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  • I'll also add that if you keep a gun in your house or any of your relatives owns a gun, you're far more likely to be killed by that weapon than some Islamic terrorist bursting through the door shrieking Allahu Akbar

    Not that there's anything wrong with owning a gun. Get some if you enjoy them. Just have a realistic view of the threats/benefits.


    • His academic record is very impressive.
      "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


      • The Trump-Sanders hypothetical is hilariously entertaining. That would be insanity as a result of the very sane desire to shun mainstream candidates. It'll be interesting to see how Sanders does, though. I wouldn't have thought he'd get this far, but the guy is awesome and IMO od course the best candidate. I don't think it's happening in this election cycle but maybe by the time the next one rolls around Americans will be ready to look at the policies instead of being spooked by the labels. Seems that's the slow-motion direction in which the zeitgeist is headed. Time for the pendulum to swing again.

        It would make perfect sense to vote for OP, that said. Canada is going to rule this place eventually, whether because it collapses on itself and Canadians are required to come down and be sane, or because OP is recognized as a savior. Either way.
        Last edited by hack; January 5, 2016, 09:31 PM.


        • On another note, this story from last week pointed out the sickening hypocrisy most Republicans and even a lot of Democrats have when it comes to privacy and personal freedoms. It turns out we spied on Israel and conservatives don't like that ONE BIT

          Republicans support an expansive surveillance state -- unless it's their calls to a foreign government that are being intercepted.

          1) Most of the people 'outraged' that we would spy on Israel had no problems whatsoever with the NSA collecting and gathering all personal phone calls and data of every 'ordinary' American. It's only when a Congressman's phone call gets tapped do they object.

          2) None of these people had a problem with us spying on Germany or France. Most of them don't even have a problem when Israel gets caught SPYING ON US ( But when WE spy on ISRAEL?? Shit hits the fan!


          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
            I'd vote for Rubio and Kasich. I'm a little unsure about Rubio be primetime, but whatever. Cruz is f'n brilliant. If he weren't so damn conservative then I'd easily vote for him. But, well, he is.

            If it's Trump-Sanders then all is lost. I'd vote for OP over either of those two.
            Most sense you've made in years. In order make this dream a reality it starts with a lot of this:

            As for DSL, quick is the word and sharp is the action while we still have electricity.
            "Whole milk, not the candy-ass 2-percent or skim milk."


            • Right. Let's revisit some predictions Republicans made in 2012 about what would happen to America if Obama was reelected.

              Rush was predicting a total economic collapse


              • Gingrich ran on $2.50 gas and 6% unemployment. And those were campaign promises!
                Last edited by Mike; January 5, 2016, 10:40 PM.


                • The shale boom and the Saudis response has forced gas prices fabulously low while also shitting on environmentalists catastrophic "peak oil" nonsense.

                  That's ironic because Obama and Ds are no fan of fracking.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • The shale boom has helped hide a lot of economic problems and keep inflation low, kind of like how Denard Robinson hid a lot of shitty offensive line play.


                    • Denard = shale. LOL!


                      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                        That's ironic because Obama and Ds are no fan of fracking.
                        Alot of people who live with the earthquakes it causes aren't.

                        It'll be banned eventually IMO. Even in Texas there's pushback against it.

                        Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk


                        • It might be restricted but it won't be banned.


                          • It's a market decision. Restrictions and such are easy at $40/barrel. That shit won't fly at $100/barrel.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • It'll fly when enough damage is done, just as it flew vis-a-vis pollution controls when similar arguments were made.


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                                I'll also add that if you keep a gun in your house or any of your relatives owns a gun, you're far more likely to be killed by that weapon than some Islamic terrorist bursting through the door shrieking Allahu Akbar

                                Not that there's anything wrong with owning a gun. Get some if you enjoy them. Just have a realistic view of the threats/benefits.
                                This. The Islamaphobia in this country is absurd....if you get shot, its going to be because some 20-year Goth loser with two Berettas and a God Complex walks into Starbucks while you're waiting for a latte.

                                That however, we're willing to deal with. ISIS makes a Facebook post though, and people go apeshit.

