia: 4.3
United States: 5.8
Health index by country ranking:
Mexico: #71
China: #91
Norway: #1
Australia: #2
United States: #5
GDP per capita by country:
Mexico: $19,900
China: $16,700
Norway: $71,800
Australia: $50,300
United States: $59,500
Education index by country -- ranking
Mexico: #101
China: #106
Norway: #4
Australia: #1
United States: #8
(Fuckin' racists thinking that there is some kind of correlation between country of origin and the ability to contribute to our economy. Why can't Republicans stop being so racist and see that everybody around the world is exactly the same?)
Economic freedom by country -- ranking
Mexico: #50
China: Off the charts unranked
Norway: #31
Australia: #3
United States: #10
Political freedom by country -- ranking
Mexico: #104
China: #186
Norway: #2
Australia: #6
United States: #53
Homicide rate per 100,000 by country
Mexico: 19.26
China: 0.62 (at least you are safe from getting knifed on the street or shot there)
Norway: 0.51
Australia: 0.94
United States: 5.35
Anti-Semitism by country -- the percentage of citizens who harbor anti-Semitic views (per the ADL)
I am including this one because it's topical, and also because DSL is obsessed with anti-Semitism of white Christians and only white Christians
Mexico: 24%
China: 20%
Norway: 15%
Australia: 14%
United States: 10%
As a bonus, here is a sampling of some Middle Eastern countries: Jordan 81%, Saudi Arabia 74%, Egypt 75%.
Just to drive this point home -- we Nazis would prefer that we accept immigrants from countries with less anti-Semitic views preferentially over immigrants from countries with more anti-Semitic views. The anti-Nazi freedom loving Liberals of the country want us to flood the country with people who hail from lands that harbor more anti-Semitic views than the United States. I swear it's almost as if they are just pretending to care about anti-Semitism and using it as a weapon to silence critics!
Here are immigration partners 3 through 10:
Cuba, India, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Vietnam, Haiti, El Salvador, Jamaica.
All of the top ten are shitty places to live compared to both the United States and our major pre Hart-Cellar immigration partners. Poorer, less educated, less healthy, and/or less free. Shitty by just about any metric that we consider to be important. The one exception is violent crime, where Asian countries have good numbers. But as you can see our Central American neighbors don't.
So, should this country have skill/means-based immigration or should we have race/nationality-based immigration? Statistically speaking, they are the same thing.
So, here are our top two immigrant suppliers (China and Mexico), compared with a representative sample of countries of predominantly European ancestry and the United States on a number of metrics that indicate social, physical, political, and financial health:
Infant mortality rate by country:
Mexico: 11.6
China: 12.0
Norway: 2.5
Australia: 4.3
United States: 5.8
Health index by country ranking:
Mexico: #71
China: #91
Norway: #1
Australia: #2
United States: #5
GDP per capita by country:
Mexico: $19,900
China: $16,700
Norway: $71,800
Australia: $50,300
United States: $59,500
Education index by country -- ranking
Mexico: #101
China: #106
Norway: #4
Australia: #1
United States: #8
(Fuckin' racists thinking that there is some kind of correlation between country of origin and the ability to contribute to our economy. Why can't Republicans stop being so racist and see that everybody around the world is exactly the same?)
Economic freedom by country -- ranking
Mexico: #50
China: Off the charts unranked
Norway: #31
Australia: #3
United States: #10
Political freedom by country -- ranking
Mexico: #104
China: #186
Norway: #2
Australia: #6
United States: #53
Homicide rate per 100,000 by country
Mexico: 19.26
China: 0.62 (at least you are safe from getting knifed on the street or shot there)
Norway: 0.51
Australia: 0.94
United States: 5.35
Anti-Semitism by country -- the percentage of citizens who harbor anti-Semitic views (per the ADL)
I am including this one because it's topical, and also because DSL is obsessed with anti-Semitism of white Christians and only white Christians
Mexico: 24%
China: 20%
Norway: 15%
Australia: 14%
United States: 10%
As a bonus, here is a sampling of some Middle Eastern countries: Jordan 81%, Saudi Arabia 74%, Egypt 75%.
Just to drive this point home -- we Nazis would prefer that we accept immigrants from countries with less anti-Semitic views preferentially over immigrants from countries with more anti-Semitic views. The anti-Nazi freedom loving Liberals of the country want us to flood the country with people who hail from lands that harbor more anti-Semitic views than the United States. I swear it's almost as if they are just pretending to care about anti-Semitism and using it as a weapon to silence critics!
Here are immigration partners 3 through 10:
Cuba, India, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Vietnam, Haiti, El Salvador, Jamaica.
All of the top ten are shitty places to live compared to both the United States and our major pre Hart-Cellar immigration partners. Poorer, less educated, less healthy, and/or less free. Shitty by just about any metric that we consider to be important. The one exception is violent crime, where Asian countries have good numbers. But as you can see our Central American neighbors don't.
So, should this country have skill/means-based immigration or should we have race/nationality-based immigration? Statistically speaking, they are the same thing.