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  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

    War is too profitable to try and stop it, Hack. Jesus would understand. Why can't you?
    Am an East Coast elite.


    • Doesn't fit the market-oriented narrative about how winners in the private sector are those who produce good stuff at the lowest cost. You can be damn well sure that were it Germany that invaded Iraq, Siemens would have scored this deal. GE lost to Siemens in Egypt a few years ago though, and since Trump isn't trying nearly as hard in Nigeria -- two of the other most promising markets for selling electricity turbines. Sure would help if the GOP didn't fuck around with OPIC so much, or peddle that false narrative about foreign aid being unaffordable and bringing no benefits back home.


      • Big props to the Weekly Standard for publishing this. First significant criticism of Steve King from a well-known conservative publication that I've seen

        For background, today Steve King endorsed white nationalist Faith Goldy for Mayor of Toronto (why he thought the citizens of Toronto give a flying fuck what some angry guy in Western Iowa thinks, I do not know). Faith Goldy earlier this year endorsed a book by the name of "For My Legionaries". Written in the 1930's it, among other things, calls for the extermination of Jews. Its author was a leader of the 1930's Romanian fascist party who was later assasinated; but his party would eventually align with Hitler.

        Faith Goldy thinks that book has great ideas.

        Steve King thinks Faith Goldy has the makings of a great leader.

        This is also far from the only time when King has celebrated or praised a white nationalist or neo-nazi.


        • Don McGahan's last day as WH counsel was today. Originally was supposed to stay through midterms but Trump wanted him out sooner rather than later.


          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
            Don McGahan's last day as WH counsel was today. Originally was supposed to stay through midterms but Trump wanted him out sooner rather than later.
            He was there to get through Kavanaugh.


            • Originally posted by Kapture1 View Post
              don't most college kids not change their address while at school?

              i know i didn't. had to vote absentee
              Yes, but you voted legally.


              • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                Yes, but you voted legally.
                I don't know (or care) what the laws are in Michigan, but there's nothing remotely illegal about an OSU student from Ashtabula voting at his local precinct in Columbus rather than absentee in Ashtabula. So long as he's not voting in both.

                A college student may vote using his or her Ohio school residence address if the student does not intend to return to a different permanent address. When a college student registers to vote from his or her school address, the school residence is considered to be the place to which the student's habitation is fixed and to which, whenever the student is absent, the student intends to return, and is considered by the student to be his or her permanent residence at the time of voting. Any other previous residence for voting purposes is no longer valid. It is illegal for a person to register and vote from two different addresses.


                • The Saudi have a thousand princes running around there, there's no sense in sucking up to this idiot. You can still have the toxic alliance without this stupid guy. Get him pushed aside. A real leader could figure this out, unfortunately the US is stuck with bankrupt businessman dependent on money of autocrats.


                  • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                    Yes, but you voted legally.
                    the fuck i did.

                    In Michigan, the address on your license must match the precinct in which you are voting. Like I said, most college students don't change the address on their license when attending college, specifically in Michigan in order to be able to stay on their parents auto insurance.

                    When I moved out the city of Flint I tried to vote in the 2014 midterms at my new address the morning before work. I had yet to change the address on my licence through the SOS, however I did change my address on my voter registration. Didn't matter. I could not vote where I lived because my license still showed my former address. Had to change my address at the SOS on lunch to be able to vote where I now live that evening.


                    • There's no way he's not the most-hated man in the kingdom, given the way he's strongarmed cousins into giving back money in that anti-corruption drive. Shortly afterward he set the record for the highest price bought for an oil painting. If that's not rubbing their noses in it then I don't know what is. They're not even getting what they thought they would -- he's not an economic reformer and has brought to the table no new ideas. He's pursuing the standard petrostate diversity strategy, as KSA was before him. Can he execute on the big ideas? So far, no. The failed Aramco IPO was a big black mark there. And it's not as if the old guard didn't know how to do big things. They nationalized their oil, maintained their relationship with the Americans anyways, have built on Aramco rather than letting it go to shit once the foreigners leave, and build downstream industries. So the way of the older ones has proven it can get big shit done. There's more execution risk going with the young hothead, in fact.

                      The senior brothers have surely got to be talking about this right now. We haven't even mentioned the strain they are putting on the UAE in Yemen, and that's their most important ally in the region. I'd imagine that it might just take a little push from the US to shift the crown to some other prince.


                      • House of Saud = House Harkonnen.
                        "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                        • MBS = Ramsey Bolton
                          “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                          • Nick Saban, Jerry West, and Bob Huggins cut a commercial supporting Joe Manchin


                            • Good lord. If Manchin is doing that then he must feel uncomfortable even after supporting Kav.

                              And a D Super PAC is pouring money into New Jersey to keep everyone's favorite Senator solid.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • Revenues were UP UP UP under the R tax cuts.

                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

